Kim Ae-kyung

Kim Ae-kyung

Рождение : 1950-02-12,


Kim Ae-kyung


Искусство обольщения
Ms. Park
Яркая, сексуальная и энергичная девушка по имени Хан Чжи Ван имеет репутацию лучшего работника большой компании. Но на ее место претендует усердный, ловкий и красивый Со Мин Чжун, слывущий мужчиной способным обвести женщину вокруг пальца. И однажды они встречаются друг с другом.
Oh Mi-J
Северокорейская шпионка проникает в Южную Корею для выполнения секретной миссии. За ней следом следует другая девушка-агент для разоблачения первой.
Влажные мечты
English teacher
Дон Хён, Сок Гу, Сан Мин и Ён Джэ типичные подростки, учащиеся средней школы. И как любые мальчишки их возраста, они испытывают острое любопытство к теме секса. Объектом страсти и тайных фантазий парнишек становится новенькая учительница Ким Ю Ри. Однако, "запретная любовь" Дон Хёка к своей учительнице разрушается новостью о ее увлечении другим учителем Гуном. Ю Ри уже запала на классного руководителя и предается собственным мечтаниям о нем. Но, вот незадача, Гун отрекся от любви в своей жизни, и не восприимчив к ее проявлениям. Теперь Ю Ри предстоит умудриться увлечь стойкого мужчину, в то же время выдержать напор любвеобильных студентов.
Supermarket Middle-aged Woman
После смерти обоих родителей Файлан эмигрирует в Южную Корею с целью найти там оставшихся родственников. По приезде она узнаёт, что они переехали в Канаду. Несчастная Файлан в попытке хоть как-то устроить свою жизнь в чужой и незнакомой Корее обращается в брачное агентство, где ей находят мужа. Кан-джэ — уже немолодой гангстер, плохо обеспеченный и не имеющий никакого авторитета. Файлан ничего не знает о Кан-джэ, у неё есть только его фотография от агентства. Брак с ним позволяет Файлан получить разрешение на работу, Кан-дже получает обещанное денежное вознаграждение, и, казалось бы, что на этом их отношения должны завершиться, но Файлан начинает испытывать чувства к незнакомому мужу.
Doo-chil, a 46 Year old small poultry farm owner, is the head of the family, yet with no authority rather intimidated by aggressive wife, mother-in-law, and three daughters. One day, Doo-chil makes delivery of chickens to a slaughter house and meets Ok-ja who works there as an accountant. Ok-ja prostitutes at night at motels and barbershops to support her family and pay for her brother's education. Doo-chil goes out for a drink with Duk-bae, the egg seller, who tries to persuade Doo-chil into marrying his daughter and later they end up at a high class barbershop where he runs into Ok-ja. He is disappointed, but since then, feeling compassion toward her, he approaches Ok-ja. Ok-ja's mind also gradually slants toward him, moved by his honesty and sincerity. One day, upon arrival at a beach about dawn, two of them witness the dazzling sunrise over the horizon and realize the beginning of their passionate relationship.
From Dawn to Night
Byun Gang-soi 2
Byeon Kang-soe proves to be too powerful and endowed for most women to bear so he begins a quest to locate Ong-nyeo, a woman whose sexual stamina matches his own
A Bold Woman
The film centers on independence and intelligence of a woman who makes active choices regardless of social norms and ethics. The main character is a divorcee, Eul-hye, and the story unfolds as she encounters different men and experiences with dramatic incidents and conflicts.
Dreams of the Strong
Mrs. Kim
Il-bong was utterly defeated as a wrestling athlete. He decides against returning to his hometown and stays in Seoul. As he wanders the street, going from job to job, someone recommends him to become an actor. But the acting roles that are waiting Il-bong are in adult movies. At the set, Il-bong meets Ae-ja and falls in love with her. They give up the adult films and Ae-ja gets pregnant. Because they are desperately poor, Ae-ja has a miscarriage and Il-bong curses his incompetence. The two decide to part for one year. During that time, Il-bong becomes a male prostitute and makes a ferocious amount of money. But he has become tough without realizing it. After the year is over, Il-bong goes to their promised meeting place but Ae-ja is nowhere to be seen. Il-bong wails to the city.
The Stolen Apple Tastes Good
After witnessing her mother's infidelity, Su-mi's psychological scar creates abnormal sexual tendencies. When she meets the hoodlum Ma Do-yub, Su-mi transforms herself into a sexy woman but runs away from the rough Do-yub. Afterwards, Su-mi marries the potter, Se-hyung. But Su-mi is unsatisfied with Se-hyung's abstinence so she lives a double life by wandering the streets at night. Ultimately, Su-mi falls into depression and ends up in a mental institution. She confesses everything to her husband and tries to regain her happy life. At this time, Do-yub reappears and torments Su-mi. She returns to her hometown. Se-hyung protects Su-mi even when Do-yub demands to hand her over. But Se-hyung gets in a car accident and ends up in the hospital. Su-mi goes to him and asks for his forgiveness.
The Lover of a Friend
