Ropers' Chief
Lives, emotions, mysteries and personal conflicts of several people cross in a world forever changed by an amazing scientific discovery: the localization of the soul, the birth of an engineering of the spirit, the conceptual death of God.
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The theatre company managed by Marco is passing through a crisis; the big networks invaded the market with their poor products and they lay down the law. Marco finds an important subject to work on: homosexuality; but it is hard to ask Federica, who is a writer and director, to work on it. That subject is a thorn in her side, as it was the cause of her marriage break up. Federica angerly refuses Marco's proposal, but after one night of searching, spent on Internet, she brings to light an aspect of the homosexuality, which doesn't want to give up, now: "The Pink Triangle" that means homosexuality as a martyrdom, the tribute of blood that homosexual people shed during the nazi period. Federica explains Marco and other actors of the company the new project, by telling the historical documentation. Each of them imagines his own character in dark colour performances, often brutal, following the line of blood that history has drawn.
Богатому бизнесмену захотелось юной модели. Ее продюсер заманил ее вместе с другими моделями к себе домой, туда же пришел бизнесмен. В конце вечера юная модель оказалась убитой, и полиция обнаружила, что она умерла от пулевого ранения. В число подозреваемых попал продюсер и остальные модели, которые были вместе с ней в тот вечер. За ними всеми началось наблюдение, однако пользы от него никакой: всех участников той злополучной ночи начинают убивать по одному…