Италия, март 1945 года. Фашистская империя доживает свои последние дни. Среди хаоса и неразберихи, царящих в стране, очаровательная супруга высоко поставленного чиновника Ливия Маццони решает во что бы то ни стало разыскать лейтенанта СС Хельмута Шульца, с которым она когда-то пережила бурный любовный роман.
Дав волю переполняющим ее эмоциям и сексуальным инстинктам, героиня попадает в бешеный водоворот любовных приключений и эротических переживаний, которые приводят её в Венецию — город роскоши и свободной любви.
The film is a biography of Giuseppe Tomasi (Bouquet), the prince of Lampedusa, who is the author of Il gattopardo, one of the most influential Italian novel of XX century and is adapted on screen by Visconti, THE LEOPARD (1963, 8/10). Directed by Roberto Andò, a native from Palermo, stars two French cinema icons Bouquet and Moreau (as the princess Licy).
In this very light romantic comedy, two young men who are in search of the hypothetical perfect woman believe they have found her at a wedding reception. There, they see Lisa. Alexandre is the shy one, but he is also the one with the greatest yen to meet such a woman. He and Romain track Lisa down the next day and, though she is already dating someone, when Romain approaches her, she agrees to meet the two of them at a restaurant. They are dismayed when the part-Italian girl brings her mother with her as a chaperone. Other difficulties arise as well, and they resolve that this quest is less important than their friendship. Besides, Alexandre has by now discovered the charms of Romain's younger sister.