Andrzej Smolik


Рождественская доставка
Когда злобный коллега саботирует ее доставку, курьер и услужливый клиент должны наперегонки вернуть рождественские подарки предполагаемым получателям.
Король побега
Дерзкий преступник встречает девушку, ради которой решает измениться...
Рассказ о том, как мы (не) справляемся с действительностью, которая нас окружает. Действие развивается в течение 24 часов, и за это время герои переживают целую череду забавных перипетий, коренным образом меняющих их жизнь
The Gift
Jurij has a special gift of making people's lives better. He works hard to maintain the status of the best stage hypnotist in Poland, for which he has to pay a high price. During his tours around Poland, when he stages his hypnoshow, Jurij earns big money. But at the same time, treated more as a circus attraction than a professional therapist, he feels that he is loosing his energy and talent. Torn between the moral dilemma and economic profit, Jurij becomes more and more frustrated. When he wipes away his stage makeup and returns to his family home in Ukraine, he becomes a loving son, trying to reconcile with his old father.
Declaration of Immortality
Marcin Koszałka returns in this film to a forgotten genre, namely a mountain film. The protagonist of his story is Piotr ‘Mad' Korczak, while somewhere in the background there is his rival Andrzej Marcisz. The director focuses on the career decline of a great master, provoking his reflection on his future life, when he will no longer be able to climb mountains. A moving story about inability to come to terms with old age and the desire of immortality.