Elena Arnao


El caso Wanninkhof
Fali (Oscar Jaenada) has been blessed with an ample gift below the belt. But his extra-large asset ends up getting him into trouble when he agrees to help his friend (Antonio Dechent) get rid of his annoying lover and save his marriage. Fali's romantic entanglements are all the more hilarious considering the only reason he's doing it is so he can get the dream car he's always wanted: a brand-new BMW.
Вернувшись в Испанию после долгого пребывания в Америке, семья юной Регины поселяется в старом величественном особняке, пустовавшем почти 40 лет. Вскоре ее младшему брату начинает казаться, что в холодных стенах их нового дома присутствует кто-то невидимый и страшный. Пугающие, необъяснимые события и странное поведение отца семейства подсказывают детям, что их мрачная обитель хранит некую зловещую тайну. Близится солнечное затмение. Поставит ли тьма точку в их бесконечных кошмарах или навсегда погрузит их в бездну всепоглощающего ужаса?
Сокровище царя Соломона
Casting Director
С незапамятных времен в мрачных катакомбах Толедо хранится легендарный стол царя Соломона, на магической глади которого отражаются картины прошлого, настоящего и будущего. Найти эту древнюю реликвию мечтает молодой кинематографист Луис Бунюэль, который вместе со своими блистательными друзьями Сальвадором Дали и Федерико Гарсия Лоркой решает проверить правдивость древней легенды. Вооружившись запретными знаниями тайных сект и ценными советами доброжелателей, импозантные гении должны миновать хитроумные подземные ловушки, сразиться с загадочными врагами и обрести мистических покровителей.
Love and Other Curiosities
Cristina is a young literature student who works at night in a bar, Rosa is a brilliant executive in his thirties, and Anna is married and has one son. All three are sisters, and every one thinks her life is worthwhile and that their sisters have taken the wrong way. But it is time to recognize their dissatisfaction, and perhaps they are needed more than they are willing to admit ...
The Ugliest Woman in the World
Somebody has decided to celebrate New Year's Eve 2011 in a very twisted way - by dressing as a nun and brutally dismembering a little old lady. Lt. Arribas, a bald, toothless, one-eyed and lonely detective is called in on the case. His investigations lead him to the door of renegade Doctor Werner, who tells him the strange story of "The Beautiful Otero" the most beautiful woman in the world (former Spanish model Galera) who, before Werner s miraculous surgery, was the ugliest woman in the world! But Lt. Arribas now has a new problem - he is falling in love at a distance with his principle suspect who, because of her traumatic childhood, is planning her vengeance - to sabotage the Miss Spain Beauty Pageant, leaving behind her a trail of dead beauty queens. A super-slick science fiction thriller with a dark and bizarre finale.
Se buscan fulmontis
Grandes ocasiones
Like a Bolt of Lightning
Miguel Hermoso's Like Lightning offers a fresh take on a familiar scenario, the teenaged boy searching for his unknown father. Pablo is a typical teen, with a fondness for football and sneaking beers with his buddies. He enjoys a comfortable upper-middle class life with his mother (Assumpta Serna), a successful lawyer and former feminist rabble-rouser, but has a gaping hole at the core of his identity: he has no idea who his father is. Preoccupied with the question to the point of obsession, he sets out in search of answers, and finds himself on a trail that leads to the Canary Islands.
Stories from the Kronen
Carlos is a young student, just 21. Nice or annoying as he likes, enjoys provoking and transgreding. In the night he goes out to meet his friends in the Kronen, a bar. Every situation can be taken a little farther. There are no limits, no accepted barriers. And more each time, each adventure is chained to the next, as if it were a continuous night. A long description of people: grandfather, parents, sister, girlfriend, friends. And, among that, the obscure will of living every minute as if it were the last one. But something which happens puts Carlos and his friend against a reality they have been trying to ignore.
Comedy thriller directed by Miguel Hermoso.
A man of a certain social position falls in jail and request protection to a pickpocket and con man during his stay. On his release he promises to help his friend what then creates many problems.
Verano 70
Typical Spanish comedy of the seventies set in Benidorm, the famous coastal town of Alicante where numerous families come to spend the summer. It tells the travel arrangements and incidents that occur before arriving to the apartments as well as the return of working husbands to the city, once the families have settled on the beach, and their unsuccessful attempts to flirt while alone
El alma se serena
Chica en la cama
Furnished Studio 2.P.
Chica de la oficina
Two bank employees use a computer to determine the girls for their sexual affairs in their newly hired flat.
Unmarried and Mother in Life
(as Elena Arnau)
The frog test confirms Julita is pregnant. This is usually a great news. In this case, no. She is a victim of premarital sex, and he, Paco, a mechanic who, according to some theories of French biologist, explained by a podiatrist friend, will not be liable. Don Ramiro, the father of Julia, is a liberal-minded man, but when his daughter tells him that she will have a son who will not parent, seeking the solution of fatherhood in his gun regulation.
Gente de mesón
Plan Jac Cero Tres
The president of the Import and Export Group hires the services of the great Ruperto Solís to woo Úrsula, the beautiful heiress of an Iranian oil tycoon.