Damla Sönmez

Damla Sönmez

Рождение : 1987-05-03, Istanbul, Turkey


Damla Sonmez was born in Istanbul, Turkey. Her native language is Turkish and is fluent in English and French. Cinema has been her greatest passion since she was child. She is an award-winning actor of international distinction. She received several nominations for her performance in  Bornova Bornova (2009) , winning the Antalya Golden Orange Award, Ankara Flying Broom Women's Film Festival Award and a Sadri Alisik Theatre & Movie Award. She was also nominated for The Young Talent Award at the Yesilcam Movie Awards for her performance in Mahpeyker - Kösem Sultan (2010) As a young actress, Sonmez trained in cities throughout Europe. After graduating from Saint Joseph French High School in Istanbul, she was accepted to Université de La Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III Theatre department. She studied for a year in Paris before being awarded a scholarship to the Yeditepe University Fine Arts Theatre Department in Istanbul. She also attended Jillian O'Dowd's Contemporary Acting Workshop at the London Dramatic School of Arts.. Sonmez made her film debut in  Kampüste çiplak ayaklar (2009) , which was quickly followed up with her award-winning performance in Bornova Bornova (2009) in which she played a confused, yet ruthless Lady M-inspired girl from Izmir. She played a young conservative worker in _Çakal(2010)_ and was nominated for her work as an Ottoman Empire Sultan in Mahpeyker - Kösem Sultan (2010). Sonmez next played an abused girl who takes matters into her own hands in the comedy Kurtulus Son Durak(2012) She continued her work in film in Uzun Hikaye (2012) as an attorney's daughter who meets the love of her life, followed by Sen Aydinlatirsin Geceyi (2013) playing a young town girl who has the ability to stop time.


Damla Sönmez
Damla Sönmez
Damla Sönmez
Damla Sönmez
Damla Sönmez
Damla Sönmez
Damla Sönmez
Damla Sönmez
Damla Sönmez


The Second Night
Veysel's mind is struck with a question. "What would be his one wish if a genie appeared?". He thinks for a while. When he makes up his mind, he visits Leyla to ask her permission before making his wish.
I Am You
The story of Masoud, who is trying to emigrate to Europe to make a better life for himself, his mother and his fiancé. After embarking on a difficult and dangerous immigration journey with his best friend, Masoud meets a pregnant doctor and an old man on the way and they band together. Having to flee because of war and terror, Masoud tries to reach his goal with a hopeful but painful journey.
The Cut
Mrs. Reyhan makes preparations for the reporter woman who wants to interview with her. Reporter women wants to search for the incidents Mrs. Reyhan went through in the past. Mrs. Reyhan goes to kitchen to bring something to drink for the reporter.
В эпицентре сюжета этой трогательной драмы оказывается 25-летняя девушка, которая живет со своим отцом и сестрой в уединенной деревне в горах черноморского региона Турции. Сибэл немая, но она общается, используя родовой свистящий язык. Отвергнутая односельчанами, наша героиня безжалостно охотится на волка, который, как говорят, бродит в соседнем лесу, разжигая страхи и фантазии среди деревенских женщин. В лесу девушка пересекает путь с беглецом. Раненый, угрожающий и уязвимый, он первый, кто по-новому взглянул на немую красавицу.
Таксимский Холдем
Одним субботним вечером Альпер решает собраться с друзьями и поиграть в покер, однако его подружка против этого, она просит его присоединиться к акции протеста, который проходит недалеко от их дома. Друзья Альпера тоже зашли домой, ведя жаркие спор о том, надо ли им тоже присоединяться к акции или нет. Не успели они начать игру, как с улицы послышался топот бегущих ног. Несмотря на все возражения Альпера, друзья открывают двери и позволяют мятежникам скрыться в доме. А друзья обвиняют Альпера в эгоизме, за то, что тот не хочет вмешиваться в это дело. Под влиянием пережитого спор еще сильнее разгорается. Все одноллбббвременно говорят, однако никто никого не слушает. Каждый герой по своему прав.
Айла: Дочь войны
Сулейман из турецкой бригады «Северная звезда», которая принимала участие в Корейской войне в составе американской дивизии войск ООН, спасает замерзающую корейскую девочку, называет ее Айлой и берет к себе в расположение.
Deniz Seviyesi
Damla reluctantly returns to her Turkish summer town with her American husband. Her bitter past is soon to be unveiled.
Thou Gild'st the Even
In a small town in Anatolia, whose inhabitants possess various supernatural powers but still have to deal with ordinary problems, Cemal helps out in his father’s barbershop and, in his free time, acts as a football referee.
Last Stop: Kurtuluş
Meet Vartanus who has devoted her life to her bedridden father; Goncagul who realizes that her Mafioso lover will never marry her. Gulnur who's resigned herself to daily beatings as long as her husband doesn't touch the kids, Tulay who's shattered every time her mother gets beaten; hairdresser Fusun who tends to see things on the bright side. These are the women who transport Eylem, each other and perhaps every woman in the country to Last Stop: Kurtulus. The heroines adopt one unwavering principle: to oppose all forms of violence! A dark comedy that's rose-tinted, provocative and fantastic...
A girl who is at beginning of her 20's, imputes the fear, which her husband has made on her, to a scarecrow after her husband's death. Although being alone, she still tries to leave the feeling as if he is still in the middle of her life as a scarecrow.
Драма о бесстрашии молодого человека, готового ради любимой на любые поступки, даже те, которые переходят черту закона.
Emine/Kösem Sultan
Фильм посвящен жизни последней фаворитки Султана Ахмета I, — взаимно и горячо им любимой законной супруге Махпейкер, или Кёсем-султан, — матери султанов Мурата IV и Ибрагима I, жившей в XVII веке и фактически правящей Османской Империей в течение 10 лет после смерти Ахмета I.
Борнова Борнова
Действие происходит в то время, когда мечты теряют смысл — в такой ситуации трудно сохранить руссудок. Обычная жизнь становится одним большим ожиданием.
Kampüste Çıplak Ayaklar