Cindy Díaz

Cindy Díaz


Cindy Díaz was born on August 27, 1990 in Lima, Peru. She is an actress, known for Solo una madre (2017), Evelyn (2012) and Planta madre (2014).


Cindy Díaz


Toxic Jungle
A legend of Argentine rock travels to Iquitos to find an old Healer and participate in his Ayahuasca ceremony. You will have to go through the jungle and your own ghosts, on your way to healing.
Rosa Chumbe
Rosa is a mature police officer with both a gambling and a drinking problem. She lives with her daughter Sheila, who has a little baby. One day, after a big fight between them, Sheila steals her mother's savings and storms out of the house leaving her baby behind. Rosa is forced to spend some time with her grandson. Something changes inside her heart of stone. However, everything takes a wrong turn one night. Only a miracle can save her.
The Gospel of the Flesh
Three lives in search of redemption intersect in the streets of Lima: undercover cop Gamarra’s desperate attempts to save his wife from a terminal illness gets him into trouble; bus driver Felix wants to be accepted into a religious sect after his involvement in a tragic traffic accident; and imperiled soccer club leader Narciso tries to secure his younger brother’s release from prison.
Душераздирающая история о торговле людьми. Молодую девушку из сельского Перу заманивают в Испанию с обещанием о работе, а затем насильственно заталкивают в темный мир проституции без надежды на спасение.
Подводное течение
Загадочная история с призраками разыгрывается на перуанском побережье, где женатый рыбак пытается совместить свои чувства к мужчине-любовнику с суровыми и консервативными взглядами жителей города.