Alberto Berco

Alberto Berco


Alberto Berco


Дом на улице Гарибальди
Фильм о поимке одного из крупнейших нацистских преступников Адольфа Эйхмана, бежавшего после разгрома гитлеровской Германии и скрывшегося так, что его местонахождение не было известно более десяти лет. Действие ленты развертывается с осени 1957 года, когда в Моссад поступили первые сведения о проживании Эйхмана в Аргентине. Было принято решение доставить его в Израиль и отдать под суд, который вынес бы приговор одному из главных палачей еврейского народа во время Холокоста. Два года израильские спецслужбы детально проверяли информацию. Это было трудно, так как матёрый преступник чувствовал малейшую слежку и менял адреса..
Venus de fuego
Arturo Sanabria
País S. A.
A useless kidnapper tries to kdnap a rich industrialist.
Celos, amor y Mercado Común
Spain Again
Dr. Gavotty
David (Mark Stevens) is a physician who returns to Spain 30 years after his involvement in the Spanish Civil War. Now a member of a medical convention, he looks up old friends and finds his former lover, now a married woman with a flamenco-dancing daughter. He and the daughter (Manuela Vargas) have an immediate and mutual attraction to each other. He considers running away with the exotic beauty before asking his wife to join him for an extended vacation after the convention .
Historia de la frivolidad
Courtier #2
The Lecturer, leader of the Feminine League Against Frivolity, tells the history of eroticism and censorship from the beginning of time until the late 1960s.
Tomorrow Is Another Day
Paco and Lisa flee to Barcelona in a stolen car with the intention of building a future in show business. After unsuccessfully looking for work, the two youngsters will be immersed in crime and prostitution.
Canuto Cañete y los 40 ladrones
Los conquistadores del Pacífico
Frank Latimore is cast as Balboa, the heroic Spanish explorer who discovers the Pacific Ocean. Along the way, he must pacify the wrath of his enemies and battle his way through a forest inhabited by savage natives. This one features some really nice battles, stunning ocean photography, and tolerable reconstruction of historic events.
Las modelos
Robbery at 3 O'clock
Galindo works in a bank. One day he convinces the other employees in the bank to plan a hold-up in the bank they are working. They prepare everything carefully. However, real robbers come just before the fake ones.
Melodías de hoy
Alberto Malatesta
Julia y el celacanto
In Tordesa, a small fishing village in the Spanish Levant, appears a coelacanth, an important fish that in recent years has attracted the attention of the press and scientists around the world. In this village, the only one who realizes the importance of the fish is Julia, who is also aware of the significant rewards that sages offer for the capture. But due to a number of circumstances, the news reaches the head of a scientific institution and they send a delegate to handle the fish. Facing the danger of having the fish removed, Julia hides it aided by his brothers
Amor bajo cero
In the resort of La Molina an international competition is held and ski racers from different countries come to Barcelona. They become friends, especially Nuria and Ramon, but Nuria already has a boyfriend
Biography of Argentinean poet Alfonsina Storni (1892-1938), on of the most famous Latin American poets of the modernist period, who committed suicide by drowning in the sea in Mar del Plata.
Santiago Olivera
When a concert pianist is crippled in a car accident, his wife turns to gambling and gets in over her head.
Goodbye, Problems
A woman seduces a father of a family, altering his structures and the family relationship.
Жених для Лауры
Музыкальная комедия. Лаура — звезда оперетты, несмотря на талант и красоту едва сводит концы с концами. Богатый дядюшка обещает ей солидное приданое, в случае свадьбы с его старшим сыном. Бедственное положение дел вынуждает Лауру принять предложение: несмотря на горделивое упрямство, очень скоро она по-настоящему полюбит своего мужа. «Жених для Лауры» — на первый взгляд незатейливая история, пользовалась большой популярностью у отечественного зрителя. Фильм стал одним из лидеров советского проката, открыв дорогу аргентинским фильмам в СССР.
Los problemas de papá
Fin de mes
The crushing conformity of a penniless bank teller takes an unexpected turn when he deviates from his honest routine.
A 1947 film.