Michèle Philippe

Рождение : 1926-01-17, Paris, France

Смерть : 1972-09-23


Heures Chaudes
Clémence Pétauguet
In this drama, a jilted bride and her little sister flee their hometown to search for better lives. They go to stay in their aunt's boarding house. There they meet a notorious philanderer and his mistress. The younger sister soon tries to lure him away from his love. Unfortunately, he falls for the older sister. As they make love, the poor little sister is left all alone.
Les pépées au service secret
Французский канкан
Анри Данглар, уже немолодой театральный импресарио, известен своей способностью превращать обычных с виду девушек в сенсации. С равным успехом Данглар и соблазняет их. Однажды он не на шутку увлекается Нини, очаровательной прачкой с Монмартра, и перестает уделять внимание своей предыдущей любви. Он отдает всю энергию на то, чтобы сделать из Нини не просто звезду, он создает для нее новую программу, возрождает забытый канкан и строит новый театр «Мулен Руж» — аттракцион для миллионеров.
Пеп устанавливают закон
Nathalie, la fille de Flora enlevée
Похищена молодая девушка по имени Натали. Её мать не решается заявить об этом в полицию, так как считает, что в деле замешаны наркотики. Три другие её дочери — Эльвира, Элизабет и Кристина — решают помочь ей освободить сестру. Все вместе они вступают в борьбу с бандой похитителя по кличке Казанова, который работает на мсье Шарля…
Vice Dolls
Colette Larieux
In this French crime drama, a young man gets revenge upon the criminals who caused his grandfather to kill himself. Unfortunately, the fellow doesn't realize how bad the criminals are. Fortunately, a kindly hooker, who does know the crooks, saves him from the same fate.
Семейная сцена
Три подруги — Аглая, Валентина и Эрнестина — за чаем заводят разговор о своих мужьях. Каждая выставляет своего мужа на посмешище и рассказывает о своих методах манипулировать им.
Le Portrait de son père
Wonderful Mentality
Solange de Fleury
Honoré, a valet, has an extremely logical mind and is unable to tell a lie. This comes in very fortunate for the family he works for.
The Dream of Zorro
Maria / Marta
An old gentleman, a direct descendant of Zorro, has a single son named Raimundo in whom there is no trace of proud pride.
Don Juan's Night of Love
Marquise de Maubricourt
Each in turn
Solange Montfort
Robert Montfort, happily married to Solange, is his parents-in-law's pet aversion though. To them he is a punk, a good for nothing, a small-time, untalented poet! Robert, who is more gifted than what they think, manages, following a workmate's recommendation, to debut as an entertainer in a nightclub and -even better- to please the audience. Not daring tell the truth to Solange he starts leading a double life, being Robert Montfort in the daytime and Jean Rigobert at night. Of course his wife wonders what is going on and worries about his regular night outings. Only too happy, her parents incite her to have a divorce. Fortunately, all comes right in the end.
The Red Needle
A young woman, Maya, is treated in a mountain hotel, where her husband joins her every Saturday. She falls in love with an attractive lawyer, who has come to this hotel in Savoie to successfully climb the Aiguille Rouge. The lawyer rejects Maya at first, but ends up becoming her lover and promises to run away with her... once the Aiguille Rouge has been climbed. But a storm breaks out during the ascent, and the lawyer dies, struck down.
Tête blonde
Claire Fontanier
When he finds a package in the metro, given this period of restrictions, Mr. Truche thinks it may be a good deal, he takes it home but discovers a woman's head inside. A friend of Mr. Truche having just disappeared, the superintendent accuses her of having murdered her and discovers the head buried in his cellar. But the girlfriend, whom Mr. Truche loves platonically, returns from the countryside and at the same time we spot the assassin of the unknown woman.
The Naked Woman
The Princess of Chabran
Having become famous, a painter marries his model whom he soon brings to despair by deceiving her.
Wear His Heart on His Sleeve
Mary Pinson
Léon Ménard, the village verger, is a decent young man whose hobby is to play the accordion. One day he is fired for having accompanied Mary Pinson, a singer deemed scandalous by the right-minded parishioners. Blinded by his love for Mary, Léon follows her to Paris where he becomes her plaything. With Mary's complicity, a gang of swindlers make him the puppet proprietor of a night club. But Léon can't live in a fool's paradise forever and soon finds himself on the street, forsaken and desperate. Luckily, the manager of a circus notices him while he is busking and he hires Léon at once. Not only will success come to him but he will win the love of sweet Solange.
