Sudhakar Batra
Kusum Batra and her family have been living in a house named "Gulmohar" for many decades. As their Gulmohar villa is being brought down to give way to a high rise, the family meets up for one last party before the packers and movers take over. However, over the course of ghazal and gossip, the discordant notes in their relationships get exposed and one gets sucked into their tumultuous present and turbulent past.
Justice Vitthal Daangle
Сюжет фильма основан на реальных событиях. Главный герой картины – маньяк и насильник, который много лет терроризировал целый густонаселённый район. Он выбирал себе в качестве жертв девушек, имеющих принадлежность к низшей касте, далитам. Под началом этого человека находилась целая банда, с помощью которой он зарабатывал деньги и погружал людей в страх и отчаяние. Понадобилось более десяти лет, чтобы главный герой столкнулся с серьёзной для себя угрозой. У него появился враг в лице молодой девушки-далита. Она готова рискнуть своей жизнью, чтобы освободить жителей района от этого грязного бандита и его подельников-насильников…
A prosperous but lonely businessman has suicidal thoughts as his 60th birthday approaches. Then, he runs into his college sweetheart. Her mesmerizing beauty, poise and silence suddenly personify his vacuum of last 30 years. He was oblivious to his soul mate's shocking yesteryear's. Shama had chosen to be a recluse - hidden from the light of sunrise. Her life hasn't turned out the way she'd hoped, either. Can the couple find hope and rekindle their love?
An urban story of a woman who discovers that her husband is homosexual.
История женщины, которую муж оставляет в день свадьбы. Его единственная цель-делать деньги, и в погоне за ними он надолго покидает селенье. Позднее люди даже предполагают, что он умер. В результате хитросплетений сюжета, героиня начинает любить духа, принявшего образ ее мужа. Трагическая развязка наступает, когда ее настоящий муж возвращается спустя пять лет…
История женщины, которую муж оставляет в день свадьбы. Его единственная цель-делать деньги, и в погоне за ними он надолго покидает селенье. Позднее люди даже предполагают, что он умер. В результате хитросплетений сюжета, героиня начинает любить духа, принявшего образ ее мужа. Трагическая развязка наступает, когда ее настоящий муж возвращается спустя пять лет…
A woman pushes against social mores by asserting her right to sexual fulfillment.
Defense Minister
On the trail of an underworld contract killer, a dedicated police officer is thrust into a battle between good vs evil.
Kairee narrates the sweet and sour experiences of a ten year old girl brought to her maternal aunt Taani's house due to the loss of her parents. The girl, uprooted from a secure and loving home, struggles to cope with hostilities in her new environment. Taanimausi, living a barren existence with a brute of a husband, tries single-handedly to preserve the child's innocence and sensitivity as together they face the unpleasantness of an adult world. Taanimausi helps the girl create a world of their own... a world full of love, beauty and hope... a world full of sunshine, woods, streams, peacocks... and a world of raw mangoes.
An abducted and sexually abused girl has her traditional views towards sexuality changed after finding refuge and kindness with a trans woman.
An abducted and sexually abused girl has her traditional views towards sexuality changed after finding refuge and kindness with a trans woman.
A young man from the city journeys to his first teaching post, the small hamlet of Bangarwadi, deep in the jungle, inhabited by a few shepherds and farmers as well as a criminal tribe known as the Ramoshis. After the initial shock of his strange new world wears off he learns to appreciate life in the village and stops longing for home.
C.K. Kadam
On a train bound for Bombay, three friends become prime suspects in a murder. On the run, they have to prove their innocence and catch the real killer.
Binni lacks self-confidence and is annoyed by the constant unsolicited advice from her family. However, her life takes a turn when she meets a magician.
Yeshwant Bhosle
Мистере Сингхе уже достаточно давно живет в огромном городе Бомбее. Он проживает в обычном пансионе вместе со своей племянницей Нишей, которая никак не может найти любовь всей своей жизни. Девушка усердно работает, помогая Сингху вести дела. Но вскоре вся ее жизнь полностью изменится. Любовь изменит ее отношение к жизни.
Insp. Kamal Nath
Калпана так вдохновенно обманывала родных и друзей, что не заметила, как сама попала в ловушку собственной лжи.
