George Harrison

George Harrison

Рождение : 1943-02-25, Liverpool, England, UK

Смерть : 2001-11-29


George Harrison,  MBE (25 February 1943 – 29 November 2001) was an English rock guitarist, singer-songwriter, actor and film producer who achieved international fame as lead guitarist of The Beatles.  Often referred to as "the quiet Beatle",  Harrison became over time an admirer of Indian mysticism, and introduced it to the other Beatles, as well as those of their Western audience. Following the band's break-up, he had a successful career as a solo artist and later as part of the Traveling Wilburys, and also as a film and record producer. Harrison is listed at number 21 in Rolling Stone magazine's list of "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time". Although most of The Beatles' songs were written by Lennon and McCartney, Beatle albums generally included one or two of Harrison's own songs, from With The Beatles onwards.  His later compositions with The Beatles include "Here Comes the Sun", "Something" and "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". By the time of the band's break-up, Harrison had accumulated a backlog of material, which he then released as the acclaimed and successful triple album All Things Must Pass in 1970, from which came two singles: a double A-side single, "My Sweet Lord" backed with "Isn't It a Pity", and "What Is Life". In addition to his solo work, Harrison co-wrote two hits for Ringo Starr, another former Beatle, as well as songs for the Traveling Wilburys—the supergroup he formed in 1988 with Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, and Roy Orbison. Harrison embraced Indian culture and Hinduism in the mid 1960s, and helped expand Western awareness of sitar music and of the Hare Krishna movement. With Ravi Shankar he organised a major charity concert with the 1971 Concert for Bangladesh. Besides being a musician, he was also a record producer and co-founder of the production company HandMade Films. In his work as a film producer, he collaborated with people as diverse as the members of Monty Python and Madonna. He was married twice, to model Pattie Boyd from 1966 to 1974, and for 23 years to record company secretary Olivia Trinidad Arias, with whom he had one son, Dhani Harrison. He was a close friend of Eric Clapton. He is the only Beatle to have published an autobiography, with I Me Mine in 1980. Harrison died of lung cancer in 2001.


George Harrison
George Harrison
George Harrison


Roy Orbison At The BBC
Self (archive footage)
A deep-dive into the BBC’s archives to celebrate the great Roy Orbison – full-time rock 'n’ roll legend, part-time Traveling Wilbury and the man Elvis famously described as ‘the best singer in the world’. The Big O’s story was in many ways a tragic one, full of family tragedies and heartbreak, and his extraordinary voice captured all those emotions and more, bringing a new dimension to popular music. This programme features some of the hits that had fans eraptured and fellow music superstars singing his praises, with performances from his many visits to the UK including Only the Lonely, Crying and Oh Pretty Woman.
If These Walls Could Sing
Self (archive footage)
The untold story of the Abbey Road studio, all-star interviews and intimate access to the premises.
The Beatles: Get Back — Концерт на крыше
Self (archive footage)
Конец 60-х. Отношения между участниками Битлз накалены, планы рушатся, но именно в этот период сочиняются и исполняются одни из самых знаковых песен в мире.
The Beatles and India
Self (archive footage)
Explores the The Beatles’ love affair with India, its religions and its culture and, in turn, the impact of their music and style on a young generation in India.
The Beatles: Get Back
Self (archive footage)
Фильм расскажет об атмосфере, царившей на студии во время записи знаменитого альбома «Let It Be», и завершится записью последнего живого концерта группы, который состоялся на крыше дома номер 3 по лондонской улице Сэвил Роу 30 января 1969 года.
Jealous Guy: The Assassination of John Lennon
Self (archive footage)
An exploration of the life and career of the Beatles superstar, with a look at the strange parallels between him and his killer Mark David Chapman.
Meeting the Beatles in India
Self (archive footage)
Filmmaker Paul Saltzman retraces his journey of 50 years ago when he spent a life-changing time with the Beatles at the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's ashram on the banks of the Ganges River. In 1968, he discovered his own soul, learned meditation, which changed his life, and hung out with John, Paul, George and Ringo. Fifty years later, he finds "Bungalow Bill" in Hawaii; connects with David Lynch about his own inner journey; as well as preeminent Beatles historian, Mark Lewisohn; Academy Award nominated film composer, Laurence Rosenthal; and Pattie and Jenny Boyd. And much of this is due to Saltzman's own daughter, Devyani, reminding him that he had put away and forgotten these remarkably intimate photographs of that time in 1968.
Когда мы были братьями
Self (archive footage)
Исповедальное, нравоучительное, а иногда забавное документальное кино о музыканте Робби Робертсоне, создателе одной из самых долговечных групп в истории поп-музыки «The Band». Это история личного пути музыканта, история о дружбе, о музыке и времени. Фильм включает в себя редкие архивные кадры, музыкальные записи и интервью со многими друзьями и соратниками Робертсона, включая Брюса Спрингстина, Эрика Клэптона, Ван Моррисона, Мартина Скорсезе, Питера Гэбриэла, Ронни Хокинса и многих других.
An Accidental Studio
Himself (archive footage)
Charts the early years of HandMade Films seen through the eyes of the filmmakers, key personnel, and the man who started it all: former Beatle George Harrison.
John & Yoko: Above Us Only Sky
Self (archive footage)
Film telling the untold story of John Lennon's 1971 album Imagine, exploring the creative collaboration between Lennon and Yoko Ono and featuring interviews and never-seen-before footage.
ReMastered: Who Shot the Sheriff
Self (archive footage)
In 1976, reggae icon Bob Marley survived an assassination attempt as rival political groups battled in Jamaica. But who exactly was responsible?
The Beatles ‎– Ready Steady Go!
Eric Clapton: Life in 12 Bars
An unflinching and deeply personal journey into the life and work of guitarist Eric Clapton told through his own words and songs.
George Harrison: All Things Pass
Himself (archive footage)
George Harrison was an English guitarist, singer, songwriter, and music and film producer who initially achieved international fame as the lead guitarist of the Beatles, but went on to sell millions of critically acclaimed solo records. Harrison was referred to as the quiet one of the Beatles, often in the shadow of John Lennon and Paul McCartney. However, he later acquired the respect of critics world wide and is now considered to be on the same level - if not surpassing - Lennon and McCartney as a song writer, a result of creating songs such as ‘Here Comes the Sun’ and ‘While My Guitar Gently Weeps’. Rolling Stone magazine even ranked him number 11 on their list of the "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time," and he is a two-time Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee.
Прими свои таблетки
Self (archive footage)
Каждое поколение изобретает лекарство, которого заслуживает. В современной Америке, где люди конкурируют друг с другом всю жизнь и каждый хочет быть первым, стало невозможно существовать без приёма Аддералла и других опасных стимуляторов, которые влияют на жизнь и образ мышления целого поколения.
