Filippo Timi

Filippo Timi

Рождение : 1974-02-27, Perugia, Italy


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Filippo Timi (born 27 February 1974) is an Italian actor and writer. Description above from the Wikipedia article Filippo Timi, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.​


Filippo Timi


Mi fanno male i capelli
The film is freely inspired by the great actress Monica Vitti, but it is in no way a biopic. It is the story of a woman named Monica, who loses her memory and regains meaning in her life.
I delitti del BarLume - Resort Paradiso
Massimo Viviani
I delitti del BarLume - E allora zumba!
Massimo Viviani
I delitti del BarLume - Indovina chi?
Massimo Viviani
Восемь гор
Giovanni Guasti
Бруно живёт в горной деревне, а Пьетро — в большом городе, но ему очень трудно сходиться с людьми. Когда они друг друга встречают, это меняет жизни обоих.
BENE! Vita di Carmelo, la macchina attoriale
Carmelo Bene
Il principe di Roma
Giordano Bruno
An adaptation of Dickens' A Christmas Carol set in 1829 Rome.
Ограбить Муссолини
Achille Borsalino
В конце Второй мировой войны разношерстная группа бойцов сопротивления планирует грандиозное ограбление: выкрасть сокровища Муссолини из миланского штаба нацистов.
Невидимая нить
Paolo Ferrari
Леоне - шестнадцатилетний парень, который все свое время занимается школьным проектом. Он снимает фильм о своей семье, но вскоре сталкивается с серьезной проблемой. Парень вырос вместе с двумя отцами, но недавно он узнал, что они решили развестись. Теперь ему предстоит сделать непростой выбор, с кем из них остаться. Ситуацию усугубляет появление его биологической матери Тилли, которая тоже заявляет свои права на героя...
I delitti del BarLume - Compro Oro
Massimo Viviani
Preghiera della sera (Diario di una passeggiata)
The film recounts an experience, that of a director and his two actors at grips with a play: from the first meeting to the initial readings, the rehearsals done at home, the ones done on stage and finally the first performance. But an experience that took place in the peculiar situation in which the whole of Italian culture found itself in the days between the first and second wave of the pandemic, when it really seemed possible to restart and the feeling of euphoria was accompanied by the illusion that the worst was behind us. Once again we were suddenly checked in our desire for beauty, for life.
I delitti del BarLume - Tana libera tutti
Massimo Viviani
I delitti del BarLume - Mare forza quattro
Massimo Viviani
I delitti del BarLume - Donna con le palle
Massimo Viviani
I delitti del BarLume - Donne con le palle
I delitti del BarLume - Il battesimo di Ampelio
Massimo Viviani
Two housewives in America in the 1950s, Mrs Fairytale and her best friend Mrs Emerald, meet every day to share their quiet and bourgeois lives, but the façade of perfection slowly crumbles to reveal terrible secrets.
Two housewives in America in the 1950s, Mrs Fairytale and her best friend Mrs Emerald, meet every day to share their quiet and bourgeois lives, but the façade of perfection slowly crumbles to reveal terrible secrets.
Mrs. Fairytale
Two housewives in America in the 1950s, Mrs Fairytale and her best friend Mrs Emerald, meet every day to share their quiet and bourgeois lives, but the façade of perfection slowly crumbles to reveal terrible secrets.
I delitti del BarLume - La battaglia navale
Massimo Viviani
I delitti del BarLume - Un due tre stella!
Massimo Viviani
The Stand-In
A small film crew is wandering about Marrakesh and the surrounding desert. They are looking for locations for the remake of an American film in which a man swims his way home, passing through the houses and pools that he finds along the route. Corrado is the stand in used to test the shots, locations and the swimming pools in which the lead will be filmed. While we watch his attempts to get into the part, the real actors and a real crew burst onto the scene, on a set in which no one is in the right place. A film with a crisis of identity, in a surreal search for itself.
Icaros: A Vision
Pasajero Leonardo
In search of a miracle, an American woman embarks on a journey to the Peruvian Amazon and finds hope in a community, through rituals involving an ancient psychedelic plant known as ayahuasca. With her perception forever altered, she forges a bond with a young indigenous shaman undergoing a crisis of his own, and a motley crew of psychonauts seeking transcendence, companionship, and the meaning of life and death.
