Petar B. Vasilev

Petar B. Vasilev

Рождение : 1918-06-26, Kriva bara, Montana Province, Bulgaria

Смерть : 2001-07-29


Petar Borisov Vasilev-Milevin was born on June 26, 191 in Kriva Bara, Lom region, Bulgaria. He studied Law at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". He graduated film directing at State Cinema Institute in Moscow (1954). He was a Member of the Union of Bulgarian Filmmakers. He has made some of the remarkable Bulgarian Cinema comedies. He received the title "Honored Artist" (1984) and the Order "Cyril and Methodius" (1960), the Order "People Republic of Bulgaria (1988). He died on July 29, 2001 in Sofia, Bulgaria.


Petar B. Vasilev


Maneuvers on the Fifth Floor
Three colleagues and devoted friends – Danton, Petar and Andrey – share an office, and not only, on the fifth floor of a socialist industrial research institute from the mid-eighties. Every morning when they come to work they lock the door of the office and, armed with binoculars and great interest, they begin watching the aerobics exercises of a young girl in the nearby building. Suddenly, their tranquil daily round is disturbed - a new director takes over the Institute and decides to develop close scientific partnerships with similar institutes in Japan.
Farsighted for Two Diopters
Dimo Manchev (Partsalev), a 50-year-old head of family, has a conservative notion of upbringing and morality. Being familiar with his disposition, the Manchev's daughter Lili (Bratanova) married his sweetheart Plamen (Gadzhokov) in secret. The young couple cast about how to announce the marriage all the more that they are both still students studying in university. The hesitation grows when the father shows strictness even though they present their relation as some university friendship.
The Past-Master
A research worker Robespier Galabov (Yakovlev) lives with his family in a small communal flat with shared kitchen and dreams about a self-contained home. Galabov meet Rangel Lelin (Gospodinov), the well-known amidst the localities as the past-master, when he realized that the new municipal apartment they apply for won't be ready in the next decade. The Past-Master promises to build the private house in a month. After starting the construction, Rangel Lelin constantly blackmail Galabov for more money through treat of "putting the hat". Finally the house was built but the inauguration become gloomy. It turns out that the chimney of the fireplace doesn't work properly. After days of luckless attempts to solve the problem the past-master's brother come into sight. Knowing the Lelin's tricks he find a hat built in the chimney.
The Quiet Fugitive
Gosho Kalimanski, a clerk living the big city, finds difficulties to stand the endless noise around him.
The Prince
At the end of 13th and the beginning of the 14th century twenty-four-years old, Prince Svetoslav Terter takes the helm of the state. The young Prince engages in a intricate political game, into getting his way by means of court intrigues, and is forced by circumstances. Svetoslav Terter is remarkably shrewd and consistent. He is perhaps the only head of state at this time to take the liberty of impeaching the primate of the country's church. He tries to rally the neighboring Slav people to a joint resistance to the Turkish conquest. Terter lives through a great personal tragedy. He becomes estranged from his dearest person, Mariya, who is too weak to join him on the difficult road of his choice. (written by Georgi Djulgerov)
The Prince
At the end of 13th and the beginning of the 14th century twenty-four-years old, Prince Svetoslav Terter takes the helm of the state. The young Prince engages in a intricate political game, into getting his way by means of court intrigues, and is forced by circumstances. Svetoslav Terter is remarkably shrewd and consistent. He is perhaps the only head of state at this time to take the liberty of impeaching the primate of the country's church. He tries to rally the neighboring Slav people to a joint resistance to the Turkish conquest. Terter lives through a great personal tragedy. He becomes estranged from his dearest person, Mariya, who is too weak to join him on the difficult road of his choice. (written by Georgi Djulgerov)
A fishing boat comes back to the port. Fishermen are crestfallen, as they have caught only one very little fish. To save face, they fib they have 300 kilo of mackerel on board the boat. In their will to report a success, the port administration decides to pad out the weight. So, the very little fish is grossly exaggerated into tons of belted bonito, then into dolphin and ultimately, into a whale. Which results in celebrations, honors and awards... There, naturally, is no any whale. Instead of brilliant display of an unprecedented success, the white collars make a brilliant display of their unparalleled foolishness.
В период антифашистской борьбы, в 1944 году, партизанский отряд получает доставленные самолётами советское оружие и боеприпасы. Часть оружия необходимо передать в другой отряд партизан. Эта задача поручена крестьянину - гончару. Преодолевая огромные трудности, не встретив связного с паролем, крестьянин всё же доставляет оружие по назначению.
Master of All Trades
A dentistry student, graduating with honor, does not get the desired job and has to start working as a MASTER OF ALL TRADES in a construction company. He has to paint walls, clean chimneys, and fix water conduits. He is not able to accomplish any of these tasks and gets into funny situations all the time. Moreover, he and his roommate, a good friend of his, quarrel over a girl. But this situation is a misunderstanding as well - the friends love different girls. A happy end is in sight.
Конец дороги
О том, как следователи майор Терзиев и лейтенант Киров, несмотря на трудности и препятствия, раскрыли дело о смерти геолога Юлии Велевой, которую убили диверсанты, проведавшие, что в заброшенной шахте она открыла месторождение урана.
Дорога через Беловир
Стамен, инженер-строитель, получает новое назначение. Ему предстоит покинуть столицу и своих друзей и уехать на стройплощадку огромной плотины. В поезде он встречает Катю. Он думает, что она актриса...
Дорога через Беловир
Стамен, инженер-строитель, получает новое назначение. Ему предстоит покинуть столицу и своих друзей и уехать на стройплощадку огромной плотины. В поезде он встречает Катю. Он думает, что она актриса...
Клятва гайдука
Люди турецкого наместника Мехмет-бея похищают невесту предводителя гайдуков Страхила Иванку. В ответ ее жених выкрадывает сына Мехмета. После этого между гайдуком и наместником заключается соглашение: похищенные возвращаются домой, а Страхил покидает свой отряд и возвращается к обычной крестьянской жизни. Но этому перемирию было суждено недолго существовать. Вскоре через деревню, где живут Страхил и Иванка, турки ведет группу пленников, в которых гайдук узнает людей из своего отряда. Не сдержав эмоций, он нападает на конвоиров и снова отправляется в горы, на этот раз вместе со своей молодой женой.
Следы остаются
На тротуаре напротив жилого дома на тихой софийской улице играют дети. Из окна падает ключ. Дети передают его живущему там же во дворе Тороманову, который приходит искать этот ключ. Оказалось, что маленький Пешо отдал ему по ошибке свой ключ. Он хочет поменяться ключами и обнаруживает, что тот ключ, который хотел забрать Тороманов, вовсе не от квартиры самого Тороманова. Тогда дети решают узнать правду. С хитростью и изобретательностью ребята выявляют опасных диверсантов, которые скрываются в чужой квартире и готовят крупную террористическую акцию...