14 STANDARD 8mm REELS 1981–1988
A few years ago, Preiss had the rare chance to salvage a selection of 8mm reels from his archive; 30 years after it was first shot, this lovingly refashioned material returns as both a luminescent ode to the friends, filmmakers, and artists with whom Preiss lived and worked during that time, and a considered meditation on the evolution of diaristic filmmaking. (-MoMA)
How the Beatles Changed the World
Self (archive footage)
The fascinating story of the cultural, social, spiritual, and musical revolution ignited by the coming of the Beatles. Tracing the impact that these four band members had, first in their native Britain and soon after worldwide, it reappraises the band and follows their path from young subversives to countercultural heroes. Featuring fresh, revealing interviews with key collaborators as well as a wealth of rarely-seen archival footage, this is a bold new take on the most significant band in the history of music and their enduring impact on popular culture.
Моё поколение
Self (archive footage)
Лондон 60-х — это праздник непослушания, неспящий, раскрашенный в немыслимые раньше цвета город. Музыкальная и модная столица, где боги — The Beatles и The Rolling Stones, а богини — Твигги и Марианна Фэйтфулл. Рок-н-ролл и свободная любовь расшатали классовую систему, и на киноэкране впервые в истории британского кино мог появиться герой с рабочим происхождением Майкла Кейна и его характерным выговором. Впервые актер мог гордо говорить на пролетарском кокни и быть суперзвездой. Этот, знакомый по «Досье Ипкресс» и «Элфи», голос и звучит за кадром «Моего поколения» — очень личного фильма, героями которого стали Пол Маккартни, Дэвид Бейли, Мэри Куант и Роджер Долтри. Уникальные интервью с героями «британского вторжения», лучшая музыка и Лондон, увиденный глазами Майкла Кейна, человека, который пережил 60-е.
Dark Glamour: The Blood and Guts of Hammer Productions
Self - Musician (archive footage)
The greatness, fall and renaissance of Hammer, the flagship company of British popular cinema, mainly from 1955 to 1968. Tortured women and sadistic monsters populated oppressive scenarios in provocative productions that shocked censorship and disgusted critics but fascinated the public. Movies in which horror was shown in offensive colors: dreadful stories, told without prejudices, that offered fear, blood, sex and stunning performances.
Hare Krishna! The Mantra, the Movement and the Swami Who Started It All
Himself (archive footage)
"Hare Krishna!" is a documentary on the life of Srila Prabhupada, the 70-year-old Indian Swami who arrives in America without support or money and ignites a worldwide spiritual phenomenon, now known as the Hare Krishna Movement.
Sgt Pepper's Musical Revolution
Himself (archive footage)
50 years ago this week, on 1 June, 1967, an album was released that changed music history - The Beatles' Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. In this film, composer Howard Goodall explores just why this album is still seen as so innovative, so revolutionary and so influential. With the help of outtakes and studio conversations between the band, never heard before outside of Abbey Road, Howard gets under the bonnet of Sgt Pepper. He takes the music apart and reassembles it, to show us how it works - and makes surprising connections with the music of the last 1,000 years to do so.
It Was Fifty Years Ago Today! The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper & Beyond
Himself (archive footage)
Featuring interviews with former employees, fellow musicians, family members and journalists, and supported by original and exclusive never-seen-before footage, this star-studded rockumentary offers a fascinating insight into the creation and recording of one of the most ground-breaking and influential albums in pop history.
Free to Rock
Self - The Beatles (archive footage)
Rock & Roll spread the sound of freedom across the Iron Curtain and throughout Eastern Europe and the USSR, despite Communist attempts to outlaw it and to crush what they perceived was a contamination of their youth. Over the next thirty years, thousands of underground bands and millions of young fans who yearned for Western values helped fuel the nonvio- lent implosion of the Soviet regime. FREE TO ROCK features Presidents, diplomats, spies and rock stars from the West, the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe who reveal how Rock & Roll music was a contributing factor in ending the Cold
Deconstructing the Beatles' White Album
Himself (archive footage)
Scott Freiman gives some context into what The Beatles were up to during the making of the best selling album of the 60's.
Восемь дней в неделю
Self (archive footage)
В 1962 году четыре подростка – Джон Леннон, Пол Маккартни, Джордж Харрисон и Ринго Старр – создали музыкальный феномен 20-го века под названием «Битлз». В 1963 году группа покорила Европу, а в 1964 – США. Их потрясающие мировые турне изменили молодежную культуру и, как многие уверены, положили начало современной индустрии массовых развлечений. В это же время группа записала несколько невероятно успешных песен и альбомов. Но бремя небывалой славы, которая переросла в массовые беспорядки в 1966 году, вынудила «Битлз» прекратить гастрольную деятельность. У группы появилось время для работы над несколькими альбомами, изменившими мир студийной музыки. Интервью, архивные съемки, потрясающие кадры концертных выступлений и глубокое понимание героев, позволят окунуться в невероятное приключение и получить ответ на животрепещущий вопрос: «Каково это – жить в то время?»
George Fest: A Night to Celebrate the Music of George Harrison
Himself (archive footage)
Recorded on September 28th, 2014 in Los Angeles, musicians pay tribute to their favorite George Harrison songs.
Beatles chronology  (1962-1970)
Self (archive footage)
Beatles chronology
The Nation's Favourite Beatles Number One
Self (archive footage)
The Nation’s Favourite Beatles Number One tells the stories behind some of the greatest Beatles songs ever. With interviews from Beatles’ insiders including musicians, friends, fellow performers and celebrity fans, we’ll hear about the stories behind the Fab Four’s best-loved hits
The Beatles 1+
The Beatles '1' was originally released in 2000 and quickly became the fastest selling album of all time. Featuring 27 of the band's most significant singles, all of which reached #1 in the US or UK charts, '1+' represents the ultimate collector's edition of The Beatles '1', featuring all 27 promo videos from the album and an additional 23 videos, including alternate versions, as well as rarely seen and newly restored films and videos. All the videos have been beautifully restored by a team of film and video technicians and restoration artists who have undertaken painstaking frame-by-frame cleaning, colour-grading, digital enhancement and new edits that took months of dedicated, 'round-the-clock work to accomplish.
The Beatles 1
Between 1962 and 1970, The Beatles released 27 No. 1 hit singles in the U.S. and the U.K. In 2000, these timeless songs were collected for The Beatles 1, which topped the charts in 35 countries and became that decade's bestselling album worldwide. 15 years later, 1 is revisited for this entirely new, visually-inspired presentation.
