James Keitel


Вскоре после переезда в маленький городок в Пенсильвании со своей семьей, Джон Чемберс начинает страдать сонным параличом. Лежа парализованным, запертым в собственном кошмаре, он видит потусторонних существ. Они прячутся в тени, едва уловимые лишь краем глаза. Этот кошмар начинает преследовать Джона, когда он выясняет единственную цель существ... похитить его семилетнего сына. Узнав самую страшную тайну этого города - что на его земле находится портал в потусторонний мир, Джон должен спасти своего сына, пока тени окончательно не забрали его с собой.
The Pikme-Up
In the mid-1980's the coffeehouse movement in Los Angeles was beginning with wild promise. A tattered Hollywood storefront called The Pikme-up became the prototype for a new subculture that started as an unruly rebellion and exploded into a national phenomenon. The place was a bohemian revolution, a happening of ideas, poetry, music, and performance where a motley group of outcasts formed a unique community and an enduring family. Our documentary on The Pikme-up utilizes an amazing wealth of materials--more than 5000 photographs, over 200 video hours of performances, hundreds of print elements, and intimate interviews with friends, employees, and performers. We hope our experimentation with the materials and how memory is represented in film is true to the spirit of this amazing moment in Los Angeles cultural history.
The Pikme-Up
In the mid-1980's the coffeehouse movement in Los Angeles was beginning with wild promise. A tattered Hollywood storefront called The Pikme-up became the prototype for a new subculture that started as an unruly rebellion and exploded into a national phenomenon. The place was a bohemian revolution, a happening of ideas, poetry, music, and performance where a motley group of outcasts formed a unique community and an enduring family. Our documentary on The Pikme-up utilizes an amazing wealth of materials--more than 5000 photographs, over 200 video hours of performances, hundreds of print elements, and intimate interviews with friends, employees, and performers. We hope our experimentation with the materials and how memory is represented in film is true to the spirit of this amazing moment in Los Angeles cultural history.
Struggling to hold together her train wreck family, Kelly tracks down her drifter brother to a seedy, remote island off Chile and discovers him living with a ragged group of expatriates.