André Gomes

André Gomes

Рождение : 1951-09-18, Lisbon, Portugal


André Gomes


Hands in the Fire
The young film student Maria do Mar is working on a documentary about the old manor houses along the Douro River. It is the final project in her thesis on “Reality in Cinema”. Maria has an unlimited confidence in what is visible. Her candour and her naivety allow her to see the bright side of life – such as the beauty of the landscape and the authenticity of the place, or what’s left of it. But when Maria enters the final manor house on her list, she soon realises that something is going on in this house that is not as innocent as it first seemed. The manor is truly a house of horrors.
224 мили
Мариу и Клаудиа переживают бракоразводный процесс, отмеченный спором об опеке над их двумя детьми. Мариу считает радость главным правилом воспитания, но из-за небрежности или невезения подвергает своих детей нестандартным ситуациям. Клаудиа же амбициозна и сосредоточена на своей работе... Дети живут поочередно с родителями. Разрыв происходит, когда Мариу не разрешают быть со своими детьми, а Клаудиа соглашается на работу в другой стране. С детской мудростью дети приведут родителей к переоценке своих убеждений...
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Fernando Pessoa, one of the greatest writers in Portuguese, created an immense parallel world and several heteronyms so as to endure the loneliness of genius. José Saramago, 1998 Nobel Laureate in Literature, has a heteronym, Ricardo Reis, return to Portugal after a 16-year exile in Brazil. 1936 is a perilous year with Mussolini’s fascism, Hitler’s Nazism, Spain’s Civil War and Salazar’s New State in Portugal. And Fernando Pessoa meets his creation, Reis. Two women, Lídia and Marcenda, are Reis’ carnal and impossible passions. “Life and Death as one” allows for literature and cinema.
This is the story of a young Mozambican footballer called Eusébio, a gifted athlete destined to great achievements, coveted by rival clubs, Sporting and Benfica, which ends up hiring him. Blackmail, kidnapping attempts, ministers involved, press hysteria and huge money offers make the story of this football transfer into a saga evolving between the two continents. It ends up when the legend begins: with Eusébio’s first match at the Benfica Stadium.
Навязчивые ритмы
Марго отказалась от блестящей музыкальной карьеры ради отношений с Фурио, и теперь старается сохранить то, что осталось от их прежней любви. Одновременно с этим ее возлюбленный Фурио пытается закончить реставрацию старинного дворца, но задача оказывается невыполнимой из-за бесконечных преград, возникающих на его пути.
A Woman's Revenge
Roberto is one of those men to whom simulation has become the greatest art. He is an unmoved, inscrutable, mysterious man. But the truth is that Robert feels an intimate, deep tedium. The boredom of those who have already exhausted all the pleasures of life. The only thing still surprising him is the fact that nothing surprises him anymore. One evening he has an overwhelming encounter with a woman. For his own bewilderment, he discovers the sublime horrors in which the woman has sank.
Лиссабонские тайны
История переносит зрителя в XIX век и погружает в настоящий вихрь приключений, роковых совпадений, тайн, преступлений, неистовых страстей, страшной мести и безумной любви. В Лиссабоне, полном интриг и секретов, мы познакомимся с людьми, так или иначе причастными к судьбе главного героя, Педро да Силвы. Среди них мужественный священник, не отступающий перед опасностями, красавица графиня, потерявшая разум от ревности, удачливый делец, наживший состояние на кровавом морском разбое. У каждого невероятная судьба, и их жизненные пути пересекаются самым непостижимым образом…
General Humberto Delgado
Для Зе эта поездка будет намного больше, чем опасное приключение. Где будет необычная история любви с молодой португалкой, чья судьба необъяснимо переплетается с ним...
the President's lawyer
Истории простой девушки и могущественного футбольного президента. В Португалии кольцо коррупции, в которое вовлечены политики и местные органы власти, действует с непобедимой территории футбола. Система основана на привилегиях. Это сеть сообщников. Спортивные менеджеры, местные мэры, государственные деятели, журналисты, полицейские, судьи и чиновники поддерживают друг друга. Голоса несогласных замолкают и держатся в стороне. Существует целый список загадочных нападений, царит безнаказанность. Попытки обеспечить верховенство права систематически обречены на провал. Судебные дела рассматриваются в упрощенном порядке. Честные судьи, магистраты, полицейские и журналисты теряют свои позиции перед лицом всеобщего безразличия. Пока однажды девушка не издаст книгу. Книга вызывает волнение в португальском обществе..
