Deng Jiajia

Deng Jiajia

Рождение : 1983-05-17, Neijiang,Sichuan Province,China


Deng Jiajia


Be Somebody
A group of filmmakers are gathered in a dark and windy night for preparation of shooting a film based on a sensational murder case. It's unrealized that they are placed in the real crime scene and the true murderer is among them.
Ladies in Beijing
Original Cast, Reunite after 10 Years. A film originally shot as the official spoof comedy for The Graver Robbers’ Chronicles series, got some scenes reshot to add in and changed the film as the movie version of iPartment series.
Foolish Plan
A man and his wife get themselves a huge gambling debt, and then accidentally get involved in a race with gangsters to obtain a magic mirror.
Затерянные в белой мгле
Wu Xue
В небольшой деревне на северо-востоке Китая подо льдом замёрзшей реки были обнаружены два трупа. Полицейский по имени Чжоу Пэн приступает к расследованию, и становится ясно, что жертвы оказались в реке не по своей воле. Далее в эти края прибывает шанхайский полицейский Ван Хао, расследующий дело об исчезновении человека, который в последний раз звонил своей жене из расположенного недалеко от этой деревни города. Выясняется, что два убийства и исчезновение связаны между собой, и полицейские начинают расследование вместе.
Безмолвный свидетель
Lin Mengmeng
Дочь крупного промышленного магната оказалась главной подозреваемой в убийстве молодой любовницы своего отца. Защитник девушки и прокурорские работники начали скрупулезную подготовку к затяжному процессу, когда неожиданно вину на себя взял водитель этой любовницы.
Sweet Summer Love
An unlikely encounter between a rich young man and a girl from a humble background blossoms into something more, despite their differences.
Double Trouble
Tourist Jane
Two security guards — one from Beijing, one from Taipei — are forced to work together to track down a legendary Chinese painting that has been stolen by international art thieves
Any Other Side
Xiao Lu
Brace yourself for a spine-tingling thrill ride through Any Other Side! In his feature film debut, China's new-generation filmmaker Fang Yaxi has crafted a scarefest that multiplies the fear factor by offering a trio of stylistically different tales of horror and suspense under an overarching storyline. To appeal to its core audience of genre fans, the movie features an attractive group of screen talents, including Cape No. 7 star Van Fan, Hong Kong model/actress Chrissie Chau, Mainland starlet Deng Jiajia, Taiwan singer/actress Jill Hsu, Singaporean actor Qi Yuwu and singer Yida Huang. Five friends meet at a bar on the night of Halloween. They take turns to tell spooky stories to each other. In "Vanished", a crippled woman finds herself terrorized by a mysterious killer.... In "One Way Only", a journalist and his little daughter are lost in the twilight zone of time.... In "Night Shift", a doctor must escape from an isolated hospital overrun by zombies....
The Double Life
Hangzhou, China, the present day. Chen Congming, an associate professor at a medical college who is popular with his students, alarms his superiors with his theory that everyone has the potential to go crazy, and that the dividing line between sanity and insanity is paper-thin.
Док Кихот
Woman on donkey
Дон Кихот - фильм китайского и гонконгского фильма 2010 года режиссера Ахана, основанный на романе Мигеля де Сервантеса 17-го века. Это было продвинуто как первый полностью трехмерный фильм в Китае.
Visitors From the Sui Dynasty
Zhu Xiaoxiao / 朱小小
When the dissolute last emperor of the Sui Dynasty tries to hold an empire-wide beauty contest, a corrupt official takes advantage of the opportunity to divert money into his own coffers and steals the winner of the contest, Yingying, for himself. Yingying’s admirer, both caught up in the plot, flee for their lives, but fall into an ice cave and are quick-frozen — until a thousand years later, when the ice melts and the two men awake to find themselves in 21st-Century Beijing ..
Panda Express
Comedy about a dancing pandas cabaret act.
Almost Perfect
Nangong Yan