Awake: The Life of Yogananda
Self (archive footage)
An unconventional biography by Oscar nominee Paola di Florio and Sundance winner Lisa Leeman about Hindu mystic Paramahansa Yogananda who brought yoga and meditation to the West in 1920 and authored the spiritual classic "Autobiography of a Yogi," which became the go-to book for seekers from George Harrison to Steve Jobs.
George Harrison:  The Apple Years 1968-75
Himself (archive footage)
«The Apple Years» contains several George Harrison promotional films and other video clips.
Roy Orbison: Mystery Girl - Unraveled
Himself (archive footage)
The discography of Roy Orbison (1936-1988) - which yielded some of the most heartfelt, passionate classics of the rock ‘n’ roll era - shined even brighter with the release of Mystery Girl, the last album Orbison recorded, in 1989. The commercial success of Mystery Girl was nothing short of impressive: the album was a Top 5 hit, eventually earning Orbison his first platinum award for over 1 million sales, and featured the worldwide Top 10 smash “You Got It.” Mystery Girl: Unraveled features a new hour-long documentary on the making of the album, executive produced by Roy’s sons. The documentary includes new interviews with those behind the album including Steve Cropper, Tom Petty, Mick Campbell and Jeff Lynne. In addition there are eight wonderful music videos, including an unreleased alternate video for “She’s a Mystery to Me” and three new videos for “The Way Is Love,” “You Got It” and “California Blue.
Delaney & Bonnie & Friends: Live In Denmark 1969
The band, which consisted of Bobby Whitlock on keys, Carl Radle on bass, Jim Gordon on drums, Jim Price on trumpet, Bobby Keys on saxophone, Rita Coolidge on backing vocals, and Billy Preston on keyboards, is on fire during this performance. Clapton’s presence most definitely brought excitement to this lineup and while George Harrison adds to the curiosity factor, he plays little more than support guitar in the background. Knowing now what this cast of players would go on to do, this makes for one very interesting watch.
Славная Фрида
Himself (archive footage)
О секретаре знаменитых Beatles, которая не расставалась с ними в течение 11 лет.
Magical Mystery Tour Revisited
The making of The Beatles' controversial 1967 film, featuring previously unseen archive footage.
Mr. Blue Sky: The Story of Jeff Lynne & ELO
Himself (archive footage)
Documentary which gets to the heart of who Jeff Lynne is and how he has had such a tremendous musical influence on our world. The story is told by the British artist himself and such distinguished collaborators and friends of Jeff as Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Tom Petty, Joe Walsh, Olivia and Dhani Harrison, Barbara Orbison and Eric Idle. The film reveals that Lynne is a true man of music, for whom the recording studio is his greatest instrument. With access to Lynne in his studio above LA, this is an intimate account of a great British pop classicist who has ploughed a unique furrow since starting out on the Birmingham Beat scene in the early 60s, moving from the Idle Race to the multi-million selling ELO in the 70s and then, with Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Roy Orbison and George Harrison, as a key member of the Traveling Wilburys.
The Beatles: In Chicago 1964-1966
1964: International Chicago , IL USA September 5, 1964, 1965: White Sox Park Chicago, IL USA August 20, 1965 & 1966: International Amphitheatre Chicago Il USA August 12, 1966 Including Extra Films.
The Winged Beetle
Paul is dead! But is he The Winged Beetle? The Rotten Apple? Who knows!
Джордж Харрисон: Жизнь в материальном мире
Self (archive footage)
Нарезка архивных материалов и интервью родных, близких, друзей и коллег Джорджа Харрисона. Фильм рассказывает историю его жизни и повествует о том, как духовные поиски стали важной ее частью.
The Beatles: Recovered Archives Vol. 2
Archived movie footage of The Beatles from around the world.
The Beatles: Recovered Archives Vol. 3
Recovered footage from The Beatles from around the world
The Beatles: Recovered Archives Vol. 4
Recovered footage of The Beatles from around the world.
The Beatles:  Recovered Archives Vol. 1
George Harrison
Recovered archival footage of The Beatles worldwide appearances. Many of these glances of music history were shot by fans worldwide.
I Was There: When the Beatles Played the Cavern
Himself (archive footage)
I Was There…When the Beatles Played The Cavern tells the story of the underground venue which has become synonymous with one of the world’s greatest bands – The Beatles. The programme includes rare archive footage of the Cavern Club in the sixties, including film of The Beatles performing ‘Some Other Guy’ at the club. On 9 February 1961, having recently returned to Liverpool from performing in Hamburg, The Beatles played at The Cavern for the first of nearly 300 appearances at the club. By the time they played their last gig there, Beatlemania had swept Britain and the band was conquering the world.
The Beatles - Unsurpassed Promos
This set includes at least one version of every surviving song The Beatles ever mimed to. The audio has been re-laid and precisely synchronised from the mono mixes and presented in lossless wav format for maximum listening pleasure. The video has also been upgraded and enhanced and is completely free of timecodes and other screen junk. Included are all the "Intertel" promo videos recorded by the band in 1965 and 1966 in newly-sourced unbooted form, as well as a host of other rare mimed performances from such shows as "Ready Steady Go", "Thank Your Lucky Stars" and "Big Night Out". Rounding off volume one are ten songs from The Beatles first two films, remastered with mono sound and presented in uncropped 4:3 format. "Tell Me Why", "If I Fell" and "The Night Before" have been restored to full length and all the tracks from "A Hard Day's Night" now run at their correct speed.
The Beatles: A Magical History Tour
Self (archive footage)
This is the candid and unabridged story of the Beatles as told by the insiders who worked, recorded and toured with the group from the Hamburg days to the bitter end. Featuring a meticulously researched and a comprehensive array of inside sources, here at last is the whole uncensored story of the life and work of the Beatles.
The Beatles - Live at the Washington Coliseum, 1964
The "Live at the Washington Coliseum, 1964" concert film in its entirety is available for download with the special digital "Beatles Stereo Box Set" on iTunes. The boxset contains the 13 remastered studio albums with iTunes LPs and all mini-documentaries and "Past Masters".
Ravi Shankar's Music Festival from India
A rare, previously unreleased concert performance of Ravi Shankar's 'Music Festival From India' album recorded at London's Royal Albert Hall in 1974. This DVD compiles all the complete filmed performances discovered from this historic concert.
