Thomas Loibl
Рождение : 1969-01-01, Brüggen, Germany
Ralf Frieding
Ralf Frieding
Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger
20 января 1942 года ведущие представители нацистского режима Германии собрались на вилле в Берлине-Ваннзее на встречу, вошедшую в историю как Ваннзейская конференция, на которой было принято решение о систематическом убийстве 11 миллионов евреев.
Holger Arndt
On a Friday afternoon, there was an unexpected knock on the door of the staff room of a city high school. An ambitious father is willing to go to extremes to get his son admitted to high school. The six teachers who are still at school so shortly before the start of the weekend now have to find out the hard way. After some unexpected twists and embarrassing revelations, true abysses open up for everyone involved...
Jürgen Gmoll
On a freezing cold winter day, several guests visit their relatives in an old people's home in the Frankfurt area. When the weather changes shortly afterwards and black ice falls over the area, the guests unexpectedly get stuck.
A bag with over 600,000 euros in cash, just like that in a towed car: When Maren, who works at a car depot, finds the bag, she cannot resist the temptation. She takes the money for herself. Her husband Dennis is shocked. But he is in a wheelchair after an accident. It will be a long time before he can walk again, and whether the insurance will pay is uncertain. The unexpected money is a blessing and gives Maren and Dennis a real perspective.
Ralf Frieding
A mountain hiking tour of friends brings to light unexpected conflicts.
Martin Kühn
Мартин Беренс - эксперт по Ближнему Востоку, работающий на немецкую разведку BND. Его жизнь выходит из-под контроля, когда террористы нападают на мюнхенский ресторан, и одной из жертв оказывается его подруга Аурис Кёлер. Но действительно ли Аурис просто случайная жертва теракта?
What happens if the global crisis suddenly becomes personal? After her twin sister has simply run away, Emmi goes on a search for clues. Surrounded by overwhelmed adults and terror news, she tries to sound out her perplexity between loss of control and dreamy longing ...
Dr. Lessing
Dramatised origin story of one of Germany's most beloved contemporary comedians.
Stephan Rüter
She has her life firmly under control - but then the unbelievable happens. For seven hours, Hanna, who works as a psychotherapist in a Bavarian high-security prison, is taken hostage in her office by one of her patients. She is at the mercy of her tormentor, whom she has recently made a positive prognosis, and is raped several times. While the SEK Hanna, who is standing in front of the door, looks to safety, a convicted rapist destroys the life of a wife, mother and self-confident, cheerful woman. After the fact, nothing is as it was.
Ranger Forester
Маленькой ведьме всего 127 лет, и она слишком юна для ежегодного шабаша. Хоть она и недостаточно взрослая, она хочет стать действительно хорошей ведьмой. И это приносит немало проблем в ее волшебном мире.
Nick Gerber
In the summer of 1976, a shared family yard becomes the setting, as the adults bicker over selling the garden and the kids are free to explore the mysterious neighboring lot. Then they hear about a girl that has disappeared...
It was a devastating day for Arnold and his wife, Karen when their son, Christian, a soldier in the German armed forces, told them he was going to be deployed abroad. Everything is different now. Arnold has decided to retreat to a secluded mountain hut in Tirol along with his dog in order to finally find some peace of mind. Barely has he reached his snow drenched destination, when he discovers the threatening traces of an intruder. While ruminating over the news of his son and the conversations he had with his wife, Arnold must also battle against an unknown fiend if he wants to save his own life.
Bestatter Kunkel
When Stefan's father dies, the theater actor has to return to his hometown Bochum. But it is not easy to get rid of his parents' house, a monument of his life, when he meets Charlie with his old friends, acquaintances and his childhood sweetheart.
In Munich's apartment building No. 23, one still shares in the joy and suffering of the neighbors. The single mother Miriam fell in love with the pastor Gregor. But his community is outraged. A pastor who is married to a woman who is still married is out of the question for her. Meanwhile, Miriam's ex-husband tries to regain Miriam. Daughter Jule is in need: she wants her dad back, but she also likes mom's new friend Gregor.
Бывший учитель музыки, весельчак и выдумщик Винфред, решает наладить отношения с дочерью, успешным бизнес-консультантом одной из престижных корпораций. Чтобы завладеть ее вниманием, он выдает себя за эксцентричного бизнесмена Тони Эрдманна. Своими уморительными и шокирующими выходками он надеется изменить ее представление о жизни и завоевать место в ее сердце.
Kommissar Markus Minow
For Pastor Judith Ehrmann, her job as an emergency counselor is more than just part of her job: giving people assistance is a vocation for them. But when a classmate of her son dies in a car accident, that's unusual. Judith begins to doubt: herself, her job - but also her family. For all at once everything seems to indicate that her own husband and son were involved in the accident and now want to cover this up. The emotionally intense drama of award-winning director Aelrun Goette raises fundamental themes without giving easy answers.
