Kazuo Inoue

Рождение : 1924-12-27, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

Смерть : 2011-06-26


Жить-то я жил: Биография Ясудзиро Одзу
Крупный проект, приуроченный к 80-летию со дня рождения Ясудзиро Одзу и 20-летию со дня его смерти. Знаменитые актёры, режиссёры, сценаристы, лично знавшие Одзу, и его родственники делятся своими воспоминаниями о мастере.
Жить-то я жил: Биография Ясудзиро Одзу
Крупный проект, приуроченный к 80-летию со дня рождения Ясудзиро Одзу и 20-летию со дня его смерти. Знаменитые актёры, режиссёры, сценаристы, лично знавшие Одзу, и его родственники делятся своими воспоминаниями о мастере.
Мне отмщение, и аз воздам
Семьдесят восемь дней смертельного веселья безжалостного человека — история о воре, убийце, мошеннике и сердцееде Ивао Энокидзу.
Без роду и племени
По роману Сэйтё Мацумото. В начале XIX века в Японии человек, который не вписан в семейный регистр какой-либо семьи, всё равно, что не существует. Он не пользуется никакими правами. Сёгунатом было принято решение сослать группу таких людей на остров Садо, обиталище каторжан. На самом острове происходит сложная политическая игра. Сосланные чувствуют несправедливость, поскольку никакого преступления они не совершили. На золотой шахте постоянно гибнут люди. Несчастные мечтают о побеге, однако известно, что с этого острова ещё никому не удалось бежать.
Incidental Murders
The daughter of the wealthy Soga family is kidnapped and her fiance is murdered. But the kidnappers, Tatsu and Sanko are unaware that Tatsuko is the heiress to a fortune. Two strong-arm brothers, Kosaka and Takeshi, learn of her identity and join the gang in an effort to shake down the tycoon for ten million yen. Upon joining forces, their first move is to rid themselves of the driver whose identity is known to the police because of a cap which he left behind at the scene of the crime. Upon obtaining the ransom money, the brothers murder the two kidnappers and go to the port city of Kobe. The younger brother, Takeshi, has fallen in love with the prisoner and refuses to allow her to be killed and they take her with them from one hideout to another.
Incidental Murders
The daughter of the wealthy Soga family is kidnapped and her fiance is murdered. But the kidnappers, Tatsu and Sanko are unaware that Tatsuko is the heiress to a fortune. Two strong-arm brothers, Kosaka and Takeshi, learn of her identity and join the gang in an effort to shake down the tycoon for ten million yen. Upon joining forces, their first move is to rid themselves of the driver whose identity is known to the police because of a cap which he left behind at the scene of the crime. Upon obtaining the ransom money, the brothers murder the two kidnappers and go to the port city of Kobe. The younger brother, Takeshi, has fallen in love with the prisoner and refuses to allow her to be killed and they take her with them from one hideout to another.
Goodbye to Glory
A story of an ardent young man who laid down his life for his country.
High Teen
Terasaki, the new history teacher at the Senior High School, finds encouragement in the words of his Principal. "There are no bad children in this world. Some may be hard to handle but a teacher should never lose courage … never give up." But when put in charge of the third year class C, reputed to be the most incorrigible in the whole school, he is faced with surly opposition from the start. However, Terasaki perseveres. His greatest headaches are three students ... Sanae, who develops a "crush" on him, Nakanishi, who seeks to forget his unhappy home life in rugby, and Nire his pal.
Farewell to Summer