Renowned Indian astrologer Jyotibhaskar Pandit Satyanarayan Chaturvedi, wishes a doctor, who is about to perform surgery on a woman, good luck, but also tells him that his patient is going to die. The doctor scoffs at this, and proceeds to the operation theatre. The patient dies, and the doctor is humbled before the astrologer. The astrologer lives with his wife, Devki, and an only son, Nandu. Nandu is of marriageable age, and he would like to see him get married to a woman named Indu Agnihotri. But Nandu loves another woman by the name of Sushma Chatopadhya and is determined to marry her. And then his father tells him that he is fated to have two wives in this lifetime - the first will die within eleven months of the marriage - and that's when he will re-marry. Modern-day educated Nandu must now decide to believe his father and let go of Sushma, or defy his astrological beliefs and marry her.
Khamosh is 1985 Indian thriller directed and produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. The film starred Bollywood actors such as Naseerudin Shah, Shabana Azmi, Amol Palekar, Soni Razdan and Pankaj Kapoor. It, however, did not do well at the box office. The film became notable for actors Amol Palekar, Soni Razdan and Shabana Azmi portraying fictional versions of themselves. It is a suspense movie, wherein the murderer is among the group of people living together in a hotel, and the actual murderer is well hidden in the plot until the very end.
Nandu Chaturvedi
Renowned Indian astrologer Jyotibhaskar Pandit Satyanarayan Chaturvedi, wishes a doctor, who is about to perform surgery on a woman, good luck, but also tells him that his patient is going to die. The doctor scoffs at this, and proceeds to the operation theatre. The patient dies, and the doctor is humbled before the astrologer. The astrologer lives with his wife, Devki, and an only son, Nandu. Nandu is of marriageable age, and he would like to see him get married to a woman named Indu Agnihotri. But Nandu loves another woman by the name of Sushma Chatopadhya and is determined to marry her. And then his father tells him that he is fated to have two wives in this lifetime - the first will die within eleven months of the marriage - and that's when he will re-marry. Modern-day educated Nandu must now decide to believe his father and let go of Sushma, or defy his astrological beliefs and marry her.
A 1984 Hindi-language telefilm directed by Tapan Sinha.
Rahul, the son-in-law of an old industrialist and one of the heirs to his fortune, clashes with Dinesh, the industrialist’s nephew who is openly unscrupulous. Rahul, on his part, conceals his personal ambition under a cloak of liberalism and encourages indigenous production.
Ajay Sharma
Sparkling comedy about a meddling friend whose attempt to rekindle the spark in his friend's relationship with his wife of seven years leads to complications to their lives, and to the lives of his secretary and her boyfriend he has not 'scripted' ... Splendid performances by Amol Palekar, Deepti Naval, Parveen Babi and Farooq Shaikh, a perfectly pitched script, witty dialogue and a plethora of aptly placed film references make this a film one can watch over and over and never fail to laugh out loud.
The story of a poverty-stricken family, one of the countless fringe dwellers in India's slums. A man tries to earn some money by selling aborted fetuses to medical institutes.
Madhu Gupta
Молодые девушки мечтают выйти замуж за прекрасного принца... Они даже согласны представиться своему суженному на фотографии. Но, что их ждет в будущей супружеской жизни, не знает никто. Две наши героини — одна девушка строгих правил и одна — современная натура — попадают в череду ситуаций, из которых не так то легко выбраться. И вот тут то на помощь молодежи приходит мудрая супружеская пара. Они реалистично показывают молодым как надо себя вести мужу и жене...
Красавица Сангита — единственная, кто зарабатывает деньги и несет на своих хрупких плечах заботу о своей большой семье, состоящей из престарелой матери, сестры-вдовы, слепого братишки, непутевого брата-алкоголика, его жены и троих его детей. Среди жизненных тягот, отказывая себе во всем, даже в личном счастье, Сангита стала жёстким, бескомпромиссным человеком.
Ravi Chattan
Много лет назад судьба забросила Рави Чаттана в далекую деревушку, где он встретил и полюбил Риту, добрую, отзывчивую девушку. Но жизнь разлучила влюбленных. Прошли годы. Рави женился на другой, у него родилась дочь. Казалось, ничто не может омрачить его семейное счастье. Но неожиданный телефонный звонок и последовавшая за ним встреча с приходским священником нарушают благополучное течение жизни семьи Чаттана: у Рави есть сын Раджу, о существовании которого он даже не подозревал. Ситуация осложняется еще и тем, что мать мальчика, Рита, умерла, и теперь позаботиться о мальчике, взять его в свою семью должен отец..
