Mansaku Itami

Mansaku Itami

Рождение : 1900-01-02, Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, Japan

Смерть : 1946-09-21


Mansaku Itami


Children Hand in Hand
Original Story
Жизнь Мухомацу
Мацугоро по прозвищу Мухомацу, "Мацу-забияка" (Тосиро Мифунэ) - бедный рикша, известный всему городу буян и задира. После того, как Мацугоро помогает мальчику Тосио, свалившемуся с дерева, родители ребенка, офицер-самурай Котаро Йосиока и его жена Йосико, нанимают его, чтобы возить мальчика к доктору. Когда умирает отец мальчика, рикша становится опорой вдовы и сироты, оказывая всевозможные услуги. Им овладевает глубокое и чистое чувство к матери мальчика. Общение с доброй, отзывчивой женщиной облагораживает рикшу. Он перестает пить, скандалить, старается быть благопристойным. Но он ни на секунду не осмеливается мечтать о взаимности. Мацугоро слишком хорошо известна разница между их социальным классами. Откроет ли он когда-либо свою любовь?
Love's Zephir Along the Tokaido
A movie directed by Nobuo Nakagawa
Children Hand in Hand
A small-town boy with a learning disability attempts to fit in with his classmates.
The Life of Matsu the Untamed
Matsugoro is a poor rickshaw driver whose animated spirit and optimistic demeanor make him a favorite of the town. Matsu helps an injured boy, Toshio, and is hired by the boy's parents.
Последний фильм режиссера Итами был вдохновлен романом Виктора Гюго «Отверженные». События перенесены во времена юго-западной войны 1877 года в Японии, которая была последней гражданской войной в стране.
Последний фильм режиссера Итами был вдохновлен романом Виктора Гюго «Отверженные». События перенесены во времена юго-западной войны 1877 года в Японии, которая была последней гражданской войной в стране.
Set in a rural area of Shinshu, a drama in which a woman who graduated from a women's college in Tokyo with her brother's efforts opens up a new life in her hometown where she is tired of the city. The original is a stage play by Yobun Kaneko. Directed and written by Mansaku Itami.
Set in a rural area of Shinshu, a drama in which a woman who graduated from a women's college in Tokyo with her brother's efforts opens up a new life in her hometown where she is tired of the city. The original is a stage play by Yobun Kaneko. Directed and written by Mansaku Itami.
The Daughter of the Samurai
At the invitation of the Japanese Ministry of Education, the former “mountain filmer” Fanck directed this “cultural feature film” with Japanese actors in Japan, making this the first, German-Japanese co-production. The young Japanese man Teruo gets caught up in a conflict between tradition and modernism, when he returns to Japan from Germany after having spent a number of years there studying. Now, he is supposed to marry Mitsuko, the daughter of his adoptive father, to whom Teruo has long been promised. But Teruo, who has gotten to know the freedoms of the western world, would rather marry the woman he loves and behaves brusquely to Mitsuko.
Akanishi Kakita
A samurai is ordered by his lord to go to Edo and investigate the truth behind the rumor of a rebellion against him.
Akanishi Kakita
A samurai is ordered by his lord to go to Edo and investigate the truth behind the rumor of a rebellion against him.
Rare Story of the Era of the Warring States: The Whimsical Youth
An adventurer and two accomplices unexpectedly invite themselves to a sword tournament and are offered a job with the lord who organized the competition.
Rare Story of the Era of the Warring States: The Whimsical Youth
An adventurer and two accomplices unexpectedly invite themselves to a sword tournament and are offered a job with the lord who organized the competition.
Chuji for Sale
Chuji for sale
Chuji for Sale
Chuji for sale
Chuji for Sale
Chuji for sale
Chūshingura - Ninjō-hen; Fukushū-hen
Directed by Daisuke Itō.
Professional Killer
Directed by Mansaku Itami.
The Greatest Man in the World
In the midst of the depression, two ronin rack their brains to come up with a dishonest scheme. Taking a man from the countryside, they fashion him into Ise Isenokami, the finest swordsman under the sun. Pretending to be his followers, they visit various sword fighting dojo. Out of fear upon hearing the name Isenokami, they pay him off and do not let him enter their training halls. The impostor eventually comes face to face with the real Isenokami after rescuing his daughter, Oyae, who is caught up in a minor incident.
Chiezo Kataoka plays a cowardly samurai, whose honor is on the line when it becomes necessary to avenge the murder of his father. The culminating duel takes place on a night of fireworks.
Original Story
Chiezo Kataoka plays a cowardly samurai, whose honor is on the line when it becomes necessary to avenge the murder of his father. The culminating duel takes place on a night of fireworks.
Chiezo Kataoka plays a cowardly samurai, whose honor is on the line when it becomes necessary to avenge the murder of his father. The culminating duel takes place on a night of fireworks.
The Wandering Gambler
Assistant Director
Date Mosui, a young samurai, one day gets a scolding from a nameless ronin that sets him thinking about what life is all about and his ways of living. His frined, Ando Kichinosuke, is alarmed at Mosui's despondency and invites him to his house as his little sister Tsuyu and he try to cheer him up.
The Wandering Gambler
Date Mosui, a young samurai, one day gets a scolding from a nameless ronin that sets him thinking about what life is all about and his ways of living. His frined, Ando Kichinosuke, is alarmed at Mosui's despondency and invites him to his house as his little sister Tsuyu and he try to cheer him up.
The Wandering Gambler
Date Mosui, a young samurai, one day gets a scolding from a nameless ronin that sets him thinking about what life is all about and his ways of living. His frined, Ando Kichinosuke, is alarmed at Mosui's despondency and invites him to his house as his little sister Tsuyu and he try to cheer him up.
The Wandering Gambler
Ando Hyoe
Date Mosui, a young samurai, one day gets a scolding from a nameless ronin that sets him thinking about what life is all about and his ways of living. His frined, Ando Kichinosuke, is alarmed at Mosui's despondency and invites him to his house as his little sister Tsuyu and he try to cheer him up.