Bindiya Goswami

Bindiya Goswami

Рождение : 1962-01-06,


Bindiya Goswami


Злобный Шакти хочет жениться на Аните, дочери владельца фабрики. Но Анита влюблена в Винода, с которым она познакомилась на пикнике. Шакти строит коварные планы мести с надеждой разлучить влюбленных.
Офицеру индийской спецслужбы Авинашу удается получить видеопленку с доказательствами заговора иностранных террористов против Индии. Но завладеть этой пленкой хотят и многие другие. В схватке с ними Авинаш получает ранение и теряет память. Вспомнить о том, где спрятана пленка и предотвратить готовящуюся диверсию Авинашу помогает его любимая девушка.
Film starring Brahmachari, Chandrashekhar and Coca Cola
Dial 100
It is a tragedy that few people know about this gem. It has everything great random songs, comedy, tragedy, drama, action, betrayal, murder, criminal masterminds, romance, jealousy, siblings reunited, miracles, wonder pets, advanced technology, and memorable dialogue. An amazing Vinod Mehra in his prime (wonder why he never became a big star...?) complements many other stars and a huge number of big-name cameo appearances.
Три брата
Seema Srivastav
Еще в детстве жизнь разлучает братьев Чату и Раджу с их старшим братом Хари. Чату упорно работает, чтобы дать возможность младшему Раджу безбедно жить и получить образование в университете. Но Раджу встает на преступный путь, занимаясь контрабандой. За его ошибки приходится расплачиваться Чату. В самый критический момент судьба сводит троих братьев вместе…
Три брата
Manju Verma
Еще в детстве жизнь разлучает братьев Чату и Раджу с их старшим братом Хари. Чату упорно работает, чтобы дать возможность младшему Раджу безбедно жить и получить образование в университете. Но Раджу встает на преступный путь, занимаясь контрабандой. За его ошибки приходится расплачиваться Чату. В самый критический момент судьба сводит троих братьев вместе…
Лицом к лицу
Полиция давно подозревает, что популярный певец Джони возглавляет шайку контрабандистов, но вывести его на чистую воду мешает его двойник — крестьянин Гопи.
Hamari Bahu Alka
Collegian Pratapchand alias Pratap lives with his father, Badriprasad, a building contractor, his housewife mom, and a younger brother named Ramu. Badriprasad is always critical of Pratap, and never a day passes without Pratap being reminded of his shortcomings. When Pratap's friend, Sunil gets married to Sudha, Badriprasad arranges Pratap's marriage with a village belle named Alka, much to Pratap's chagrin. After the marriage takes place, Pratap finds Alka attractive, and both fall in love with each other, and would some time together. But that is not to be so, as Pratap has exams coming up, and Badriprasad will not permit them to be close to each other. So both of them scheme up a plot to leave on the pretext of visiting Alka's parents in another distant town. Instead both of them go to Bombay, rent a room, and decide to be intimate. But fate has other plans, rather comical, for them, and will make rue their decision of coming to Bombay.
Жажда жизни
A vendetta rages between two families. Neither ghosts nor snakes nor humans can escape the carnage.
Suraj is a bachelor and a leading industrialist, who is still recovering from being separated from his love, Sushma. He would like to build a hotel in the same region where he met Sushma for the first time, and asks his secretary, Lalwani, to make arrangements. Lalwani meets with real estate agent, Chhaganlal Patel, and they procure a plot on a scenic lot and start the construction. They are assisted by Chhagan's gorgeous secretary, Shabho; a lawyer, Kapoor; Judas a local resident; Mahendraprasad Gupta, a government official; and Gadhucha, a labor contractor.
Yeh Rishta Na Tootay
Ram Kapoor comes from a poor family, while Kiran comes from a middle-class family. Ram and his brother, Shyam, commit petty thievery to sustain themselves. Ram meets Kiran and both fall in love and would like to get married. Kiran's dad is Police Inspector, Vijay Kumar, and does not approve of either Ram nor this marriage. Despite of this opposition, Kiran and Ram get married. After sometime, Kiran gets pregnant, and her mother, Madhu, comes to look after her. A gangster, Shakti, abducts both mother and daughter, and holds them for ransom. Vijay thinks that Ram and Shyam are behind this abduction so to get money from him, and launches a manhunt for them. Shyam is apprehended, while Ram is on the run. Ram must decide to hand himself over to the police, and let his wife and her mother be at the mercy of Shakti or continue to evade the police and search for Kiran and Madhu.
Красивая жизнь
Храбрый полицейский Шив Кумар получает указание разработать секретную операцию по уничтожению на необитаемом острове крупного бандита Шакала. Попытка полицейского, к сожалению, закончилась трагической гибелью. Но два брата Шив Кумара Виджай и Рави поклялись друг другу найти и уничтожить Шакала.
Кишан, богатый и испорченный сын богача, изучает медицину в колледже. Его сокурсница Мадху преподает ему урок смирения. Кишан влюбляется в Мадху, и они собираются пожениться. Но их мечты разрушает Капил Кумар, он убивает Мадху. Кишан едет в маленькую деревню работать врачом. Там он встречается с Чанчал, сестрой близнецом Мадху. Какие еще испытания судьба приготовила Кишану?.