The 4 Complete Ed Sullivan Shows Starring The Beatles
This collection consists of four of the most cherished shows in television history. On February 9, 1964, The Beatles made their debut TV appearance in the U.S. on the Ed Sullivan Show. 73 million Americans watched and Beatlemania is born! Other shows included were February 16, 1964, February 23, 1964, and September 12, 1965. Includes 20 song performances, as well as the rest of the four Ed Sullivan shows. Also included in some special editions is the show rehearsal (Deauville Hotel, Miami - Feb.16, 1964)
Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: The Last Testament of George Harrison
In the summer of 2005, a package arrived at the Hollywood offices of Highway 61 Entertainment from London with no return address. Inside were two mini-cassette audio tapes dated December 30, 1999 and labeled "The Last Testament of George Harrison". A voice eerily similar to Harrison's tells a shocking story: Paul McCartney was killed in a car crash in November of 1966 and replaced with a double!
John Lennon: Love Is All You Need
Himself (archive footage)
This incredible documentary features in-depth contributions from wives Yoko Ono and Cynthia Lennon, son Julian Lennon and many previously unseen interviews with John himself. Through rare footage, we learn of his rise to fame with the Beatles, his divorce from Cynthia, his first meeting with Yoko, split-up of the band, and his decision to become a solo artist and advocate for world peace.
The Beatles: Fifty Fabulous Years
The Beatles: Here There and Everywhere
Self (archive footage)
The Beatles' arrival in America and the start of their US invasion. Paul McCartney's shocking and candid admission to taking LSD, a move which the UK press immediately seized upon. The Ballad of John and Yoko, chronicling the events surrounding Lennon's marriage. The news announcing the untimely death of manager Brian Epstein and the massive impact that this had on the group. The Beatles' trip to India, meeting the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and exploring their mystic side. Behind the scenes footage and 'off the record' interviews given during TV rehearsals and private backstage moments. This captivating DVD features all of this and much more incredible footage of the key moments in the Beatles' career; it is an essential purchase for any die-hard fan of the Fab Four.
The Beatles on Record
A collection of interviews and footage of the band detailing how their sound progressed and how their albums were made.
The Beatles: Budokan Tokyo 1966
Himself (lead and backing vocals, lead guitar)
The concert, and their first on the following day, was video taped by Nippon Television. The two shows were edited together and broadcast during The Beatles Recital, From Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, which was screened on NTV Channel 4 on 1 July from 9pm.
Rare and Unseen: The Beatles
The Beatles. Their story is told for the very first time using original rare film and video of the band, including home movies, concert footage, newsreels and photographs from private collections. There are also interviews with those who surrounded the band, and those who were there from the very start. Also included is an exclusive interview with fan and star in his own right, Phil Collins. For the first time we can see The Beatles relaxed, at play, on and off stage, on film and is a rare glimpse inside the lives of four musicians who shook the world.
Beatles, The Journey
Guitar Vocal
Composing the Beatles Songbook: Lennon & McCartney 1966-1970
Featuring a wealth of performance clips, archival footage and testimonials from friends, peers and experts, this fascinating documentary explores the legendary collaboration between John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Focusing on the period of work that began with "Revolver" and ended with "Abbey Road," this feature chronicles the duo's efforts, from the writing to the recording, and examines the impact their partnership had on the world at large.
The Beatles: Destination Hamburg
Packed with interviews and restored footage, this hourlong documentary recounts the story of the Beatles -- from their early days as the Quarrymen and meteoric rise to international fame to their place in the pantheon of music history. Included are recordings by early Fab Four collaborator Tony Sheridan, plus Kenny Everett radio interviews with mop tops Paul McCartney, John Lennon and Ringo Starr.
Битлз в фильме
Self (archive footage)
30-минутная документальная лента о съемках фильма "Битлз. На помощь!". Включает интервью с режиссером Ричардом Лестером и другими членами съемочной группы, а также эксклюзивные кадры участников группы Битлз на съемочной площадке и за кулисами.
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: Runnin' Down a Dream
Self (archive footage)
Directed by Peter Bogdanovich and packed with rare concert footage and home movies, this documentary explores the history of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, including Petty's famous collaborations and notorious clashes with the record industry. Interviews with musical luminaries including Jackson Browne, George Harrison, Eddie Vedder, Roger McGuinn, Jeff Lynne, Dave Stewart and Petty himself shed some revelatory vision.
The True History Of The Traveling Wilburys
Spring, 1988: George Harrison asks Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, and Tom Petty to spend a day in the studio at Bob Dylan's L.A. house. The result is "Handle With Care." He liked the process so much that the five of them, plus Jim Keltner, spend a week in May at Dave Stewart's house, where they write and record a song a day to produce an album. We watch the creative process: group efforts ("Dirty World" is a found poem) and individual ones (Dylan's lyrics for "Congratulations'). Petty calls them "a bunch of friends who happened to be really good at making music." The album, released in October, goes platinum. The rock video for "End of the Line" is a eulogy for Orbison (1936-1988).
The Beatles Explosion
Self (archive footage)
Documentary / Music/Musical - This rare documentary explores the early days of The Beatles with rare interviews, newsreels, press conferences and TV appearances. This celebration of Beatlemania presents a candid look at the Fab Four, detailing their thoughts of fame, the screaming fans and the media's fascination with their hair.
The Beatles Love
DVD Soundtrack to the Cirque du Soleil show
Doctor Who: Origins
Self (archive footage)
A 55-minute documentary, detailing the creation of Doctor Who, including a rare interview with creator Sydney Newman, and new interviews with producer Verity Lambert, directors Waris Hussein and Richard Martin, actors William Russell and Carole Ann Ford, title sequence designer Bernard Lodge, and TARDIS sound effect creator Brian Hodgson
George Harrison & Friends - The Concert for Bangladesh Revisited
Short documentary focused on the background story of the show, including interviews with cast and crew.
The Beatles: Chronology Vol. 1 y 2
guitarra solista, vocalista
The Beatles: Love Me Do - A Documentary
On October 5th 1962, the Beatles released their first single, Love Me Do. It was a moment that changed music history and popular culture forever. It was also an extraordinary year in social and cultural history, not just for Liverpool but for the world, with the Cuban missile crisis, John Glenn in space and beer at a shilling a pint. Stuart Maconie explores how the Beatles changed from leather and slicked back hair to suits and Beatle mops, and how their fashion set the pace for the sixties to follow. Pop artist Sir Peter Blake, Bob Harris and former Beatles drummer Pete Best join friends to reflect on how the Beatles evolved into John, Paul, George and Ringo - the most famous band in the world.
Beatles Biggest Secrets
Featuring new and exclusive interviews, Beatles' Biggest Secrets, reveals the inside story of the world's greatest pop group with explosive revelations about the extraordinary lives of Liverpool's favorite sons. From the band's formation and early exposure to the gritty world of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll in the dingy strip clubs of Hamburg, Germany, the program then travels forward through the Beatles' careers with shocking surprises about their relationships with each other, their women and their inner circle. Filled with interviews from friends, relatives, colleagues and former girlfriends as well as rare film footage and original artwork by artist Klaus Voormann, this is the first fully rounded Beatles portrait to appear on DVD. This is the Beatles at their best -- and their worst!