The Cardinal
Axèle is a photographer, Camille is a writer. They have been awarded an arts residency at the Villa Medicis in Rome. Camille is accompanied by her husband, the famous writer Marc Landré. When a strange rivalry takes shape between them, Camille bonds with Axèle. But who is Axèle really ? A total artist, who never compromises and confuses herself with her oeuvre ? Or a ghost ? This year at the Villa Medici, where bodies and souls free themselves, no one will come out unscathed.
I delitti del BarLume - La loggia del cinghiale
Massimo Viviani
The Wild Boar Lodge - when a stag party ends with a murder Massimo finds himself the prime suspect.
I delitti del BarLume - Aria di mare
Massimo Viviani
Sea Air - Massimo seeks help for his nightmares and depression. The uncles have it in for a blind choir conductor. Tizi find a dead body, which leads to Massimo and Vittoria, who wants her old job back.
Questi giorni
Professor Mariani
Four girls unknowingly experience the happiest days of their lives during an uneventful best-friend trip to Belgrade.
Segantini - Ritorno alla Natura
Giovanni Segantini
I delitti del BarLume - Azione e reazione
Massimo Viviani
Action Reaction - when a Russian patron collapses at the bar, poison is suspected and Vittoria closes them down until the source is found.
I delitti del BarLume - Il telefono senza fili
Massimo Viviani
Chinese Whispers - a dead psychic is found in the trunk of a car and the uncles find briefcase full of dough ($).
Кровь моей крови
Il pazzo
Церковные иерархи устраивают судилище в монастыре Боббио, обвиняя сестру Бенедетту в том, что она соблазнила священника Фабрицио, после чего он покончил с собой. Такое преступление могла совершить только ведьма. Требуя от девушки признания в сатанинских кознях и раскаяния, ее мучители используют самые изощренные пытки огнем и водой. Свидетелем ужасных издевательств становится Федерико, приехавший в монастырь брат-близнец самоубийцы. Он тоже считает Бенедетту преступницей, но и сам становится жертвой ее чар… Так начинается история проклятого монастыря, отголоски которой дойдут до наших дней…
I delitti del BarLume - La briscola in cinque
Massimo Viviani
After finish his work Marchino finds the body of a teenager girl and goes to BarLume to call the police who don't believe him after his infamous past. Massimo goes to check and here starts a new story of BarLume.
Lungo la Blue Line
The show MAS go on
I delitti del BarLume - La carta più alta
Massimo Viviani
Foreign Bodies
I delitti del BarLume - Il re dei giochi
Massimo Viviani
The King of Games - when a car accident results in death, the uncles suspect fowl play and want to investigate. Massimo is asked by the detective covering the case to keep a watch on the uncles and prevent them from interfering in the investigation.Tiziana, Massimo's server, is having second thoughts about her upcoming marriage. Massimo figues it out and shares his theory with the Detective.
Like the Wind
Umberto Mormile
The last few years in the life of Armida Miserere, female jail director who committed suicide
Замок в Италии
Семья Луизы владеет замком в Италии. У них есть слуги и подлинник Брейгеля, но совершенно нет денег на содержание этого богатства, поэтому и с картиной, и с самим замком вскоре придется расстаться. Кроме того, брат Луизы тяжело болен, а она сама одержима идеей завести ребенка. Роман с юным актером Натаном добавляет неразберихи в беспорядочную жизнь Луизы. Сам же Натан, как и Луиза много лет назад, сомневается, что его успешная актерская деятельность — это его призвание. Они похожи на двух тонущих людей, которые цепляются друг за друга, чтобы спасти свою жизнь.
День и ночь
I delitti del BarLume - La tombola dei troiai
Massimo Viviani
Астерикс и Обеликс в Британии
Décurion patrouille
Пятидесятый год до нашей эры. Юлий Цезарь рвется к новым завоеваниям. Во главе своих прославленных легионов он собирается захватить остров, который находится на самом краю света - таинственную страну, именуемую Британией. Войско Цезаря одерживает быструю и безоговорочную победу. Ну... почти безоговорочную: одна крошечная деревушка продолжает яростно обороняться, однако силы на исходе, и королева бриттов Корделия отправляет своего самого надежного офицера Красовакса за подмогой в Галлию, где находится такая же маленькая деревушка, известная своим упорным сопротивлением римлянам.
Love is in the Air
Couple Andrea and Giulia, an outwardly successful couple, are having problems in the bedroom. When Giulia invites Max, an old friend from high school, to stay in the family home with their teenage son, some new attitudes begin to form.
