David Rocha

David Rocha


David Rocha


The Evil's Heritage
A man marries a wealthy woman (the daughter of a Nazi general) for her money and she "accidentally" dies in a fire. Soon after, prostitutes he brings back to his castle are being killed by a gloved killer.
El rey y la reina
My Friend the Vagabond
El Flaco
Nazario is a wanderer who makes his living playing an old guitar in the streets of Madrid. From what he gets, he lives together with Sam, an orphan of eight years, which he hosted for charity and adores. The problem is that a wealthy and childless marriage intends to take the child
Приключения Энрике и Анны
Profesor acusica
Путешественник и исследователь Стенли, обнаружил у одного из племен в Южной Азии волшебный Оранжевый камень, способный обращать предметы в золото, делать их невидимыми, а затем материализовать и полностью их разрушить. Однако камнем овладевает злой барон Некруч, который с его помощью хочет обрести власть над всем миром. Но Стенли удается выкрасть камень вместе с бюстом бога Вишну. И вот теперь он приехал к профессору Осборну, чтобы вместе с ним противостоять Некручу желающему забрать у него камень.В замок профессора приезжают Энрике, учитель физкультуры и его сестра Анна. Вместе с ними музыкальная группа Коконут (Кокос). Борьба добра и зла в фильме сопровождается веселыми песнями в исполнении Энрике и Анны в сопровождении группы Коконут и завершается победой над бароном Некручем.
Night of the Werewolf
An evil witch brings back to life the infamous Elizabeth Bathory, who was executed several hundred years previously for murdering young women and bathing in their blood.
The Cantabrians
Legado Cayo Furnio
In this film Paul Naschy embodies the Roman general Agrippa Vipsanio in a fierce battle against the tribal leaders Cantabrians, Corocota. Fierce battles, gladiators fighting, adventure and intrigue in this film as in the Roman conquest of Hispania.
The Traveller
The devil, following in the footsteps of Christ, decides to become flesh and take a stroll around Earth to see how humans have progressed, and have a little fun creating havoc and mayhem in the process.
El último pecado de la burguesía
Two women and a man in the Garden of Love: each leaves his past behind to fully live this triangle which many consider a sin, immoral. "They marry" symbolically to share everything between them. Society condemns them and never accept them, but they do not really matter as long as you have each other.
Этот смутный объект желания
El Morenito
Пожилой мужчина влюбляется в молоденькую девушку, которая, осознавая свою власть над ним, мучает и дразнит его, соблазняя и ускользая в последний момент. Роль девушки исполняют две актрисы, воплощающие разные стороны одной личности…
The Apolitical Man
Enrique Tolosa is a boss administrator of a small company which employs 50 workers. There never has gotten into politics, has made ​​himself stood professionally and created a family and no one has asked opinion on how would be the destiny of their country. The story begins whenheI first asked to give their vote at the polls for the election of political parties. With the decision to vote is faced with doubt and decides to investigate on their own to know which political trends that are managed as possible, is the one he goes to his temperament.
Sexy... amor y fantasía
La menor
The Killer of Dolls
A groundskeeper's son, who is mentally unstable due to childhood trauma, goes on a murdering spree where his perception of reality is distorted by imagining people as mannequins and vice versa.
El último viaje
Guardia Civil
Commissioner Mendoza must join forces with the honorable civil guard, to stop the activities of a network of drug traffickers with international contacts that intend to act in Spain.
Aborto criminal