The Beatles: Watching Rainbows
Self (archive footage)
George Harrison: All things must pass
The Life and times of George Harrison. George Harrison was the youngest member of the world famous group The Beatles. A man of many contradictions. He was known as the 'Quiet one'. Although Monty python's Eric Idle once remarked 'George never stopped talking'. The melancholy one who had a great sense of humour. The simple spiritual man who had a passion for motor racing and enjoyed his immense wealth. This programme explores his complex nature and his life journey with interviews with those that were close to him. And using rare film footage we examine his undoubted musical talent. His time with The Beatles, and his long help spiritual beliefs that were a comfort to him until his untimely death, at just 58.
George Harrison: The Dark Horse Years 1976-1992
Himself (archive footage)
Former Beatle George Harrison has had many artistic incarnations. This video includes performance footage from Harrison's 1991 tour in Japan with Eric Clapton, seven music videos and interview footage, plus a special bonus of three songs (performed by Harrison himself) from the movie he produced, Shanghai Surprise, starring Madonna and Sean Penn. Tracks include "This Song," "Crackerbox Palace," "Got My Mind Set on You," "Taxman" and more.
Inside John Lennon - Unauthorized
Self (archive footage)
Fueled by archival film clips and captivating anecdotes from friends and family, this unauthorized biography of John Lennon captures a lesser-known side of the Beatle who caused as much a stir with his personal causes as he did with his music. Highlights include rarely told stories about Lennon's upbringing from his half sister, Julia Baird, and tales from former members of Lennon's first band, the Quarrymen.
The Beatles: Around the World
«Around the World» actually contains three sections. First is what seems to be a basically complete version of the «Around the Beatles» TV broadcast from England. Next is the promo ad for theater showings of the first U.S. Washington D.C. concert program, and then the program straight through until the abrupt cut during the next-to-last song. Third segment is the 1966 Tokyo «light suits» concert.
Ратлз 2
Jimmy “The Wallasey Warbler” Climmer (archive footage)
Известные певцы, актёры и музыканты рассказывают о том, как The Rutles повлияли на них.
Beatles: The Journey
Self (archive footage)
Utilizing rare archive footage, news reels and unique interviews, this riveting music documentary follows the formation and astonishing rise of the world's first supergroup: The Beatles. Re-live the events that marked them as a music phenomenon and follows their careers through to the untimely deaths of John Lennon and George Harrison.
Hagström: Everything in Music
"Hagström - Everything in Music" is a documentary about Albin Hagström who, based on his love of music, built an international empire with manufacturing accordions, guitars and amplifiers. Hagström started a variety of music stores, music schools, and published booklets. The headquarters were located in the small village of Älvdalen, Sweden, but already in the 1930s Hagström had a branch in the Rockerfeller Center in Manhattan. Among Hagström's customers and friends were Jimi Hendrix, Carl Jularbo, Frank Zappa, ABBA, Owe Thörnqvist. Larry Coryell and many others.
Paul McCartney: Back in the U.S.
Self (archive footage)
In 2002, a 60-year old McCartney refocused the attention on his musicianship, staging a massive live concert in Cleveland, Ohio. The superstar, who went on to form the popular rock group Wings and had several hit records as a solo artist, performs a track list that covers all three phases of his long and prolific career, including the hits "Eleanor Rigby," "Live And Let Die," "Blackbird," "The Long And Winding Road," and "Mother Nature's Son." In addition to the 30 tunes that McCartney enthusiastically performs, seemingly immune to the ravages of time and aging, BACK IN THE U.S.A LIVE also includes candid behind-the-scenes footage of the rocker backstage and on the road.
Self (archive footage)
Название фильма переводится с языка хопи «война, как образ жизни». Необычность этого языка в том, что он, в частности, не различает категорий времени и множественного числа. (ХОПИ — индейский народ общей численностью 6 тыс. чел, проживающий на территории США.) В последней части трилогии – "Накойкаци", название которой означает "жизнь как война" – представляемой Стивеном Содербергом, Годфри Реджио исследует новую визуальную территорию, оказываясь среди образов продвинутых технологий и цифровой обработки, которые он называет "возрожденными образами". В отличие от предыдущих фильмов, в картине "Накойкаци" мало натурных съемок, вместо этого используется метод, названный режиссером "образ как место действия".
Джордж Харрисон: Тихоня
Он единственный из «Битлз» вырос в большой и дружной семье, так что детство было вполне сносным. Да он и был младше остальных, пусть даже ненамного. Харрисон лучше других «битлов» играл на гитаре и писал дивные песни. Taxman, Within You, Without You, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Something, I Me Mine и др. Не больше одной-двух на альбоме, Джон с Полом не давали развернуться. Никто не удивился, когда после распада «Битлз» Джордж издал сразу тройной альбом — выдохнул человек, наболело. Как это часто бывает с тихонями, Харрисон отличался противоречивостью. Меланхолик с отличным чувством юмора. Проповедник религиозного смирения, куривший все, что дымилось, и пивший все, что лилось. Застенчивый рокер, интеллигент, бывший без ума от автогонок.
Things They Said Today
Self (archive footage)
A documentary on the making of the Beatles' 1964 film "A Hard Day's Night," featuring director Richard Lester, music producer George Martin, screenwriter Alun Owen, and cinematographer Gilbert Taylor.
Beatles: Big Beat Box
Self (archive footage)
The early days of The Beatles are captured in this fascinating film. Featuring behind the scenes clips, it traces the Fab Four's start as Liverpool lads playing the local clubs to 'making it' in Germany. Early press conferences and interviews reveal their charisma and knack for messing around - yeah, yeah, yeah!
John Lennon - Gimme Some Truth
An instant classic when released in September 1971, John Lennon's Imagine was the ex-Beatle's solo masterpiece, and its musical legacy is matched here by priceless footage of Lennon's creative process, independently edited from original 16-millimeter footage by producer-director Andrew Solt with the hands-off approval of Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono. Incorporating footage from John and Yoko's original film Imagine (clips of which were previously included in the 1988 documentary Imagine: John Lennon), Gimme Some Truth presents Lennon, Ono, coproducer Phil Spector, and a host of gifted musicians in a fluid context of conflict, community, and craftsmanship. Bearing witness to every stage of the recording process, this 63-minute documentary succeeds as a visual diary, a study of familiar music in its infancy, and a revealing portrait of the then-30-year-old Lennon--from witty clown to confrontational perfectionist--at the peak of his post-Fab Four inspiration.