A remote, backward village sacrifices five women to appease the evil spirit in a tree.
A remote, backward village sacrifices five women to appease the evil spirit in a tree.
Доктор Вилсон - гуманитарий, который верит в то, что самое плохое в человеческой натуре можно отделить и уничтожить. Именно этими экспериментами он занят в своей лаборатории. Однажды он пробует на себе какое-то химическое вещество, в результате чего появляется Блэкстоун (Черный камень) - его второе я, воплощающее зло. Теперь днем он Блэкстоун, а вечером, возвращаясь домой, становится собой - доктором Вилсоном. Ситуация выходит из-под контроля, когда Блэкстоун начинает уничтожать людей, которые ему не нравятся, включая самого доктора Вилсона. С каждым днем Блекстоун становится сильнее, жизнь доктора Вилсона почти полностью подчинена Блэкстоуну.
Ramprasad is appointed as a house-keeper for Bhavani Shankar Bajpai's ancestral home, won after a hard-fought legal battle. Ramprasad wants to marry Kusum but cannot as he doesn't earn enough or has a decent place to live. Circumstances change and Kusum and her father come and live in the Bhavani Shankar's ancestral home. Bhavani Shankar, his brother and Bhavani Shankar's manager come one by one to evict the trespassers and are infatuated by Kusum. Ramprasad somehow manages to deal with all of them and marries Kusum after assurances to better pay and a nice place to live.
Kishan Lal
Кишан женат на Шанти, но оба не могут иметь детей. Его брат Шамбху влюблен в Тулси, но ее кузен не хочет, чтобы они были вместе, поэтому распускает слухи о романе Шанти и Шамбху.
Молодой безработный Чандраканд с женой и детьми живет со своими двоюродными братьями одной большой семьей. Жены состоятельных двоюродных братьев упрекают его и жену по поводу их бедности. Уставшие от насмешек они уезжают в родную деревню. Там они чинят свой старый разрушенный дом и пытаются начать новую жизнь. Но двоюродные братья настойчиво хотят отнять у них даже эту крупицу счастья. Чандраканд терпит их насмешки и оскорбления до тех пор, пока однажды братья не понимают, что он спас их от разорения.
Ram Prasad Dasharath Prasad Sharma / Laxman Prasad Dasharath Prasad Sharma
Рам и его сестра Рата, сироты. Они живут в Бомбее и будущее их весьма туманно. Однако старый друг их семьи подкидывает молодым людям веселую работенку. Много забавных приключений придется пережить героям, пока они не смогут добиться желаемого богатства и почета...
Tony Braganza
Rosie Perreira is an overly anxious widow, living with her guitar-obsessed son, Sabhi, and a lovely daughter, Nancy, who she would like to get married to a wealthy young man. Her helpful neighbor, Tom, introduces a young eligible Tony Braganza to Nancy in the 9:10 AM Western Railway local train from Bandra to Churchgate. Tom also asks Nancy to introduce Tony to Rosie, which she does. Rosie is initially apprehensive about him as he only drawing a mere Rs.300/ compared to Nancy's Rs.700/-, but soon changes her mind when she finds out that after his probationary period he will draw a monthly pay of Rs.1000/-. Nancy and Tom are permitted to meet and both eventually fall in love. While Nancy wants to follow her mother's directions and get married, Tony is hesitant, and this is what costs him Nancy's love, as she starts to feel that he will not come through with the marriage. And soon Rosie starts looking elsewhere for a son-in-law, while Tony is still reluctant to make any commitments.
Bhagwant Kumar 'Bhagu' Bartendu
When he experiences chest pains, hopeless hypochondriac Bhagwant checks into the hospital for a checkup and overhears his doctor discussing the diagnosis of a terminally ill patient with an associate. Assuming he is the one scheduled to die, he asks his friend to help him find a new husband for his wife Priya so he'll know she won't be alone once he's gone. He locates Priya's old college beau Fernandes. Meanwhile, Priya mistakes her husband's machinations for an attempt to cover up an extramarital affair and throws him out of the house.
Two hapless petty thieves find themselves embroiled in a kidnapping when they decide to break into a house on the very same night that two dim-witted kidnappers plan to abduct the child who lives there.
Sixteen-year-old Mehna falls in love with a doctor from the city who plans on taking advantage of her. When he leaves her after she refuses his advances, Mehna's cousin steps in to care for her.