The Fatalist
the boss
The complex relationship between master and servant is explored in director João Botelho's adaptation of Denis Diderot's popular novel Jacques le Fataliste et Son Maître. As Tiago (Rogério Samora) drives his master (André Gomes) through the Portuguese countryside to an unspecified destination, the traveling pair embark on a series of highly philosophical discussions. Flowing with tales of his life in the military and previous sexual escapades, Tiago trades a series of tales with his rapt passenger, including the story of a vengeful spurned lover who plots revenge on the nobleman who rejected her by transforming a prostitute into a society lady and convincing him to marry the tainted bride.
Love Torn in Dreams
L'antiquaire / le collectionneur / notable 2
A serious young man of free spirit is forced by his surroundings to become rich at all costs. A group of blind children tries to open the eyes of the unbelievers to the Christian faith. Retired nuns who open a brothel, to pay the running costs of the convent. These rather ironic paradoxes turn this fairytale into a philosophical fable.
The Jew
The story of Brazilian Antônio José da Silva, a jewish poet, playwright and lawyer living in the 18th Century Lisbon, who managed to avoid Inquisition by converting himself to Catholicism, after being tortured. But his fierce criticism of Portugal's élite led him to persecution and torture, becoming kind of a scapegoat.
Fado, Major and Minor
Pierre, a middle-aged tourist guide, is the victim of a sudden failure : he does not recognize anything about him any longer. He goes back home and in his apartment he finds a mysterious young man who tells him he is here to avenge a young woman who has taken her own life. What share of responsibility does Pierre hold in this situation?
Villa Mauresque
Vincent, a young Swiss, is upset by his meeting with the city of Lisbon. He will meet two persons: a prostitute of high flight and a great writer fallen and suicidal.
No Dia dos Meus Anos
This Portuguese movie directed by João Botelho, is part of The Four Elements series. This is the second episode, The Air.
General Miramon
The French painter Edouard Manet painted four canvases depicting the execution in 1867 of Emperor Maximilian of Mexico. This short dramatic film evokes the artist's studio and the events of Maximilian's death, using a single, uninterrupted shot to present the artistic thought process through the eyes of the painter. The narration, written by the film's director, takes the form of an imagined interior monologue, presented in voice-over style in French and German with English subtitles. It alludes to the narrative, historical and visual texts that Manet drew upon to form his four versions of the painting.
The Emissaries of Khalom
Minister of the Kingdom
End of the 20th century. A group of scientists executes a project aiming to prevent a nuclear war with the planet Khalom. From their experimental project, involving manipulating events in the past, two mysterious human creatures travel between the present and the 19th century, and back - getting in love with four different persons.
City of Pirates
The policeman
A surreal odyssey in which a melancholic maidservant crosses paths with a homicidal little boy, travels to a tiny island of pirates and encounters a man with multiple personalities.
Circle of Passions
An aristocratic Sicilian family living in the 1950s. Count Villafratti has sex one night with his nymphomaniac daughter because he thinks she is his wife.
Three Crowns of the Sailor
The Travelling Salesman
A sailor sees a student killing his teacher and decides to spin a few yarns for him. He tells the boy of his many adventures in exotic South American ports where he visited opium dens and stayed in cathouses. In such dark, dreamlike places, the sailor meets many strange, mystical characters.
The Conversation Is Over
Mário de Sá-Carneiro
The film was to be a documentary, but evolved during production to a fictional film. It nevertheless adheres strictly to the poems and letters exchanged by two of the most outstanding names of the Modernist Movement, Fernando Pessoa (in Lisbon) and Mário de Sá-Carneiro (in Paris). Their endless conversation was dramatically and suddenly terminated.
Karl Martin
An “artist film” that crosses Karl Martin, Martin Heidegger and the Communist Party’s Manifesto.