Love leads to madness when an unstable man falls for an unsuspecting woman in this thriller from Greece. Iasonas (Giorgos Kakanakis) is throwing a party one evening when a friend introduces him to Penelope (Serafita Grigoriadou); the two quickly hit it off and soon she's sharing his home. However, before long it becomes obvious that something isn't quite right -- each of them tends to see things in different ways, Iasonas has a hard time making his memories skew with what has actually happened, and tension between them reaches the boiling point. But when the relationship finally explodes into violence, what actually happens between Iasonas and Penelope?
Кинетта. Вымерший греческий курортный городок, населенный в межсезонье рабочими-мигрантами. Полицейский в штатском, со страстью к автомобилям, магнитофонам и русским женщинам, расследует серию недавних убийств в районе. Заручившись поддержкой одиночки фотографа и молоденькой горничной местного отеля, которая будет исполнять роль жертв, это странноватое трио занимается реконструкциями нападений с исключительным вниманием к деталям. Что за цель они этим преследуют?
Irina returns to Athens after long absence to find her step-brother. Her brother's friends, an American musician, a young Russian, a heritage-suitcase of her father and a series of odd events drift her into an inner journey...