Anita Teno
A parody of the over-zealous parent who is going to "make sure" their child gets to the goal of making the Olympics. How can the parent usually help best? Do not coach your child.
A parody on what actually happens at gym schools, of course it's a bit over the top. Trying to help parents see that in trying to help their child, they may actually do harm to them.
Vic Timize
A parody on what actually happens at gym schools, of course it's a bit over the top. Trying to help parents see that in trying to help their child, they may actually do harm to them.
Thing One
Конрад и Салли Валден дома со своей рыбкой одни. На улице дождь и делать решительно нечего. Пока не появляется Кот в Шляпе. Он знакомит детей с их воображением. Поначалу это игры и развлечения, но затем всё выходит из под контроля, и ему надо исчезнуть до прихода родителей…
Helen Copter
It is really important to Helen that her daughter, Diva, gets to be an optional gymnast - but she might be the only one who thinks so!