In Dreams: The Roy Orbison Story
Roy Orbison - In Dreams is the ultimate exclusive music documentary of the life of Roy Orbison. It provides in-depth insights into his legendary career with classic performances, personal home movies and photos, location footage and interviews with the great and the humble that he touched with his music.
The Beatles: A Celebration
Geoffrey Giuliano is a Beatleologist who has written lots of books about them ,notably an interesting Harrison biography (Harrison reportedly said: "this guy knows more about my life than I do").He appears in his movie,as some kind of tourist guide who takes the viewer to Abbey road,the roof-where-the-last-concert-took-place ,and the gates of Strawberry Fields. Most of the interviews come from the post-Beatles era: Pete Best (and Fred Seaman ) speaks of the savage days in Hamburg .There is a lot of unseen photographs although they are sometimes anachronistic : for instance,they are talking about the campaign for peace while showing pictures of Lennon with his second son Sean.
An international team of climbers ascends Mt. Everest in the spring of 1996. The film depicts their lengthy preparations for the climb, their trek to the summit, and their successful return to Base Camp. It also shows many of the challenges the group faced, including avalanches, lack of oxygen, treacherous ice walls, and a deadly blizzard.
The Beatles Story
This one-hour documentary recounts the musical career of the "Fab Four" in its entirety: from their early days in Liverpool to the peak of their success as the world's most successful pop group. The film is largely archival and built around extensive footage that chronicles the phenomenon of Beatlemania as it rapidly spreads across the globe. Much of the material has not been seen before and includes a number of interviews with The Beatles at critical moments in their career, plus fascinating footage from their final American tour. To complete the film there is also recent footage and retrospective interviews with members of The Beatles entourage as well as those who have spent time analyzing and evaluating The Beatle's musical and social impact on our lives.
Alf Bicknell's Beatles Diary
Himself (archive footage)
Alf Bicknell, who was the Beatles' driver and road manager, shows footage, photographs and outtakes taken while he was employed by the Beatles.
You Can't Do That! The Making of 'A Hard Day's Night'
Thirty years after A Hard Day's Night, its producer, director, writer and others describe its making. United Artists Records came to Walter Shenson, asking him to produce a movie so UA could issue a soundtrack album. Shenson signed Lester to direct, and they got the Beatles to agree to star. Shenson sent Owen to Dublin to spend time with the Fab Four; from this came a script built around their being prisoners of their own success. Phil Collins, himself an extra on A Hard Day's Night, hosts this examination of a seminal film: what was ad-libbed, why was it a hit, what was its influence on other movies, and how did it define the way the public viewed each Beatle for years to come?
The Beatles In Australia: 30th Anniversary
Self (archive footage)
Television special from Channel 9 looks at The Beatles‘ historic tour of Australia in 1964 and features footage from one of the Melbourne concerts.
Tom Petty: Going Home
Television documentary spanning Tom Petty's career from 1976-1994.
Curves Contours & Body Horns
Now recognized as one of the best electric guitars ever designed, Leo Fender's Stratocaster is a vital ingredient of American popular culture. Its completely unconventional design and construction have rendered it the most copied of all modern electric guitars. This documentary celebrates 40 years of the history of the Fender Stratocaster.
Ready Steady Go! The Beatles Live
VHS tape featuring 12 performances in 1963 & 1964 by The Beatles on iconic 60's pop show Ready Steady Go. All performances in black & white in front of a live studio audience.
Bob Dylan: The 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration
On October 16, 1992, an impressive and eclectic group of artists gathered at Madison Square Garden in New York City for the purpose of celebrating the music of Bob Dylan on the occasion of his 30th anniversary of recording. Bringing together musical greats as far-flung as Johnny Cash and Eddie Vedder, The Clancy Brothers and Lou Reed, the four-hour show celebrated a truly remarkable lifetime of songs in front of a sold-out audience of over 18,000. Warmly dubbed the Bobfest by participant Neil Young, the show was broadcast around the world and featured a cast of musical notables performing carefully chosen and often surprising selections from the incomparable Dylan songbook. At evening's end, the man of honor himself appeared on stage and gracefully brought it all back home again. In a world where all-star celebrity gatherings have become commonplace, the Bob Dylan celebration stood out as, first and foremost, a legitimately memorable musical event.
Holiday Greetings from 'The Ed Sullivan Show'
Self (archive footage)
A comical and musical collection of yuletide appearances on the Ed Sullivan show. Timeless appearances by musical guests such as Johnny Mathis, Sergio Franchi and Bing Crosby are included along with comedic performers such as Topo Gigio and the Muppets.
The Making of Sgt. Pepper
This was an official documentary shown on television featuring George Martin taking us through the album tracks and Paul, George and Ringo giving us their memories of the sessions. The Making Of Sgt. Pepper was transmitted in the UK on ITV on 14th June 1992 and featured separate interviews with Paul (filmed on 9th April 1992), George (12th April) and Ringo (19th April). The show also features George Martin playing some unreleased Sgt. Pepper's recordings directly off the original studio 4-track master tapes.
The Beatles: The First U.S. Visit
The Beatles First US Visit uniquely chronicles the inside story of the two remarkable weeks when Beatlemania first ignited America. The pioneering Maysles Brothers who filmed at the shoulders of John, Paul, George and Ringo, innovated an intimate documentary style of film-making which set the benchmark for rock and roll cinematography that remains to this day.
My Sweet Lord in the Far East
Very bad videotape of George Harrison and Eric Clapton in Concert Japan 1991. Hilarious subtitles.
Cold Dog Soup
Executive Producer
Randy Quaid as the taxi driver drives Zen parables (Is time money - Is time the root of all evil?) into his passenger/protegee in a high-speed, idiosyncratic tour of their city's ethnic coteries. All the boy wants is to dispose of his date's dead dog Jasper and get back to the babe who's so hot she mutters darkly about being a Pressure Cooker: his conventional efforts are continually thwarted. Quaid is respected by the peculiar groups he interests in the dog's corpse and effects, and our one-gloved heroine is much keener on him than on her rather lackluster date.
Монахини в бегах
Два жулика — Брайан Хоуп и Чарли МакМанус работают на своего шефа Кэйси. Не желая мириться с новыми порядками в преступной организации, главные герои решают отойти от дел и мгновенно обогатиться, создают план ограбления собственного шефа в момент ограбления их организацией китайских наркоторговцев. План удался, и имея в руках огромную сумму денег, при попытке скрыться от преследования герои оказываются в женском монастыре, где им приходится нарядиться в монахинь. И пока в надежде вернуть свои деньги Брайана и Чарли ищут и английские, и китайские гангстеры, друзья живут спокойной жизнью в обществе монахинь, которые проявляют определённый интерес к новичкам.
