Elmer Raguse
Рождение : 1901-05-09, Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
Смерть : 1972-03-02
RAGUSE, ELMER (Elmer Roy Raguse) Born May 9, 1901, Springfield, Massachusetts. A ham radio enthusiast at 16, Raguse was a chief telegraph
operator on ships for the Marconi Wireless Company before joining the phonograph record industry in 1924. He designed the first electrical recording system for Bell Telephone and installed it for Columbia Records and the Victor Talking Machine Company, which hired him as Assistant Supervisor of Recording; Raguse designed and built portable recording equipment used by Victor around the world. In 1928, Elmer supervised the recording of music and effects scores for the last of the L&H and Our Gang silents at Victor’s studios in Camden, New Jersey. He was sent to the Roach studios in Culver City to install sound recording equipment, and also insulate and redesign the stages. Raguse worked on 30 L&H films, sometimes without credit, and also recorded the sound for most of the foreign-language pictures. He remained as chief sound engineer until Henry Ginsberg fired him in a cost-cutting move in December 1931. Raguse worked at Fox and for radio producer C.P. MacGregor until Roach rehired him in January 1934; he remained there through 1957. He then worked for Desilu and finally returned to theatrical films with 20th Century-Fox. He retired to Florida in 1967. His work on Topper, Of Mice and Men, and other films earned him five Oscar nominations for sound recording and two for special effects. Elmer’s brother Roy and nephew Richard also worked at the Roach studio. Died of heart failure March 2, 1972, Palm Beach, Florida; age 70.
1943 год, в оккупированной немцами Италии в одном из лагерей для военнопленных назревает побег. Его возглавляет недавно сбитый американский летчик, полковник Фон Райан. Захватив поезд для перевозки пленных, он совершает беспрецедентную акцию, пересекая Италию под самым носом у фашистов.
During the Cold War, John Goldfarb crashes his spy plane in the Middle East and is taken prisoner by the local government. His captor, King Fawz, soon discovers that Goldfarb used to be a college football star. So he issues him an ultimatum: coach his country's football team, or Fawz will surrender him to the Russians. Goldfarb teams up with undercover reporter Jenny Ericson, and together they plot to escape their dangerous situation.
A trio of gorgeous American tourists hope to find love while vacationing in Spain. Secretary Maggie Williams falls hard for a married newsman named Paul Barton while fighting off the advances of one of his employees. Singer Fran Hobson sets her sights on a handsome European doctor. And coed Susie Higgins receives an unexpected proposal from smooth-talking womanizer Emilio Lacaya.
When a cavorting Hollywood writer is killed by the angry husband of a woman he was having an affair with, he comes back as a spirit in the form of a beautiful woman and moves in with his/her best friend as a base operation for enacting sweet revenge.
Луиза Мей Фостер романтичная молодая женщина, которая мечтает выйти замуж по любви, а не за деньги. Однако на ней словно лежит проклятье, потому что все ее мужья — так или иначе — не могут устоять перед соблазном богатства, известности или власти, тратят все свои силы на это и в результате умирают, оставляя Луизу богатой и несчатной вдовой. Луиза выходит замуж четыре раза, и каждый очередной муж оставляет ее всё более богатой. Луизе же эти деньги совсем не нужны, ей хочется простого женского семейного счастья…
A private investigator endures the rigors of an insane asylum in order to locate $1 million in stolen loot.
Эллен Вагстафф Арден мама двух маленьких детей. Как считалось, она была без вести пропавшей после несчастного случая с самолетом. Ее муж, Ник Арден, был один из оставшихся в живых. После долгих лет ее поиска, он решает продолжить жить дальше. Он объявляет свою жену без вести пропавшей и решает жениться на Бьянки и все это в один день. Однако, Эллен осталось жива. Она спасена и возвращается в этот же день домой. После таго как ее свекровь Грейс, рассказала ей про свадьбу, она понимает что может успеть помешать их медовому месяцу. В итоге Ник выясняет отношения с Бьянкой. Но он узнает, что Эллен была не одна на том острове. Все эти долгие годы она была наедине со Стивеном Буркеттом и что они назвали друг друга «Адам» и «Ева».
