Živojin 'Žika' Milenković

Živojin 'Žika' Milenković

Рождение : 1928-01-26, Nis, Serbia, Yugoslavia

Смерть : 2008-03-18


Živojin 'Žika' Milenković


Attack on the Station Express
The main actors in this low budget, independent film live in disharmony with their thoughts and speech. For same reason, its sound doesn't correspond to picture, which is the outcome of global worldwide disharmony of our time. Such disharmony exists both in this film, whose heroes aim for freedom, and in lives of people in audience who want that freedom, while not knowing what they should be freed of.
1 on 1
Mačak is the best basketball player around the blocks of New Belgrade. Meanwhile, his friend is bullied by a local gangster Koma, whom he owns money. To pay off his debt, Mačak will play 1 on 1 with the rival player, eventually winning it. However, Koma doesn't stand on his promise, so Mačak decides to solve this problem the other way.
Sweet of Dreams
Deni, a young woman working in McDonalds, has dreams of fame. When a producer discovers her singing talent he gets her into the game. However, she soon feels overburdened. Fortunately, the ghost of Elvis is there to help her.
Gunfight at Casino Cabaret
Gazda Buzda
Two friends who work in a detective agency rob their boss in order to be hired by him to find the thieves. Their plan goes wrong after the man with a white hat steals their money. The investigation leads them to a casino cabaret club run by notorious Cornelone.
Balkan Perestroika
Осовремененная комедия по роману Бранислава Нушича о жизни и работе «мелкого фабриканта», его профессиональных и семейных отношениях.
The Fall of Rock and Roll
Inspektor SUP-a
Omnibus film, consisting of three independent parts: in the first story, Koma, a failed rocker, wants to prove to his producer father that newly composed music could be better than his. He becomes a mysterious masked folk singer-known as Ninja. In the second, Dracula is killed... again. This time he does not dies oby way of a wooden stake, a silver bullet, or a cross. A blonde woman manages to deprive him of eternal life without the help of sunrise. The last story is about Eve and Djuro. She is creator, he is a musician. They live in a harmonious relationship, but a love letter brings division among them.
The Balkan Mass-Media Sciences
Drug milicioner
An eminent communist wants to make his son a respected person so he could live without much trouble. He fails to accomplish that due to his son's different vision of success.
Tight Skin 3
Majstor Raca
At 56 years of age Mita Pantić (Nikola Simić) is still only a junior clerk in his company. Another typical workday for him is starting at 6 a.m. as frustration awaits at every turn from the moment he gets up. Trying to get ready to go to work, he can barely get a turn to use the bathroom in the crowded apartment. Other members of the household are not without their frustrations either, meaning that nagging and shouting are a staple of their home life at any time of day.
The Bizarre Country
Ministar poljoprivrede
A man dies in a foreign land. On his deathbed he asks his son to bury his bones in his fatherland, a country of brave and honest people, a country of tragic but heroic past. His son wonders the world unsuccessfully looking for his father's home. He eventually finds the country in which people speak in his father's language, but everything else is absurd and unbelievable and does not fit his father's stories.
Balkan Express 2
A group of musicians, whose band is called "Balkan express", in fact a quintet of small-time crooks , trying to make some money in Nazi-occupied Serbia.
A story of a young man from the suburb, who gets his experience on the street and in bars. His girlfriend belongs to the same environment. When he goes to army, she tries to get away, giving the only thing she has - her good looks. She poses nude for some magazine. Seeing that photo, the young man escapes from the army, demanding an explanation. His return to a place where he once belonged, causes questioning of himself, discussions with so-called friends, and finally with the girl...
And This Will Pass, Too...
Gazda Stanko
Wonderful war stories about Isidor Katanic, officer who spent his working life as a calligrapher writing to various documents. Resignation living at home, living with rampant wife and her son from a previous marriage, sloth. Very soon retire and go to the river. On the bank of the Sava river meets an old friend, a former captain in love with the river. Accepting new way of life, isidor becomes a different man. But it comes terrifying wartime.Yugoslavia was occupied, the terror begins. Isidor is witnessed changes and in him growing need to resist the atrocities of the invaders. He refuses to flee with his family from Belgrade, it becomes illegal brave, little hero of invisible front.