Keon wants his friend's girlfriend so he tries to take her by force but she gets away. Instead, she runs into a truck driver who rapes and murders her. Keon is wracked with guilt. As the investigators close in on Keon, Madam Sun-wu hides him. Keon becomes Madam Sun-wu's toy-boy. He also becomes a nude model for Ma Mi-ae, Madam Sun-wu's friend. Mi-ae is drawn to Keon. Mrs. Yun, whose husband is impotent, also looks to Keon to satisfy her desires. As the investigation's net tightens, Keon's life falls apart. Mrs. Yun dumps Keon on a road in the middle of the night. The prostitute Lan helps Keon out. However, in despair, Keon runs out into the rain and screams. On TV, the news broadcast the capture of the real criminal.
Winter Woman Part II
Li-hwa graduates college and becomes a reporter. On a rainy day, she remembers an old boyfriend, Suk-gi. She goes to Eroika to look for him. Instead, Li-hwa meets Suk-gi's friend, Su-hwan, and she falls in love with him. On the other hand, while on a story, Li-hwa meets Kwang-jun who is a night teacher. She is drawn to his sincere humanity. As time passes, Kwang-jun comes to know Li-hwa's feelings. Together, they help retarded children and offer guidance to prostitutes. Kwang-jun and Li-hwa have true love for each other but they part when Kwang-jun's non-permitted building is demolished. Hyun-wu ended up as a mental patient from the shock he received from his mother's scandalous behavior. He meets Li-hwa and receives her devoted care. Finally, Hyun-wu recovers completely and the two confirm their love. And the next day, Hyun-wu returns to society as a healthy man.
Mountain Strawberries
Bun-nyeo, a girl in a mountain village loses her virginity to Myong-jun, the village vagabond. After both of her suitors die before they can wed Bun-nyeo, she moves to the city to work in a factory. Myong-jun persuades her to return to the village, but he is arrested for murder. As the film ends, Bun-nyeo is waiting for Myong-jun's release.
Woman and Rain
Two friends fall in love with the same woman, but when she chooses one over the other, the spurned lover decides to blackmail her.
Yo-kwon Gwoi-kwon
Kim Chi-hwan, the magistrate of the Ok-ra county, wiped out the family and relatives of Lee Min-bu with his wicked tricks. In order to avenge her family, the spirit of Min-bu's wife, Yun, is reborn. Yun invokes the spirits of Jang-hwa Hong-ryon and coaxes them to take revenge upon their stepmother Heo. (The stepmother Heo had been called back to earth and presently living with the magistrate. She is his servant, carrying out his murderous crimes.) Jang-hwa Hong-ryon is reborn. Yun also calls upon the spirit of maiden Suk who had killed herself when Chi-hwan raped her one day before her wedding. The four reborn women take their revenge and then return to the spirit world.
Na-young is a Korean-American college student. Staying with her uncle in Korea, Na-young is forced to learn Korean dances, Korean traditional songs, and sewing from her aunt. Unable to bear it any longer, Na-young leaves her uncle's home. In a music salon, she meets Hyung-rok and his band. Hyung-rok is a singer and a college student. Na-young learns of love and friendship from them. When the music salon is closed down, Hyung-rok and his band decide to enter the college song contest to reopen the salon. Despite old instruments and hunger, the band wins the contest with Na-young's help. Na-young learns of how precious her home country is through Hyung-rok and his band. She asks her uncle to build a fancy music salon. Leaving behind love and friendship, Na-young returns to America.
Mrs. Speculator
Mrs. Han who argues with her husband about living expenses. She unexpectedly earns 5 million won over an apartment she sold and becomes a speculator. She teams up with some slanderers and makes big money then soon dissolved into pleasure with men around her. Finally, slanderers trick her and she is broke and nearly mad. The police catches the speculators and they show no regrets. When the verdict is announced, they finally see their wrong doings.
I Am Lady Number 77
Due to her father's debts, Yun Go-na marries Song Kye-nam but she is unhappy because of Kye-nam's self-indulgent lifestyle. Go-na takes her daughter, Min-hi, and goes to Seoul where she gets a job as a hostess. One day, Mun Byung-kil proposes to Go-na. Troubled by her situation, Go-na turns him down. But Go-na is touched by his sincerity and marries him. The three live happily as a family but then Kye-nam shows up and demands his daughter Min-hi. However, Ky0e-nam goes away when he realizes which is real happiness of his daughter.
Special Investigation Unit: One-Armed Kim Jong-won
Kim Jong-won, a communist operative in South Korea, turns himself in and assists the Special Investigation Unit to bring the other members of his organization to trial.
At the Risk of Life
Forced by her father into keeping a doll that she knows is filled with drugs, Mi-yeon secretly goes to the police for aid. She soon requires their protection as the drug dealers learn the location of their missing stash.
애마부인 2