Firemen's Ball
Paméla Noël
1944, France experiences its last days of German occupation. A microcosm representative of the various attitudes adopted during this troubled period, some heroic, others less brilliant, the Grégeois family, scattered by the war, will strengthen its ties according to the Allied advance on the territory and the liberation of Paris, with its joys but also its sorrows, because not all of its members will survive the relative chaos that will characterize this end of the world war.
Le dolmen tragique
Chatelard, one of Viscount de Kerlec's guests, has died in mysterious conditions. The police initiates an investigation and sends detective-inspector Pauc to de Kerlec's manor. Pauc decides to mingle with the viscount's guests , who are all likely to have committed the murder. Among them, there is Jacques Mauclerc, a naval officer, and a seedy character named Bartoli, in fact a spy in search of secret documents. Pauc will end up untangling the web during a dramatic séance.
By the Window
Renée Laforest
Gaston, nicknamed Pilou, has left his native village and Yvette, the girl of his heart, to go to Paris where he has found work as a painter. He is a naive good-natured man who, like most of his fellow-workers, favors a little song or two while he works. For the time being he is busy repainting the exterior of a block of flats and, when he does not sing to pass the time, he looks through the windows, observing the tenants in their daily lives. As time goes by, he goes as far as intervening and changing the course of their lives. In the end, despite having found a lookalike of his fiancée, he returns to her.
Le voleur se porte bien
Rosine Dumontier
Hector Dumontier has had enough of his wife Noémie : she is always immersed in those detective stories he disapproves of. To teach her a lesson, Dumontier decides to simulate the burglary of their house, with the help of an alleged jewel thief masked by a hood. He creates many false leads and everybody in the house gets suspected, from Ernestine, the maid, to Cabassol, the chauffeur, to Rosine, the Dumontiers'daughter. The disorder is complete and the various police detectives in charge do not help much.
La grande Maguet
Suzanne de Norvaisis
The orphan Catherine Maguet, nicknamed "La grande Maguet", was taken in by a young and good chatelaine, Suzanne de Norvaisis. Edmond, the husband of the latter, during a trip abroad, falls madly in love with another and will go, to conquer this one, to poison his wife. Imprisoned then released, the lord will finally marry the one for whom he has become a criminal. But the great Maguet will avenge her beloved murdered benefactress...
Thirty and Forty
Hélène Leprince
The scene is set during the Second Empire. Captain Bitterlin watches jealously over his lovely daughter Madeleine but he cannot prevent nature from demanding its rights and Madeleine soon finds herself a suitor in the person of Mario, a dashing young songwriter. Bitterlin, who wishes his daughter to "evade the grip" of the young man, takes her away to Monte Carlo. There, the captain does what he had sworn he would never do, he gambles in a casino. And even more upsetting: Mario might well be hereabouts...
Hoboes in Paradise
In a Provençal village, two jolly good fellows, Boule and Pons, decide to dress as Saint Anthony and Saint Nicholas for the distribution of presents to the children on the feast of Saint Nicholas. They unfortunately get killed by a cart and find themselves in Hell where Lucifer and his demons duly torment them. They are saved by a prayer which helps them to climb the stairway to Paradise. Saint Peter, taken in by the applicants' disguise, lets them in. When the two true Saints show up, trouble follows. Luckily, thanks to the intervention of the Virgin Mary, the two friends are acquitted at their celestial trial and allowed to return to Earth.
Blondine, the daughter of a poor fisherman, marries the Prince of the Mountain. Brune, her sister, envies Blondine her happiness and tells her that a secret lies hidden in her husband's name. Blondine tries to discover it but, before she does, the Prince is imprisoned by an ogre. Blondine must face goblins, imps, and the water djinni before she can deliver her captive Prince.
The Black Rider
In Flanders in the eighteenth century, Ramon de Ortila, a young lord who has been dispossessed of property has turned into a gentleman brigand. His main target is Monsieur de Saint-Brissac, the salt tax farmer. But Solange, his daughter, sets a trap and lures the young man to her father's manor. Little does she know that love is at the rendezvous.