Как преуспеть в рекламе
Executive Producer
Преуспевающий работник рекламного агентства на грани нервного истощения. Он должен придумать рекламу средства от прыщей. Огромный прыщ вырастает у него на шее и вскоре занимает место его головы. Однако никто из окружающих не видит этот говорящий прыщ.
Checking Out
Cleaner (uncredited)
When his best friend dies of a heart attack, Ray Macklin becomes a man obsessed with his own mortality. Convinced that all his aches and pains are an indication of his imminent death, Ray's life turns into a slapstick farce of health-crazed anxiety and hypochondria.
Checking Out
Executive Producer
When his best friend dies of a heart attack, Ray Macklin becomes a man obsessed with his own mortality. Convinced that all his aches and pains are an indication of his imminent death, Ray's life turns into a slapstick farce of health-crazed anxiety and hypochondria.
Powwow Highway
Executive Producer
Two Northern Cheyenne men take a road trip from Montana to New Mexico to bail out the sister of one of them who has been framed and arrested in Santa Fe. On the way, they begin to reconnect to their spiritual heritage.
Imagine: John Lennon
The biography of former Beatle, John Lennon—narrated by Lennon himself—with extensive material from Yoko Ono's personal collection, previously unseen footage from Lennon's private archives, and interviews with David Bowie, his first wife Cynthia, second wife Yoko Ono and sons Julian and Sean.
The Raggedy Rawney
Executive Producer
During WWII a youth deserts his country's army after a combat experience, but not before wounding his commanding officer with a knife in order to escape. The young man, now very emotionally distraught, dresses in women's clothes and eventually joins a passing gypsy caravan, who think him a young girl... as well as a kind of seer, or 'rawney'. In time, however, he regains some composure and becomes attracted to one of the gypsy girls, which only leads to problems within the gypsy band, especially when the wounded commanding officer finds him.
Путь 29
Executive Producer
В жизни замужней женщины Линды появляется таинственный незнакомец, который заявляет ей, что он ее сын, от которого она много лет назад избавилась…
The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne
A penniless middle-aged spinster scrapes by giving piano lessons in the Dublin of the 1950s. She makes a sad last bid for love with a fellow resident of her rundown boarding house, who imagines she has the money to bankroll the business he hopes to open.
Bellman and True
Executive Producer
Hiller, a computer expert, was bribed by group of bank robbers to obtain details of the security system at a newly-built bank. Having obtained the information, he thought he'd seen the last of the robbers. But now they've traced him and his son to London. They hold the son hostage and force Hiller to decode the information about the alarm and then to take part in the robbery.
Jimi Plays Monterey
Self (archive footage)
It's no exaggeration to say this might be the most intense and groundbreaking 45-minute performance in the history of rock. Jimi Hendrix's debut American set at 1967's Monterey Pop Festival is generally considered one of the most radical and legendary live shows ever. Virtually unknown to American audiences at the time, even though he was already an established entity in the UK, Hendrix and his two-piece Experience explode on stage, ripping through blues classics "Rock Me Baby" and Howlin' Wolf's "Killing Floor," interpreting and electrifying Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone," debuting songs from his yet-to-be-released first album and closing with the now historic sacrificing/burning of his guitar during an unhinged version of "Wild Thing" that even its writer Chip Taylor would never have imagined. Hendrix uses feedback and distortion to enhance the songs in whisper-to-scream intensity, blazing territory that had not been previously explored with as much soul-frazzled power.
Пять углов
Executive Producer
Он только что вышел из тюрьмы. Он молод и силен. А еще — он немного сумасшедший. Он стремится найти девушку, за попытку изнасилования которой попал за решетку. Ему также интересен и ее парень, к которому он питает лютую ненависть.
Уитнэйл и Я
Executive Producer
Герои этой ленты, Уитнейл и Марвуд, два безработных актёра, — очаровательные параноики, эксцентрики и декаденты, которые прожигают жизнь и тестируют различные субстанции, беспощадно перегружая печень алкоголем. Денег у них нет, еды — тоже, а совместная квартира уже стала непозволительной роскошью. Но друзей поджидают неожиданные приключения в загородной вотчине родственника — буйного гомосексуалиста дядюшки Монти…
Taj Mahal and Friends
Live! February 19th, 1987. Palomino Club, North Hollywood, California.
Шанхайский сюрприз
Глория Тэтлок и Глендон Уэйси идут по опасной дорожке, ведущей к «Цветам Фарадея» — колоссальной партии ворованного опиума, потерянного в смертельных закоулках Шанхая 1938 года. Глория — невинная миссионерка, хочет найти опиум, чтобы облегчить страдания раненных на китайско-японской войне. Глендон, торговец и авантюрист, очень хочет убраться из Шанхая, пока еще цел. Для обоих опиум — билет к их цели, но беда в том, что все жулье города, включая зловещего шефа полиции и таинственную императрицу — «Китайскую куколку», хотят поучаствовать в дел
Шанхайский сюрприз
Executive Producer
Глория Тэтлок и Глендон Уэйси идут по опасной дорожке, ведущей к «Цветам Фарадея» — колоссальной партии ворованного опиума, потерянного в смертельных закоулках Шанхая 1938 года. Глория — невинная миссионерка, хочет найти опиум, чтобы облегчить страдания раненных на китайско-японской войне. Глендон, торговец и авантюрист, очень хочет убраться из Шанхая, пока еще цел. Для обоих опиум — билет к их цели, но беда в том, что все жулье города, включая зловещего шефа полиции и таинственную императрицу — «Китайскую куколку», хотят поучаствовать в дел
Шанхайский сюрприз
Theme Song Performance
Глория Тэтлок и Глендон Уэйси идут по опасной дорожке, ведущей к «Цветам Фарадея» — колоссальной партии ворованного опиума, потерянного в смертельных закоулках Шанхая 1938 года. Глория — невинная миссионерка, хочет найти опиум, чтобы облегчить страдания раненных на китайско-японской войне. Глендон, торговец и авантюрист, очень хочет убраться из Шанхая, пока еще цел. Для обоих опиум — билет к их цели, но беда в том, что все жулье города, включая зловещего шефа полиции и таинственную императрицу — «Китайскую куколку», хотят поучаствовать в дел
Шанхайский сюрприз
Глория Тэтлок и Глендон Уэйси идут по опасной дорожке, ведущей к «Цветам Фарадея» — колоссальной партии ворованного опиума, потерянного в смертельных закоулках Шанхая 1938 года. Глория — невинная миссионерка, хочет найти опиум, чтобы облегчить страдания раненных на китайско-японской войне. Глендон, торговец и авантюрист, очень хочет убраться из Шанхая, пока еще цел. Для обоих опиум — билет к их цели, но беда в том, что все жулье города, включая зловещего шефа полиции и таинственную императрицу — «Китайскую куколку», хотят поучаствовать в дел
Шанхайский сюрприз
Nightclub Singer
Глория Тэтлок и Глендон Уэйси идут по опасной дорожке, ведущей к «Цветам Фарадея» — колоссальной партии ворованного опиума, потерянного в смертельных закоулках Шанхая 1938 года. Глория — невинная миссионерка, хочет найти опиум, чтобы облегчить страдания раненных на китайско-японской войне. Глендон, торговец и авантюрист, очень хочет убраться из Шанхая, пока еще цел. Для обоих опиум — билет к их цели, но беда в том, что все жулье города, включая зловещего шефа полиции и таинственную императрицу — «Китайскую куколку», хотят поучаствовать в дел
Мона Лиза
Executive Producer
Отсидев срок в тюрьме, Джордж просит своего бывшего босса Дэнни Мортуэлла помочь ему с трудоустройством. Тот предоставляет ему место шофёра для элитной девушки по вызову Симоны. Оба не слишком жалуют друг друга поначалу, но вскоре Джордж понимает, что влюблён в Симону, она же решает использовать его в своих целях.
