The story of Oedipus' gradual discovery of his primal crime, killing his father and marrying his mother, filmed by the famed British theatrical director Sir Tyrone Guthrie. This elegant version of Sophocles' play adds a brilliant stroke: the actors wear masks just as the Greeks did in the playwright's day.
This short film depicts how a small Canadian city, bearing the name of Stratford and by a river Avon, created its own renowned Shakespearean theatre. The film tells how the idea grew, how a famous British director, international stars and Canadian talent were recruited, and how the Stratford Shakespearean Festival finally became a triumphant reality.
Отгремела первая мировая война, и на тротуарах Лондона, сменяя друг друга, вновь выступают уличные артисты. Их заработок невелик, а конкуренция столь высока, что они еле-еле сводят концы с концами. Бездомная девушка Либерти, умеет хорошо танцевать. Однажды она крадет серебряный портсигар у прохожего, но это замечает руководитель уличной труппы Чарльз Стэджерс.
Dr Owen Jones
Ginger Ted, AKA Edward Claude Wilson, a drunkard and womanizer, and Miss Jones, a missionary, live in the Alas Islands. During a cholera epidemic, Ginger Ted and Miss Jones are sent to an outlying part of the islands to run a hospital; on their return, their motorboat breaks down, and they are marooned overnight on a small island.