William O'Brien / The Inspector
Twenty years ago, actor William O'Brien was most well-known for portraying The Inspector, a hero who fought injustices and saved the cosmos. Now, he's a washed up alcoholic, clinging onto the remnants of an acting career and despising the sci-fi show he was once associated with. Chris Tyler is a fan of the show, through his Dad who worked on it, and an unlikely meeting in a pub brings the two together. But what's more important - the person, or what they stand for?
Rising to fame amid the 1980s alternative comedy boom, Ian Cognito was one of the UK's most popular comedians. His performances left audiences in hysterics - but behind the laughter was a troubled and often controversial figure. This is the story of the comedy scene that nurtured a comedic genius, and the real life of a man famed for his outlandish sense of humour.
Bill MacDowell (voice)
When Will Starkey is forced to relive a date with a Kathy Craze, he has a dilemma - should he change himself to impress her, or is this fake love?
Лето 1939 года. Влиятельные семьи в нацистской Германии отправили своих дочерей в завершающую школу в английском приморском городе, чтобы выучить язык и стать послами будущего национал-социалиста. Учитель видит что надвигается и пытается поднять тревогу, но власти считают, что это проблема...
Toby Hadoke meets the producers and grown-up stars of the very first Who Documentary.
Brave Doctor Who cast members tackle their original recipes from the official 1985 cookbook.
Continuity Announcer (voice)
Шада- планета-тюрьма Повелителей Времени, в которой они заключали самых опасных преступников. Скагра, гений с планеты Дроноид хочет создать "Вселенский разум" который будет содержать знания этих преступников. Но знание о местонахождение планеты Шада уже давно утеряно. Единственный кто его знает, это повелитель времени профессор Хронотис. Шада начинает его преследовать, профессор обращается за помощью к своему старому другу- Доктору.
Фильм расскажет о ранней истории создания сериала «Доктор Кто». История о становлении Доктора в зависимости от таланта актера Уильяма Хартнела и о невероятных стечениях обстоятельств, которые преследуют сериал.
Looking for Peter was a documentary about Peter R. Newman, writer of The Sensorites, and was included on the 2012 DVD releases of that story.
Br Simon
Monk Dawson is a film that was released in 1998, directed and produced by Tom Waller and starring John Michie, Benedict Taylor, Rhona Mitra and Paula Hamilton. It was based on the novel of the same name written by Piers Paul Read.
The film is about Eddie Dawson, a monk who has led a sheltered existence at a Benedictine monastery, but when he is expelled from his order he has to learn to deal with the harsh realities of everyday life, including falling in love, and the betrayal of a friend.