Aaron Killy
Simon Grünberg (12) never cared for his Jewish heritage, while his divorced parents bicker whether he should to his bar mithzva as father Frank wants, or save his foreskin as mother Hannah holds. When he falls in love at first sight of the new 'rabbi' Rebecca, Ben decides to join the preparatory religious class hoping to win her.
Sibylle, a pragmatic architect, mother and wife, witnesses a suicide of a woman her age while on vacation in Italy. Devastated by this incident, it causes the perception of her life and her family to change. Something inside of her has been set in motion that seems to endanger everything which she has defined herself by...
Horst Rowohlt
A tall and a small masked man wearing police uniforms driving the local cop car rob 600.000 Euro from a money transport in Eifel town Monreal. Incompetent state inspector Melanie Marschall focuses local police detectives Killmer and Kati Biever, neither of which has an alibi, both had the car keys, even fitting masks where found at Killmer's home. The are suspended, needing to find the -obviously well-informed- real culprits, while precinct colleague Ralf is recruited to spy on them. While Kati's irresponsible grandmother loads further suspicion on them, the cop pair finds several townsfolk and Melanie Marschall in financial need, yet no conclusive clue until a murder raises crucial questions.
Paul (40 yrs old) visits his elderly parents after a long time away. While father has joined a so called free-church, mother is now in a wheelchair and never leaves the house. Paul has not been aware of any of this. He has only come to visit because he is broke and needs money. Father is about to take a trip with his church and has promised to pay Paul for taking care of his mother while he is away.
Peter Brandner
Prosecutor Charlotte Reinke investigates in a sensitive case: The eight-year-old Laura accuses her father novel of sexual abuse. This indignantly rejects the suspicion. The child had made the accusation under the influence of the mother, who only wanted to take revenge for having left her for another. Does Roman say the truth? Rather accidentally, the prosecutor makes a decisive discovery.
Фильм основан на реальной истории похищения австрийской девочки Наташи Кампуш, совершенное бывшим техником Вольфгангом Приклопилом, когда ей было 10 лет. В его плену она провела более восьми лет, или 3096 дней.
1942 - Fritz and Emma are hiding Albert, a Jewish refugee, at their remote farm. Since their marriage has remained childless, Fritz asks Albert to sleep with Emma and conceive a child on his behalf.
Christmas! Every year, expectations are high again. And that's why a little dissatisfaction quickly becomes the deepest despair. "Over there, it's snowing" tells of the joy and sorrow of December 23rd and 24th, as experienced by the residents of a Munich townhouse. The focus is on the freshly separated Miriam, her daughter Julchen and the awkward pastor Gregor.
Аристократу Александру фон Гумбольдту было с рождения предначертано наслаждаться жизнью в родовом замке, выезжать на светские рауты и охоту, а по выходным посещать церковь. Но он с детства мечтал о путешествиях.Сыну бедняков Карлу Гауссу было с рождения предначертано повторить нелёгкую судьбу родителей. Но школьный учитель распознал его гений и выхлопотал стипендию для учебы в гимназии. Александр Фон Гумбольдт путешествовал всю свою жизнь, постигая мир через собственный опыт и наблюдения — и мир приобрел учёного-энциклопедиста и основателя множества областей науки. Карл Гаусс всю жизнь прожил в Брауншвайге и Гёттингене, что не помешало ему изобрести теорию чисел и стать одним из величайших математиков всех времен. В 1828 году два исследователя и покорителя мира встретятся на Первом Всемирном конгрессе в Берлине…
Pater Andreas
The story of Sister Pascalina Lehnert, who was the personal confidant and secretary to Pope Pius XII for forty years, when he was the papal nuncio in Germany, and then for his whole pontificate. The Pope had great confidence in her wisdom, energy, and loyalty, and she became known as "the most powerful woman in the history of the Vatican."
Mina, a poor girl with a big heart sees stars falling from the sky and turning into Gold Talers before they land. With that money the girl can ask the king to let her parents go home.
Prem Bramana
A look at a Bavarian commune of the Indian Bhagwan cult.
After un accident that has caused the death of a young man, a man have to struggle with his guilty and some strange threatning messages push him and his wife to the unknow.
BND-Beamter Schmidt
Polizist Griebe
So far he has earned his living as deputy editor-in-chief at the Grevenbroicher Tagblatt, but actually Horst Schlämmer had always guessed: he was destined for something bigger - too much bigger. Without further ado, he therefore quits his old job, founds his very own party and thus starts his rush to the chancellor's office. While the election machinery is quickly started and soon picks up speed, only two questions remain unanswered: Is Horst Schlämmer ready for Germany? And is Germany ready for him?
Andreas Meyer