Jérôme Bleitrach


Большая игра
Associate Producer
Сорокалетний писатель Пьер Блум, познавший славу в начале нулевых, на свадьбе своей бывшей жены знакомится с неким Джозефом Паскиным. Таинственный и влиятельный, Паскин предлагает ему написать под псевдонимом книгу, призывающую к восстанию и предназначенную нанести вред карьере одного политика. Не зная, какое опасное развитие событий его ждёт, Пьер соглашается.
The year is 2004. France has passed a law banning religious symbols in public schools. Mariam, born in France to Arab parents, recently began to wear the hijab after performing the hajj with her grandmother. At the start of the academic year, she pretends the new law does not exist, as she does not want to acknowledge it and so be forced to make a decision. To complicate matters, Karim, a popular young Arab boy in school, starts paying attention to her and she develops a powerful crush on him. While her fellow veiled classmates argue with teachers about their desire to keep wearing the hijab, and her parents argue about her wearing hers, Mariam dreams of Karim, despite her best friend Sophia’s warning that he is not serious. Things come to a head when the deadline for removing the hijab or facing expulsion falls the same week Mariam sees Karim with another girl.
Vengeance et terre battue
Executive Producer
Rita Cerveau ("Brain"), the most intelligent woman in the world, is depressive.
Burkina Faso in 1987 is a country in the throes of revolution. Manu, an eight-year-old who loves comics, tags along with Albert, his big brother. When Albert decides to undergo a magic ritual to become invincible, Manu realises there are real powers to rival those of his comic-book superheroes.
Round Trip
For Walid, a taxi driver in Damascus, the only place he can steal a private kiss with his love, Suhair, is in his car. When Suhair is invited by her friend to visit Tehran, she and Walid together board a train from the Syrian capital to Tehran. As they follow the stunning scenery captured beautifully on film, Walid and Suhair finally have an opportunity to get to know each other outside of his taxi…
Соседи Бога
Главные герои живут в городе Бат-Ям, недалеко от Яффы. Они молоды, полны сил и исповедуют хасидизм, стремясь привить его всем вокруг, причем делают это насильно и агрессивно, считая, что столь благородная цель оправдывает любые средства. Соседи уважают их и одновременно боятся. Однажды тут появляется девушка Мири, не знакомая с их строгими порядками и не готовая им следовать. Ави — лидер религиозной группировки — влюбляется в нее и оказывается перед выбором: либо любовь к этой независимой девушке, либо преданность своей «банде» и ее жесткому кодексу.
After Shave
Executive Producer
Abou Milad, an old itinerant barber, lost his barbershop during the Lebanese civil war. Today, he hardly earns a living by offering his services in the popular cafés of Beirut. One day, he is summoned by a recluse resident of a large old mansion.
Or (My Treasure)
Or shoulders a lot: she's 17 or 18, a student, works evenings at a restaurant, recycles cans and bottles for cash, and tries to keep her mother Ruthie from returning to streetwalking in Tel Aviv. Ruthie calls Or "my treasure," but Ruthie is a burden. She's just out of hospital, weak, and Or has found her a job as a house cleaner. The call of the quick money on the street is tough for Ruthie to ignore. Or's emotions roil further when the mother of the youth she's in love with comes to the flat to warn her off. With love fading and Ruthie perhaps beyond help, Or's choices narrow.
La Mer à Boire
Summertime at the beach. Swimming, yelling, playing, tanning. 25-year-old Marie who came alone to lie in the sun and swim in the sea, loses the bottom half of her bathing suit.