Sound Recordist
A killer hides out in a small-town boarding house.
В доме по соседству с Космо Топпером убили девушку. Её призрак навещает бедолагу Космо и заставляет искать убийцу.
Orphaned shoeshine boy Spanky is working on a Mississippi riverboat during the Civil War. There he befriends young runaway slave Buckwheat. After wronging a vicious gambler, Spanky and Buckwheat are forced to jump ship. Finding solace at a nearby house, the two are picked by Marshall Valiant for an important mission. This inspires Spanky to organize the local kids to form a small army of their own.
Stan and Ollie play bumbling circus performers who inadvertently drive the circus into bankruptcy. The circus can't pay them their wages so they are given a gorilla and a flea circus as payment. Bedlam ensues.
Stan and Ollie check into a seedy hotel and help a young girl escape the clutches of the landlord. They are forced to flee the hotel with no money and Ollie arranges for Stan to fight at a local boxing hall for $50. Stan's opponent turns out to be Musgy who uses a loaded glove. During the fight the glove is swapped and Stan triumphs only to find that Ollie has bet their fee that he would lose.
A timid accountant for a California cattle ranch and a lookalike dashing bandit become rivals for the beautiful daughter of a wealthy rancher.
Sound Recordist
Ollie's house is a mess after a wild party from the previous night. Ollie receives a telegram from his wife (who is on vacation in Chicago), which tells him that she is returning home in the afternoon. Fearing his wife's wrath he calls Stan over to help him clean up. Things go downhill and they make more mess not less.
It's in three distinct segments. The first and probably best involves Charley, his girlfriend, and her father foolish her mother and the suitor she prefers into getting Charley into the house for dinner. In the later two segments, in which Charley must get married within minutes to get a job, and then tries to go on a picnic with his new family, are both also packed with laughs and timed with an almost musical brilliance.
США. Великая депрессия. Стэн и Олли совсем поиздержались, остались у них старая машина, еще более старая палатка, и, в общем-то, все. А тут еще, по их вечной везучести, палатка сгорает. Делать нечего, приходится побираться, попрошайничать. И когда они обратились за помощью в первый попавшийся дом в одном селении, их встретила сердобольная старушка, не отказавшая им в помощи. Чуть позже они решают выручить старушку из беды, в которую, как им кажется, она попала...
The Hardys wish to have a quiet evening in their apartment, but are interrupted when the Laurels pay a visit. Stan and Ollie go out for ice cream, and manage to prevent a shrewish woman from committing suicide on the way back home. The woman is ungrateful and makes threats against the them unless they look after her. They spend a chaotic evening trying to keep her hidden from their wives.
Recording Supervision
1931 год. В Соединенных Штатах сухой закон. И вот, Стэн и Оливер решили заняться бутлегерством. Вскоре они попытались продать бутылку пива полицейскому и… угодили в тюрьму. А у Стэна еще зуб шатается, и он частенько выдает некий шипящий звук, вовсе не благотворно действующий на его собеседников.
Long lost German language version of the Laurel & Hardy film "The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case" When Stan's rich uncle Ebenezer dies and leaves behind a large estate, they think their days of living off the fish they catch are numbered. But they soon learn that Ebenezer has been murdered. All relatives, including Stan, are under suspicion.
Sound Recordist
Charley agrees to go on a blind date to help out his roommate. But because his last such date turned out badly, he goes all out trying to make himself look bad. He refuses to shave, wears his friend's old suit and even eats garlic. Unfortunately for him, however, his date turns out to be the lovely Thelma Todd.
Sound Recordist
Ollie is running for mayor when an old flame tries to blackmail him with a old photo.
Sound Recordist
Charley is invited to a high class party, where he feels ill at ease and has no idea how to act, yet he wants to impress his young lady.
