Yoshihiro Hanno


Born in Osaka 22nd January 1968, Yoshihiro Hanno (半野喜弘) is an internationally renowned musician/composer whose field of work has been expanding from movie soundtracks to orchestral pieces, as well as electronics music. In 1997 he was highly acclaimed for his electronic music releases in Europe, which led him to move to his homebase to Paris since 2000. His creation style, which is boundary-free for any genre has made him unique in the music scene. With his score for Hou Hsaio-Hsien film Flowers of Shanghai, which was highly praised as “discovery of a new talent of movie soundtracks”. HANNO has collaborated with leading Asian directors such as Jia Zhang-ke, Yu Lik Wai etc. He was nominated as best composer in Asian Film Award 2009. Also He composed his first orchestra piece called [WAKE] (2007) committed by 32. Winterthur Musikfestwochen in Switzerland. His subtle yet rich elegant music has gained a strong fan base and is constantly evolving. As HANNO says, “My music is a universal hymn to the primitive pain and pleasure of being human”, his sounds keep giving the audience sensational emotions.


Lightning Over the Beyond
Progressing from sound to color, Lighting Over the Beyond is a road movie that traces the roots of cinema and the history of war while asking "What is war?" and "What is an enemy?".
A detective is led by an accidental postcard to investigate an incident at USFK base Camp Long. Camp Long is in ruins with no one coming for twenty years. In the process of gathering, defragmenting, and arranging neglected information, the detective discovers that a strange geographic data value called Camp Long ATM occupies all space and time. However, there are no traces of any ATMs or banks at the scene, and only bright red bloodstains are disguised as evidence. The film is a mystery report of a detective trying to understand the legacy of time.
Hunt Down
Original Music Composer
In order to solve a large theft of national treasure, Hongyu, a criminal police officer, and his current wife, Baiyu, and his biological father, Zhenggang, working together with their partner. At the time when the case came to light, these batches of national treasures disappeared under the close supervision of the police, and Baiyu disappeared suddenly .
Весеннее половодье
Original Music Composer
Журналистка Го Цзяньбо живёт вместе с матерью-пенсионеркой и малолетней дочерью. Делая репортажи о социальных проблемах общества, женщина пытается разобраться со своей собственной драмой. Её мать, бывшая учительница, всегда вела активную общественную жизнь и пользовалась уважением окружающих, но дома её мало волновали дела семьи. Дочь же входит в подростковый возраст и бунтует против взрослых.
Paradise Next
Wisecracking Makino shows up from Japan and meets Shima, a yakuza living quietly in Taipei. Makino says he knows about the incident that prompted Shima to come to Taiwan. Shima finds out that someone wants Makino dead, and they both head for Hualien, a city in eastern Taiwan.
Paradise Next
Original Music Composer
Wisecracking Makino shows up from Japan and meets Shima, a yakuza living quietly in Taipei. Makino says he knows about the incident that prompted Shima to come to Taiwan. Shima finds out that someone wants Makino dead, and they both head for Hualien, a city in eastern Taiwan.
Paradise Next
Wisecracking Makino shows up from Japan and meets Shima, a yakuza living quietly in Taipei. Makino says he knows about the incident that prompted Shima to come to Taiwan. Shima finds out that someone wants Makino dead, and they both head for Hualien, a city in eastern Taiwan.
Hanalei Bay
Original Music Composer
A single mother receives a phone call saying her son had died from a shark attack in Hanalei Bay, Hawaii, where she now visits annually on her son’s death anniversary. One day, she meets two young Japanese surfers who tell her about a young Japanese surfer with one leg.
My Friend
Original Music Composer
An ex-journalist Masuda whose article caused a scandalous fatality now works at a small factory. He learns that his colleague Suzuki is a former convict who killed some children back in middle school. Trying to get back his old job, Masuda secretly starts to write a piece on Suzuki while befriending him. The more he learns about his colleague, however, the more Masuda remembers his younger self, a boy who triggered his classmate's suicide.
Original Music Composer
After a 15-year hiatus, The Yellow Monkey, one of Japan's greatest rock bands, reunites in 2016 and goes on tour. They vow never to break up again. Director Daishi Matsunaga of Pieta in the Toilet and Pyuupiru captures them on and off stage examining what they did during their absence and where they are going.
Pigeon Tango
Original Music Composer
To repay the gambling debts her boyfriend has left behind after a fatal pigeon racing accident, Barbie, a pole dancer, meets organ dealer Malacca, who extracts her deceased boyfriend's organs. Malacca becomes Barbie's lover in the process. Meanwhile, Yang, a detective, sets up a trap to capture Malacca.
Dragonfly Eyes
Original Music Composer
A young woman's life takes a series of unexpected turns after she leaves the Buddhist temple where she has lived most of her adult life.
A Woman Wavering in the Rain
This is the story of a man living quietly under an assumed identity, when a mysterious woman suddenly appears in his life. It is the directorial debut of soundtrack composer Yoshihiro Hanno.
И горы сдвигаются с места
Original Music Composer
Китайский город Фэньян, 1999 год. За юной Тао ухаживают два друга детства, Чжан и Лян. Чжан — хозяин бензоколонки, и его ждет радужное будущее, тогда как Лян работает на угольной шахте. Тао предстоит выбрать одного из двух, навсегда изменив свою жизнь и жизнь будущего сына.
Longing for the Rain
Original Music Composer
Linking several genres in a surprising and successful way, Yang Lin’s fiction feature debut is an Asian ghost story in which documentary scenes show how incongruous today's reality can look in China. Protagonist Fang Lei lives in material wealth and only has to care for her daughter. One night, a young mysterious lover appears and makes passionate love to her.
