Aleksandar Matić


The Name of the People
Tomašek Bela
Life of Serbian patriot and intelectual Svetozar Miletic and his family in a fight to free Serbian people from Austria-Hungary.
The State of the Dead
When the war in Yugoslavia breaks out, an army officer who's ethnic Slovenian yet still believes in Yugoslavia, decides to move to Belgrade. The country continues to fall apart and so does his family failing to find acceptance there.
Evil Woman
Sultana and the bootmaker's wife Pela looks very much like each other, with replacement clothing and residence, Sultana becomes Pela and Pela becomes Sultana. The consequence of disguise is that the Sultana are undergoing torture from Pela's husband which changes her nature, which makes positive impact on her environment. The script abounds with musical numbers that contribute to the atmosphere, establish era and the place of action, and in this play bring vaudeville jollity.
Бой на Косовом поле
28 июня на Видовдан (День Св. Вида) 1389 года на Косовом поле в Южной Сербии произошло решающее сражение между объединенными войсками сербов и боснийцев под предводительством князя Лазаря и турецкой армией, возглавляемой султаном Мурадом Первым. На Косовом поле сербы приняли неравный бой с превосходящими силами турок, и главным был именно их выбор — свободное судьбоносное решение бороться, но не предавать. Косовская битва, раскрывшая евангельскую этику сербского народа, переживается как торжество мучеников, но никогда — как поражение.
Balkan Express 2
A group of musicians, whose band is called "Balkan express", in fact a quintet of small-time crooks , trying to make some money in Nazi-occupied Serbia.