Sound Recordist
Мистер Лорел и мистер Харди частенько попадали в довольно-таки затруднительные положения. В основном из-за несдержанности языка мистера Лорела. На этом раз им приходится спасаться от преследований полицейского. Судьба забросила их в дом полковника Букшота, который как раз сдается внаем. Но сам полковник уехал в Южную Африку, а прислуга, обязанная следить за домой, отправилась по своим делам, и вот, мистеру Харди пришлось назваться полковником Букшотом, ну а мистеру Лорелу исполнять роли одновременно дворецкого и служанки, так как лорд Леопольд Слива с супругой выразили желание снять дом, а на улице караулит полицейский.
Spanish version of The Laurel and Hardy Murder Case and Berth Marks.
Sound Engineer
Лорел и Харди устали. Они очень долго искали работу, и вот, решили передохнуть. Стэнли рыбачит, Олли рядом посапывает. Случайно им в руки попадает газета: Некто Эбинезер Лорел умер и оставил кому-то наследство! А может, нашему Лорелу? Друзья пускаются в путь, и приходят в зловещий дом, где Эбинезер Лорел был убит неизвестно кем... Ночь, полная страхов, впереди. Что ждет наших друзей? Богатство, безвестная смерть, арест по подозрению в дьявольском убийстве? Или произойдет еще что-то?
Sound Recordist
На сей раз Олли и Стэнли, как, впрочем, и почти в каждом фильме – закадычные друзья. Жена Харди закатывает ему скандал, мол, радио уже три месяца не работает, надо срочно поставить антенну! Нехотя Харди соглашается. Тут как раз подъезжает и Стэн. В общем, Олли и Стэн пытаются установить на крыше радиоантенну.
Sound Engineer
The gang decides to go camping with a little bear hunting on the side. A pair of poachers decides to try and scare them off with a gorilla suit but the gang decides to try and capture the gorilla instead.
Stan lies to his wife about going to a nightclub with Ollie but Mrs. Laurel overhears the plot and outsmarts them both.
Sound Recordist
Stanley and Oliver are trying to spend a relaxing night at home playing checkers, but the antics of their mischievous sons keep interrupting their recreation.
Stan fakes receiving a telegram so he can go to a club with Ollie and a bottle of his unsuspecting wife's liquor, but she overhears his plans.
Sound Engineer
The Rascals have a boxing arena that could pack them in if they could find fighters who would actually mix it up. Harry and Farina notice a rivalry between two very large young kids, Joe and Chubby, that would fill the bill if only the two heavyweights would put aside their gentle natures. Farina gets an idea: tell each of the lads that the other will take a dive in the second round. So the fight begins and the stands are filled; but will the combatants actually throw a punch? Ernie has one more trick up his sleeve to get the fists flying and the crowd on its feet. Sweet science indeed.
Sound Engineer
While the other kids and animals find things to do on the farm, Farina becomes single-minded in his quest to do nothing at all.
Sailors Stan and Ollie offer to buy sodas for two women they meet in a park, even though they are short on cash. Luckily Stan wins the jackpot on a slot machine and the boys have enough money to rent a boat to cruise on a lake. They soon tangle with other boaters and everyone ends up in the water.
Sound Engineer
The gang is playing around the railroad station, and Joe and Chubby's father, an engineer, lectures against the kids playing in such a dangerous area. True to his word, after Joe and Chubby's father leaves, a crazy man starts a train with most of the kids on it, save for Farina who is nearly run over several times.
Once Farina manages to climb aboard himself, the kids attempt to stop the runaway locomotive, but have no luck until the engine crashes into a grocery truck. As it turns out, however, the entire incident is revealed to be a dream Farina had as Joe and Chubby's father lectured the kids about rail-yard safety.
Sound Engineer
The gang are all orphans, hoping to be adopted by nice families where "spinach is not on the menu". Wheezer, the youngest child, gets adopted by a wealthy couple, while his older sister Mary Ann does not. The gang all comes to visit Wheezer in his new home, setting off an alarm that causes the police and the fire department to come over. At that time, Wheezer's new mother and father decide to adopt Mary Ann as well. The couple's friends all each adopt a child as well; even Farina is adopted by the maid at Wheezer's new home.