Sharad is head over the heels in love with Renu, his neighbour's daughter. However, problems arise when two of his employers want him to get married to either of their daughters.
Amol 'Ramu' Palekar
Kamla does his best to protect a young woman who reminds him of his slain sister, but it turns out that she has several surprises in store for him.
Keshav Dalvi
Головокружительную карьеру сделала бедная крестьянская девочка Уша. И с самого детстве ей всем помогал ей сосед Кешав. Небескорыстный Кешав мечтал, что когда Уша станет прославленной актрисой, он, женившись на ней, обеспечит себе безбедную старость.
A good-hearted taxi-driver (Amol Palelar) goes out of his way to help his customers, and when times turn bad for him, and he has no one to turn to, his former customers come to assistance. The other priority on his shoulders is to marry - but before that he must accomplish himself.
Bombay-based Anil Agarwal lives a very wealthy lifestyle, mostly from wealth, estate, and business inherited from his grandfather, along with his wife, Anju, and a school-going son named Jimmy. One day while at the beach a stranger named Vijay Sohni, rescues Jimmy from drowning, refuses to accept any compensation, but is invited to live in the palatial house of the Agarwals indefinitely, which he accepts. Anil's garage owner friend, Daver, cautions him against Vijay, as he has been seen making advances to Daver's wife, Suman. Anil decides to pay close attention to Vijay, and does find him getting closer and closer to Anju. He decides to ask Vijay to leave, and even gives him some money, when Daver bursts in accusing Vijay of having an affair with Suman, an argument ensues, which regresses into fisticuffs, Anil hits Vijay on his head which leads to his death. Daver disposes of the body, and both decide not to tell anyone about Vijay's disappearance...
Kanneshwara Rama (Kannada: ಕನ್ನೇಶ್ವರ ರಾಮ; English: The Legendary Outlaw) is a 1977 Kannada political drama film directed by M. S. Sathyu and produced by the Sharadha Movie Productions banner. The film is based on the novel Kannayya Rama written by the acclaimed writer S. K. Nadig. The story is set in the 1920s during which a young rebellious youth named Kanneshwara Rama opposes to the unjust orders given by the village head and becomes outlawed from the village.[1] The film stars Ananth Nag as the protagonist along with Shabana Azmi, Amol Palekar, Dheerendra Gopal, Venkatesh in the key supporting roles. The film's score and songs were composed by B. V. Karanth who's also enacted as the dacoit cheiftan. The film, upon release, was critically acclaimed and was screened at various film festivals across India and abroad.
A story of a young, middle-class urban working couple wanting to get married and their tribulations in finding a house in the city of Mumbai.
Arun Pradeep
Мелкий сотрудник компании "Джексон Толарам" Арун Пратип влюблен в девушку, с которой каждое утро ездит в одном автобусе на работу. Но он слишком нерешителен, чтобы познакомиться с ней. Когда же все-таки пытается это сделать, то попадает в разные неловкие ситуации. К тому же на Прабху положил глаз ее сослуживец Нагеш, гораздо более активный. И если бы не помощь полковника Сингха, неизвестно, какой бы у этой истории был финал.
Школьный учитель Питамчере Чоудхари живет в одном доме со своей женой и дочерью. В один прекрасный день он получает сообщение от дочери, которая пишет, что скоро в их деревню заедет молодой инженер, отлично подходящий в качестве жениха для другой дочери Питамчера. Семья Чоудхари встречает молодого человека, стараясь обхаживать его, как самого дорогого гостя.
A woman is attached to her brother-in-law's son and is unable to cope with his death. She becomes mentally unstable and is kept in a medical facility, while her own child is raised by her relatives.
A Delhi-based woman in a steady relationship with her boyfriend is forced to come to terms with her true feelings when a job interview in Mumbai brings an old flame back in her life.
A political and social satire on middle-class society's hypocrisy. A group of teachers plan to stage a play in a village. When a cast-member does not show up, a local stagehand is asked to replace him. An improvised, free-flowing 'rehearsal' is arranged and a mock trial is staged to help the novice understand court procedures. A (mock) charge of infanticide is levelled against Miss Benare, another cast-member. Suddenly the pretend-play turns into an accusatory game when it emerges from the trial that Miss Benare is carrying an out-of-wedlock child from her failed illicit relationship with Professor Damle, the missing cast-member.