Sudarshan Sahni would like his son, Raju, to marry his Europe-based friend's daughter, Rita, but Raju is in love with Anu, and both plan to marry each other. Anu's dad, Pradeep Rai Choudhry, does not approve of Raju, and warns Anu not to have anything to do with him, in vain though. Both Anu and Raju elope, and get married and re-locate to a small and remote village, where they spend several months in perfect harmony. It is then that their respective parents come to know of their location, and descend on them to bring them back to their world.
Неведомый враг
Джавала Прасад женится на девушке своей мечты. В брачную ночь невеста ради любовника убивает мужа. Тогда Джавала превращается в монстра и убивает обоих. История на этом не заканчивается. Чудовище терроризирует весь район, похищая других невест. Когда жених убивает злодея, он переселяется в тело жениха. И ужас продолжается. Ни полиция, ни охотники не могут убить монстра. Сколько несчастных невест будет принесено в жертву, под чьей личиной скрывается призрак и придет ли этому конец….
Jaandaar (English: Lively; Hindi: जानदार) is a 1979 Bollywood Action film, produced and directed by S.K. Lutha under the Kareer Films banner. It stars Vinod Mehra, Bindiya Goswami, Amjad Khan, Mahendra Sandhu in the lead roles while Jeetendra has given a special appearance and the music was composed by Kalyanji Virji Shah.
Всё дело в усах
Рам и его сестра Рата, сироты. Они живут в Бомбее и будущее их весьма туманно. Однако старый друг их семьи подкидывает молодым людям веселую работенку. Много забавных приключений придется пережить героям, пока они не смогут добиться желаемого богатства и почета...
A Bollywood film.
College Girl
The story is about a college girl who is cheated and raped by her lover. She files a case against him but could not punish him for she needs a proof. Her elder sister who is a lawyer tries to collect the evidence but is caught by the villain, and when he tries to rape her the college girl who was seeking vengeance for destroying her future, shoots and punishes him in the climax of the movie
Khatta Meetha
Homi Mistry (Ashok Kumar) has been a widower for several years now, and looks after his four sons, their small house, and a job at the factory. Nargis Sethna has been widowed; is a housewife, has two sons and a daughter, and a large house. Then Soli (David), Nargis' and Homi's friend, suggests that the two get married, then at least the children will have a mother and father, as well as a larger house. They do get married, and hilarious chaos results, as the family and the children try to accomodate each other and fit in with their new family and surroundings.
Aankh Ka Tara
Geeta falls in love with a blind radio singer named Mohan, but his disability hampers their happily-ever-after.
Pinky K. Sharma
Перед нами счастливая дружная семья: Кайлаш, его красавица-жена Сима и души не чающая в отце пятилетняя Пинки. Неожиданно безмятежную жизнь троих любящих людей нарушает несчастье. Защищая девушку, в случайной, нелепой драке Кайлаш убивает своего противника. Убитый оказывается сыном рвущегося к власти политикана. Родственников девушки подкупают, и, выступая на суде, потерпевшая клевещет на своего спасителя. Кайлаш приговорен к смертной казни.
Jay Vejay
When the rulers of Malwa, Pushpapuri and Paanchal find out that their respective kingdoms are under attack by Jung forces, they consolidate their wealth, hide it underground, surrounded by 3 statutes of Hindu Deities, hide it's location in 3 different necklaces, which are then handed over from generation to generation of their respective queens. 200 years later Shamsher Jung attacks and takes over the kingdom of Malwa, forcing Maharaj Dharampal Singh to flee and be eventually be separated from his wife, and two sons, Jay and Vejay. Years later Dharampal is still in hiding away from his wife, Jay has been brought by a bandit named Bhavani Singh, and is now known and feared as Sher Singh, while Vejay is the Senapati of none other than Malwa's Maharaj, Diler Jung, the son of Shamsher. Everyone's path will collide, albeit unknowingly, when they confront each other and race to be the first to take possession of the hidden wealth.
A Bollywood drama.
Chala Murari Hero Banne
This is the story of Murari who wants to become a filmstar. He runs away from his house and goes to Mumbai to become a superstar. When he reaches Mumbai his whole world turns upside down. Fortunately he finds a friend in Mr Dubey who also is a struggler to get a break in films. They face hardships and at times they have to sleep in local trains. By the Gods grace Murari (Asrani) gets work as Junior Artist and works hard remembering the words Dharmendra told him once when they had met. His hard work pays off and one day he becomes the superstar of the film industry. But what about the flip side? Will he forget his old friends who had helped him during his struggle?
Jeevan Jyoti
Laxmi 'Munni'
Shekhar, a rich man's son marries Laxmi, to prevent an embarrassing situation for her, when the bridegroom, his friend, is arrested for being associated with a gang. Suspicion against his wife's fidelity makes Shekhar drive her out of the house. A series of incidents, however, bring the husband and wife together.