Missione di pace
Piazza Garibaldi
"Piazza Garibaldi" is a name found in almost any Italian town. It is a metaphor for the nation and its history. Like in the successful, award-winning "La strada di Levi", Ferrario sets off on a journey: this time, on the traces of the expedition of the Thousand. The aim: to verify the relationship between past and present, starting from Bergamo, formerly the "City of the Thousand" and today a bastion of Padania, and arriving at Teano. The voyage is full of surprises, meetings, reflections: a sweeping road movie through the history and geography of the country, seeking to answer a nagging question: why are Italians no longer able to imagine a future for themselves?
When the Night
Manfred Sane
After meeting during their vacation, two young people with solitary lives suddenly come into a relationship that could benefit both of them.
Dott. Boldrini
In a hot summer, the lives of the children are about to be changed forever when two girls are found raped and murdered. The children know who the suspect is but knowing that the adults will never believe them, they decide to keep quiet. When one of their friends sister disappear, they know they have to take the matter into their own hands.
The Solitude of Prime Numbers
Prime numbers are divisible only by one and themselves. These numbers are solitary and incomprehensible to others. Alice and Mattia are both "prime", both haunted by the tragedies that have marked them in childhood: a skiing accident for Alice which has caused a defect in her leg, and the loss of his twin sister for Matthew.
Валланцаска — ангелы зла
История известной мафиозной группировки Comasina, терроризировавшей Милан в 70-ых годах. За совершенные преступления главарь банды друзей детства, Ренато «Красавчик Рено» Валлансаска, был осуждён на 260 лет лишения свободы. На его счету несколько убийств, грабежей, побегов из тюрьмы и разбитых женских сердец.
После провала очередной операции и гибели любовницы профессиональный киллер Джек решает завершить свою карьеру. Остается последнее дело, заказанное ему таинственной женщиной, для выполнения которого он тайно едет в Италию и поселяется в маленьком городке, затерявшемся в живописных горах. Здесь неожиданно для себя самого Джек сближается с местным священником и влюбляется в красавицу Клару. Впервые в жизни раскрывается сердце человека, вынужденного таиться всю свою жизнь. Джек спокоен и счастлив настолько, что теряет бдительность…
Двойной час
Сюжетная линия фильма закручивается вокруг горничной, ставшей свидетелем убийства. Ранение в голову породило другое измерение в ее сознании. Причудливая работа мозга наделила окружающих ее людей совсем другими возможностями.
Benito Mussolini
1914 год. Главный герой — молодой Бенито Муссолини, тогда ещё редактор газеты «Аванти». Это история о тайной любви будущего диктатора к красавице-еврейке Иде Дальцер, от которой у него был сын.
Как велит Бог
Rino Zena
История не совсем простых отношений отца — алкоголика и фашиста, и сына-подростка, живущих на окраине одного из городов Северной Италии. Их единственный друг — психически нездоровый человек. Темная дождливая ночь, наполненная светом ночных фонарей и отчаянием, изменит их жизнь навсегда…
Демоны Санкт-Петербурга
Санкт-Петербург, 1860 год. В результате теракта убит член царской семьи. Несколько дней спустя Федор Достоевский в психиатрической клинике знакомится с молодым человеком. Гузиев признается писателю, что он — член террористической группы, совершившей убийство, и что организация планирует новые теракты. Молодой человек передает Достоевскому адрес Александры, руководителя группы, умоляя писателя помочь остановить террор. Преследуемый внезапными приступами эпилепсии, кредиторами и издателем, Достоевский днями диктует Анне Григорьевне новые и новые главы «Игрока», а ночами не оставляет попыток найти лидера организации. «Вы думаете, что пишете романы, направленные против революции, — говорит Достоевскому инспектор Павлович, — Но, на самом деле, ваши книги намного более провокационны, чем все революционные манифесты».
Signorina Effe
A white and a blue collar worker fall in love during the 1980 strike at FIAT that marked the end for labor movement in Italy.
In Memory of Me
Investigates the life a young man who has decided to enter a Jesuit monastery in Venice, but is then overcome by agonizing doubts before his ordination.
Сатурн в противофазе
Гей-пара Давид и Лоренцо живут вместе и неплохо ладят. Вторая примечательная семья — Анжелика и Антонио, у них дочь и сын. Третья пара — Неваль и Роберто. Семьи и их друзья собираются вместе, обедают, обсуждают свои отношения. Но жизнь есть жизнь и всякое может случиться…
Sonia, a girl from St Petersburg, decides to seek a better life in western Europe. She first gets a job at a car dealer in Germany. But she is suddenly kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery. She will be dragged from country to country and resistance will only bring her misery and humiliation.