Original Music Composer
Kazuya is an aimless photographer in Paris who attempts suicide while visiting the city. He goes to see his half-brother Satoshi who lives there, but finds his two roommates instead and they seem to be hiding something.
Kazuya is an aimless photographer in Paris who attempts suicide while visiting the city. He goes to see his half-brother Satoshi who lives there, but finds his two roommates instead and they seem to be hiding something.
Kazuya is an aimless photographer in Paris who attempts suicide while visiting the city. He goes to see his half-brother Satoshi who lives there, but finds his two roommates instead and they seem to be hiding something.
Original Music Composer
A woman leaves her cheating boyfriend and goes to a remote village in the Taiwaneese mountains to deliver a blowfish to a man who won it on an online auction. Immediately, a quiet and unusual relationship develops between the two.
Original Music Composer
"Acacia" revolves around Sekiji Ishida (Antonio Inoki) a former professional wrestler now a lonely retired man. Sekiji then strikes up a friendship with a reserved young boy.
Красивая и сумасшедшая
Original Music Composer
Сяо-Бу дерётся с Эйнджел из-за сигареты. А-Ми спит с другом-боксёром Сяо-Бу. Эйнджел целует Сяо-Бу. Всё запутано. Жизнь непростая вещь, надо лишь, чтобы выпал орёл. Или решка.
Plastic City
Original Music Composer
Yuda, a Chinese immigrant, and his adopted son Kirin, who he saved being eaten by a tiger in the jungle, stand at the head of a massive pirated goods operation that brings in both money and influence. But their empire is crumbling, as corrupt politicians and rival gangs seek to end their power in the city. Yuda is soon got arrested and his dedicated son tries his best to save not just the family business, but his father's reputation.
24 City
24 City chronicles the dramatic closing of a once-prosperous state-owned factory in Chengdu, southwest China and its conversion into a sprawling luxury apartment complex. Three generations, eight characters : old workers, factory executives and yuppies, their stories melt into the History of China.
Play at dusk
Smoke, clouds and objects appear in the sky. The frame of view travels above to its upmost point demonstrating the infinity of the universe
Branches of trees reflect onto the surface of the water. The movement and colors of the images are completely natural and unprocessed. Neighboring objects reveal their intrinsic beauty through the eyes of the viewer
All Tomorrow's Parties
Original Music Composer
In a future century, after the apocalypse, Gui Dao dynasty controls continental Asia. Zhuai and his younger brother Mian are captured and sent to "Prosperity Camp" for reeducation. They soon discover that the camp's aim is to brainwash people with propaganda. Five years later, there's a change in government and they are free again. Zhuai falls in love for the beautiful Xuelan and together they take her to an old industrial city, now deserted. They get themselves a place to live in an abandoned apartment and try to rediscover the little pleasures of life.
In The Still Of The Night
A drama depicting the whereabouts of two pairs of lovers who meet at a cafe at night and intersect. Yamagata, an unsuccessful actor, lies to Yuko, who lives with him, that he is filming, and kills time at a cafe late at night. One night, he meets painter Uehara and his lover, Aya, and leaves the city to escape the boredom of everyday life. However, the two do not have enough passion to call it an escape, and after spending the night at the hotel, they return to their respective partners. However, Yamagata is stabbed by Uehara, who is furious. Yuko and Aya head to the hospital with Mushi no Soku Yamagata in the car. Eventually, Yamagata dies, and the two leave him behind. And at that moment, Yamagata came back to life...
Миллениум Мамбо
Original Music Composer
Фильм рассказывает о молодых людях в Тайване первого года нового тысячелетия — 2001 года, которые прожигают жизнь, встречаются и расстаются под ритмы мамбо. Вики и ее дружок Хао-Хао все время ссорятся. Хао-Хао требуется постоянно убеждаться в том, что Вики, любящая погулять и повеселиться, ему не изменяет. Он роется в ее сумочке, проверяет записи на мобильнике и даже обнюхивает, пытаясь определить, где она была и чем занималась. А при малейшем подозрении пускает в ход кулаки. И хотя у Вики есть верный друг, мафиози Джек, всегда готовый протянуть ей руку помощи, она постоянно возвращается к ревнивому и грубому Хао-Хао…
Original Music Composer
Действие фильма разворачивается в городе Фэньян, провинции Шаньси, вокруг любительской театральной труппы, судьба каждого из членов которой отражает те социально-экономические изменения, которые произошли в китайском обществе. Фильм начинается в 1979 году, когда труппа, выступает с номерами, боготворящими Мао Цзэдуна и заканчивается в 80-ых, показывая результаты сильного влияния Запада, проникающего в Китай, и огромные изменения, которые произошли за последнее десятилетие.
Шанхайские цветы
Original Music Composer
Шанхай, 1880 годы, четыре шикарных борделя (цветочные дома): у каждого есть мадам, куртизанка в молодости, старые слуги и созревающие девочки на обучении. Мужчины собираются вокруг столов с едой, играя в пьяные игры. С опийной трубкой в руке. Женщины живут внутри темных панельных стен. Душная атмосфера, как будто Чехов был в Китае. Меланхоличный Ванг клиент Кримсон; оставит ли он ее ради юной Жасмин? Эмеральд планирует выкупить свою свободу, с помощью клиента Ло. Перл, стареющий цветок, воспитывает своенравную Джейд, которая думает, что ее возьмет замуж молодой хозяин Жу. Женщины увядают или смотрят сквозь пальцы или теряют надежду.