Signora Tivaldi
По мотивам новеллы Франка Тисса "Неаполитанская легенда". В 15 лет, после смерти матери, он начал зарабатывать на жизнь, выступая на церковных праздниках, а потом, во время службы в армии, произвел своим голосом такое впечатление на начальство, что ему был предоставлен учитель пения. Оперный дебют Карузо состоялся 16 ноября 1894 года.
Assunta Neri
A young count rents a villa near Rome to be near a woman he's courting. While there, he strikes up a friendship with a young woman living with a violent husband.
Sarah, la cavallerizza
Bartolomeo Pagano as Maciste in Maciste in the Lions' Den. A Italian silent from 1926.
Proserpina, Pluto's wife
The devil takes Maciste down to hell in an attempt to corrupt and ruin his morality.
"The Roman Banquet, the golden glories, the unrivaled luxuries, the wine, the dance, the song, the beautiful women, the sumptuous splendors that taxed a barbaric world for a night of feasting and revel-- Re-created for your entertainment in the most colossal drama produced", reads an ad in the Daily Argus of New York. Unione Cinematografica Italiana's lavish production of the oft-told tale stars Emil Jannings as Nero.
Produced by Elena Sangro and funded by the Commitee of Motenegrin Exiles (including the former Queen Milena), the film tells the full story of the heroic conduct of Montenegrin people during the First World War.
Early Italian film
S.A.R. la principessa Maria dello Jutland/H.R.H. Princess Maria; Myria
The film, a swirling drama of love and death, is loosely adapted from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s 1860 novel The Marble Faun. Princess Maria (Elena Sangro) is married to the Duke of Helgoland (Ugo Bazzini), the leader of an anti-government plot about to be exposed by their house guest Count Giorgio (Carlo Gualandri). Giorgio tries to involve Maria, and in his fatal fight with Helgoland, her husband is killed using the knife that Maria hands to Giorgio. Forced to flee, they meet up again in Rome, where Maria has changed her name to Myriam and Giorgio has become a monk. Giorgio still desires Myriam, who rejects his advances, and she convinces her suitor Donatello (Giorgio Fini) to kill him.