A B-52 bomber crashes and burns, killing one crew member, and destroying the four weapons the bomber carried, leading to some radioactive contamination that required a cleanup operation monitored by the Danish government.
Ее зовут Блюбарелла, она получеловек-полувампир. Девушка ещё очень молода — ей каких-то 800 лет. Блюбарелла ведет активный образ жизни: катается на колесе обозрения целых восемь часов, виртуозно владеет двумя мечами как настоящий самурай. Она может безостановочно что-то жевать, голодная Блюбарелла опасна вдвойне! Оказавшись в Германии во время Второй мировой войны, эта толстушка играючи расправляется с немецкими солдатами.
Рейн борется против нацистов в Европе во время Второй мировой войны, сталкиваясь с Экартом Брэндом, нацистским лидером, цель которого ввести в Адольфа Гитлера кровь Рейн для того, чтобы превратить его в вампира и сделать бессмертным.
A feature compilation comprised of three episodes of Zalman King's ChromiumBlue.com. Gypsy Love: When Ellen falls in love with two gorgeous gypsy brothers, they vow to fight to the death unless she chooses one. What a decision! Naked Golf: Two golf widows decide to get revenge by having an adventure on their own. These fun-loving girls are determined to have the time of their lives. Viking on a Camel: A headstrong businesswoman is kidnapped by a powerful sheik who is used to having his own way. Will she play by his rules?
A feature compilation comprised of three episodes of Zalman King's ChromiumBlue.com. Cover Me Girls: Sid has had every cowboy in the wild west and is ready for new adventures. When she arrives to meet her fantasy man, he turns out to be just what she needed... I Like To Watch: Rachel likes anonymous sex. But when she meets a sophisticated married couple, Rachel discovers a sensual side she never knew she had... Barcelona Bologna: Before getting married, three best girlfriends fantasize about spending the night with Alfredo, the macho star of their favorite movie. Some fantasies do come true...