Benoît Mariage

Benoît Mariage

Рождение : 1961-01-01,


Benoît Mariage


The story of a young Belgian actor of Moroccan origin who agrees to play the role of Saint-François-d'Assise to put an end to the roles of nice Arabs that are stuck on his forehead in often mediocre films. Getting into the historical figure will represent a real challenge for him; when his father, settled in Morocco, suddenly returns to Brussels with a new wife, and the beginnings of Alzheimer's, he finds himself having to juggle between the expectations of his colleagues and his family.
Dany, the king of petty thefts, did not wait until the end of his prison sentence to reunite with his 13-year-old son Sullivan. The only thing he now needs is a job and an apartment to regain custody of his son.
Полоски зебры
Хосе - футбольный агент. Его профессия - это поиск талантов в Африке. Он откапывает человека и везет в Бельгию, чтобы сделать чемпионом. Хосе убежден, что нашел курицу, несущую золотые яйца. Но ничего не происходит, а так не планировалось...
Полоски зебры
Хосе - футбольный агент. Его профессия - это поиск талантов в Африке. Он откапывает человека и везет в Бельгию, чтобы сделать чемпионом. Хосе убежден, что нашел курицу, несущую золотые яйца. Но ничего не происходит, а так не планировалось...
On the road again, le cinéma de Bouli Lanners
Documentary about belgian actor and director Bouli Lanners
Scenario Writer
The Missing Half
Claire and Pierre's marriage hits the skids after Claire, pregnant with twins, feels that one embryo is crushing the other and decides to abort half the pregnancy.
The Missing Half
Claire and Pierre's marriage hits the skids after Claire, pregnant with twins, feels that one embryo is crushing the other and decides to abort half the pregnancy.
Nemadis, the Years Without News
Documentary depicting the filmmakers' efforts to find a nomadic Mauritanian family they had filmed six years earlier in order to show them the recorded footage.
The Carriers Are Waiting
Roger Closset is a man who obviously loves his family, though that doesn't always make them feel better. Dad is an obsessive type with a short fuse and a long list of curious ideas, and his wife and children must often bear the brunt of his eccentricities. Roger works as a reporter, a job he doesn't like which doesn't pay especially well, either. One day, Roger learns an area business association is sponsoring a contest for a family that can break a world record, with the grand prize being a new car. Suddenly, Roger gets a brainstorm -- if his son can open and shut a door 40,000 times in 24 hours, the car will be theirs. 15-year-old Michel, however, is not at all happy to have been drafted into this new responsibility, especially when dad builds a practice door in the backyard and finds a trainer to teach Michel how to open and close it with greatest efficiency.
The Carriers Are Waiting
Roger Closset is a man who obviously loves his family, though that doesn't always make them feel better. Dad is an obsessive type with a short fuse and a long list of curious ideas, and his wife and children must often bear the brunt of his eccentricities. Roger works as a reporter, a job he doesn't like which doesn't pay especially well, either. One day, Roger learns an area business association is sponsoring a contest for a family that can break a world record, with the grand prize being a new car. Suddenly, Roger gets a brainstorm -- if his son can open and shut a door 40,000 times in 24 hours, the car will be theirs. 15-year-old Michel, however, is not at all happy to have been drafted into this new responsibility, especially when dad builds a practice door in the backyard and finds a trainer to teach Michel how to open and close it with greatest efficiency.
Le signaleur
Человек кусает собаку
un journaliste
Познакомьтесь — Бен — серийный убийца, насильник и вор — очень симпатичная личность. Образован, начитан, играет на музыкальном инструменте, любящий и заботливый сын, одним словом — примерный член общества. Ну иногда, бывает конечно, засидится в местном баре, ну примет лишнего, ну а с кем не бывает? Зато он запросто может выдать, сидя за столом в ресторане, белый стих, или порассуждать о влиянии красного кирпича, используемого для строительства жилых кварталов, на неконтролируемые всплески насилия в обществе. Между делом, он убивает людей, убивает много, цинично, но через какое-то время ты к этому просто привыкаешь, и это становится само собой разумеющимся….