Nikolina Vučetić Zečević


The Family Portrait
Delegated Producer
A quiet Sunday afternoon in the aristocratic, family home, just before the fall of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Andras and his daughter Zsofia are caught by surprise when Andras’ brother Zoltan intrudes in the intimacy of their home, along with his big family. A poetic, dark, and somewhat humorous social observation, in which family ties and relationships are broken down and dissected to pieces.
Antonio and Nikola are inseparable friends who live across the road from each other, and share a love of pyrotechnics and mobile phones. Their families have been in dispute for years over an easily resolvable problem: the water that flows from the top house to the bottom house. The boys’ friendship, as they are about to enter puberty, is put to the test at Christmas time when their families uncover much more dangerous secrets and interests, and the water just carries the hate of the adults to the children. Debut film.
In the Dusk
Lithuania, 1948. War is over, but the country is left in ruins. 19-year-old Untė is a member of the Partisan movement resisting Soviet occupation. They do not fight on equal terms, but this desperate struggle will determine the future of the whole population. At the age of discovery of life, Untė discovers violence and treachery. The lines are blurred between the burning passion of his youth and the cause for which he is fighting. He will invest himself wholeheartedly, even if it means losing his innocence…
Executive Producer
Girl is going to a seaside with her boyfriend, but ends up locked and prepared for sex trafficking.
Четвертый человек
Ему говорят, что у него былa женa и сын и они были убиты. Все это ему рaсскaзaл один инспектор, предстaвившийся другом. Инспектор рaсскaзaл ему, что он мaйор Военного Aгенствa Безопaсности и у него информaция относительно людей, ответственных зa смерть его семьи. Теперь единственнaя возможность нaйти убийц, это принять игру предложенную инспектором…