Душитель против душителя
Inspector Gane
В Белграде в начале 80-х появляется душитель женщин. Он цветочник, и убивает девушек за то, что им не нравятся гвоздики. Факт появления маньяка крайне будоражит жителей города, особенно начинающего рок-музыканта Спиридона, у которого вроде как появляется спиритическая связь с убийцей…
Обманчивое лето 68-го
1968 год, по всей Европе гремят молодёжные выступления против войны, за свободу слова, сексуальную революцию. К этим выступлениям присоединяется и молодежь Югославии, которая в Белграде выходит поддержать своих братьев по духу из Парижа. На этом фоне разворачивается семейная драма и история первой любви и страсти. Петар живёт в сербской Воеводине, в небольшем городке Суботица под неусыпным контролем отца. В отличие от многих юношей своего возраста, он мечтает встретить «девушку всей своей жизни», а пока без ума от своей преподавательницы социологии. Отец намерен наставить сына на правильный путь, чтобы отпрыск достиг больших высот, чем удалось достичь ему. Это противостояние отца и сына приводит к ряду комичных ситуаций и краху семейной идиллии.
How I Was Systematically Destroyed by Idiots
The film follows a life of a homeless, but very well read, Marxist who is coping with Che's death and wishes to live a life of revolutions and workers' uprisings. He is a hypochondriac, bitter at the world, and blaming his old capitalist boss for his life's misery.
The Adventures of Borivoje Surdilovic
Soća Šurdilović
Fascinated by his friend's success abroad, an out-of-work barber Šurda tries his luck in Germany. Incapable to accept any job that would suit him, he returns to his homeland in disappointment. Based on a popular TV serial "Hot Wind" ("Vruć vetar").
More Than a Game
Načelnik Vasić
Popular TV series has been reedited into a theatrical film with additional material that has not been seen on TV before. The film is a homage to the legends of the Yugoslav theater, some of whom are no longer alive. The story takes place in the town for ten years from 1931 to 1941 and shows the conflict of progressive and humane ideas with fascism. A film made from the TV series of the same name (nine episodes) realized in 1976 and shown in 1977.
Do You Know Pavle Pleso?
Poslovođa Jelenko
Experienced crane driver helps a village boy to get along in the big city.
The Wind
Šef gradilišta
The story of two workers who returned from abroad. One of them wants to find a good job, Adam, and the other one wants to earn money by smuggling, Beli. Between them two there's young woman, Mila, who has had experience with the second one. Running away from the man who is the incarnation of evil for her, she is trying to find happiness and peace with another one in vain.
Why Did Alija Alijagic Shoot
The reconstruction of assassination of Milorad Draskovic, then-minister of internal affairs in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, that took place on July 21, 1921 in Delnice, Croatia. This TV drama uses authentic recordings from the trial that resulted in death by hanging of Alija Alijagic, the man who shot one of the government's chief ministers.
And God Created a Tavern Singer
Damnjan Ilić
An electro-technician falls in love with a bar singer, but her job environment, full of alcohol, despair and tired truck drivers, causes nothing but troubles for him.
The Bet
Šanker Kale
A young woman leaves her older husband, the owner of a village mill, for a truck driver whom she met while he was in their village by business. While trying to find him, she experiences the life in suburbia, and gets back to her husband disappointed, disgraced and humiliated.
Milorad: The Place to Be
A new year's special dedicated to the popular comedy "Ljubav na seoski nacin".
Ranko Tajsić, narodni poslanik
TV drama that depicts treatment and persecution of outlaws in the Kingdom of Serbia during 1860s.
God Died in Vain
A trademark comedy by well known Yugoslav writer Radivoje 'Lola' Djukic. Nenad and Predrag are twin brothers. Nenad is the poor carpenter who works in the factory with deep financial problems, and he is one of the union leaders. On the other hand, his twin brother Predrag is the successful executive of a large socialist company, and he enjoys all the benefits of his position. As Predrag's company refuses to give a loan to Nenad's factory, Nenad decides to kidnap his twin brother with his union mates and to take his place in order to get the credit. But in the process, their plan has been unexpectedly changed.