Homo homini lupus
Angelo Pietrostefani
November 1944, Latium countryside. The last hours of a partisan's life. An attempt to remember what it means, and how difficult it is, to be free.
L'eredità di Caino
The film narrates the relationship between the leading character, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, and four women: Wanda von Dunajev (the Venus in Fur), Anna Klauer (a single prostitute), the Maid (almost a mother figure), and the Contess Aunt Xenobia (the first sexual impulse). Haidée - both the leading character's delirious alter ego and instigator of events - accompanies his host untill he awakens the deepest truth of each one of the characters. Haidée's dream reveals the characters' truths, lies, memories, projections, fears and sufferings in a context which is more emotional than narrative.
L'eredità di Caino
The film narrates the relationship between the leading character, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, and four women: Wanda von Dunajev (the Venus in Fur), Anna Klauer (a single prostitute), the Maid (almost a mother figure), and the Contess Aunt Xenobia (the first sexual impulse). Haidée - both the leading character's delirious alter ego and instigator of events - accompanies his host untill he awakens the deepest truth of each one of the characters. Haidée's dream reveals the characters' truths, lies, memories, projections, fears and sufferings in a context which is more emotional than narrative.
Marlene de Sousa
Betty, a famous brasilian 'telenovelas' star, is in search of her twin sister Marlene, who vanished when the kids were four years old (Marlene is now a prostitute). Fragments of other stories, like that of an italian traveller Filippo who left in Italy Giuli, pregnant, and claims to have a split-personality, are inter-twined with the main one
The Way in the Woods
This film tells three different love stories, or alleged love stories, or, nevertheless, stories of sentimental relationships set in the Lazio countryside, Rome, and Naples. This is the reiteration - in different days and in different places - of an encounter among three people that (perhaps) may turn out to be fatal.
Open My Heart
Maria lives with her 18-year-old sister, Caterina in a small apartment, tutors her at home, lets her out only for dance classes. Yet Maria sees no reason to hide her work as a prostitute from her sister. Men come in and out of the apartment constantly, and Caterina turns up the volume on her music to drown out the sounds from the next room. The film soon reveals that the sisters are in love with each other, a situation that cannot stand, but exactly what prompts the characters' behavior is rarely clear. Soon after Caterina's belated discovery of her heterosexuality, she is invited into the bedroom with Maria and a client.
Working the Streets
A Neopolitan hustler named Antonello is living his life in Torino. He turns tricks as a transvestite, using the name Rosatigre, or more commonly, Rosa. His closest pal is Wanda, who exercises the same “profession” and, being his best friend, is also the incarnation of his feminine alter ego. While we watch the two of them hanging out on the street, sweet and carefree as the young Moll Flanders, we eavesdrop on their exchange of confidences and learn the secret details of their private lives. Wanda could have been a teacher but she preferred the street, where she can indulge her sentimental, dreamy nature in sighing over the "Americano" she once met in Naples, for whom she still carries a torch.
Working the Streets
A Neopolitan hustler named Antonello is living his life in Torino. He turns tricks as a transvestite, using the name Rosatigre, or more commonly, Rosa. His closest pal is Wanda, who exercises the same “profession” and, being his best friend, is also the incarnation of his feminine alter ego. While we watch the two of them hanging out on the street, sweet and carefree as the young Moll Flanders, we eavesdrop on their exchange of confidences and learn the secret details of their private lives. Wanda could have been a teacher but she preferred the street, where she can indulge her sentimental, dreamy nature in sighing over the "Americano" she once met in Naples, for whom she still carries a torch.
This is a story about a Neapolitan guy, Antonello, immigrant in Turin, who, for a living, hooks on the street as Rosatigre. Sasà, a friend of his, tries to bring him back to Naples, but, after a tortured decision, Antonello chooses to come back North and to keep living “on the street”.
Ophelia Afar
Ophelia Afar
In principio erano le mutande
Imma falls in love with a fireman.
You Are My Destiny
I delitti del BarLume - A bocce ferme
Massimo Viviani
The Conversion
The story of Edgardo Mortara, a young Jewish boy living in Bologna, Italy, who in 1858, after being secretly baptized, was forcibly taken from his family to be raised as a Christian. His parents’ struggle to free their son became part of a larger political battle that pitted the papacy against forces of democracy and Italian unification.
The Food of Love
The vulgar gangster Roquey van Smacker extorts and blackmails in order to get what he wants, but when he kills his girlfriend who is beloved by the members of his own band, they plan to take revenge.