Fun with the Fab Four
Self (archive footage)
Rare footage of the sensational Beatles: hysterical crowds, press conferences, interviews, TV clips, newsreels and more.
Carl Perkins & Friends: Blue Suede Shoes - A Rockabilly Session
This classic concert show featuring Carl Perkins, the godfather of rock 'n' roll, with a superstar cast recorded at London's Limehouse Studios in 1985. Guitar, vocals - Carl Perkins, Eric Clapton, George Harrison / Drums, vocals - Ringo Starr / Bass - Greg Perkins, John David / Double Bass - Lee Rocker / Drums - Dave Charles, Slim Jim Ghost / Guitar - Earl Slick, Mickey Gee / Guitar, Vocal, Producer [Music], Directed by - Dave Edmunds / Piano - Gearing Watkins / Singing - Rosanne Cash
British Rock: The First Wave
A history of the rise of rock and roll in England from the 1950's through 1970 and its effects on American popular music. Beatles - "She loves You", "Twist and Shout", "I Saw Her Standing There", "Can't Buy Me love", "She's a Woman" Gerry & The Pacemakers - "It's Gonna be Alright", "Ferry Cross the Mersey" Brian Poole & The Tremeloes - "Do you Love me" The Hollies - "Just One Look" The Rolling Stones - "I Just Wanna Make Love To You", "I Wanna be Your Man", "Around and Around" The Animals - "The House Of The Rising Sun", We ve Gotta Get out of This Place" The Kings - "All Day and all of the Night" Freddie & the Dreamers - "I'm Telling You Now" Manfred Mann - "Do Wah Diddy Diddy" Herman's Hermits - "Mrs. Brown You've Got a Lovely Daughter" Spencer Davis Group - "I'm a Men The Who - "Can't Explain", "My Generation" Yardbirds - "Heart Full of Soul" Cream - "Tales of Brave Ulysses"
Executive Producer
Открытие источника ценной минеральной воды в заброшенной нефтяной скважине, расположенной на Карибских островах, приводит к целой веренице неожиданных ситуаций. Часть доходов пытаются прибрать к рукам нефтяные магнаты из США и лидеры местных революционных повстанцев.
Himself - The Singing Rebels' Band
Открытие источника ценной минеральной воды в заброшенной нефтяной скважине, расположенной на Карибских островах, приводит к целой веренице неожиданных ситуаций. Часть доходов пытаются прибрать к рукам нефтяные магнаты из США и лидеры местных революционных повстанцев.
Частное торжество
Executive Producer
1947 год. Рядовые англичане в первые годы после войны со своим строго установленным дневным рационом живут чуть ли не впроголодь, а уж о мясе, тем более беконе, могут только мечтать. Мясников и фермеров во избежание расцвета черного рынка строго контролируют власти. Но нет таких правил, которые нельзя обойти. Когда принцесса Елизавета собралась замуж, группа бизнесменов провинциального английского городка решает организовать торжество в честь королевской свадьбы, чтобы своей верноподданностью впечатлить (а может, подкупить) местные власти.
The dashing Captain Hugh "Bullshot" Crummond - WWI ace fighter pilot, Olympic athlete, racing driver, part-time sleuth and all round spiffing chap - must save the world from the dastardly Count Otto van Bruno, his wartime adversary. And, of course, win the heart of a jolly nice young lady.
Рядовые на параде
It is 1947, the year of the communist rebellion in Malaya and the British army's SADUSEA (Song And Dance Unit South East Asia) are called to the Malayan Jungle to entertain the troops. The eccentric, bible-bashing Major Giles Flack (John Cleese) is in command of the unit. Flack is accompanied by an ageing, theatrical drama queen, Terri Dennis (Denis Quilley) who hopes to entertain the troops with his flamboyant impressions, but the bored troops find other ways to enjoy themselves.
Executive Producer
В 1905 году, после 10 лет миссионерской деятельности в Африке, преподобный Чарльз Фортескью отозван в Англию, где епископ дает ему новое назначение — наставлять проституток Лондона на путь истинный и найти на это дело деньги. Чарльз надеется, что Дебора, его невеста, будет возражать и даст ему этим основания для отказа епископу. Однако у Деборы такой незамутненный и невинный ум, что она совершенно не в состоянии понять суть его новой работы и убеждает его приложить все усилия. Богатая леди Эймс готова финансировать новую миссию, но однажды она дает понять Чарльзу, что никакого вклада не будет, если он не разделит с ней постель…
The Compleat Beatles
Self (archive footage)
Now, for the first time, you can re-live the Beatles legends with this stunning 2-hour musical “Rockumentary”. It’s all there from the wild exuberance of the early Cavern Club days through eight incredible years, to the grim finality of “Let It Be”. See John, Paul, George and Ringo in performance, on tour, in films, recording with George Martin and in rare footage never before seen. Narrated by Malcom McDowell.
Executive Producer
Inmates fight, pair off, try suicide and attempt escape at a British reform school for girls.
Монти Пайтон в Голливуде
Executive Producer
Многое из лучших программ Монти Пайтон вошли в голливудское выступление, а также скетчи, шутки, розыгрыши, живое исполнение песен и интермедии, которых не было на ВВС. Но это не простые выдержки, а «живое» выступление перед огромной аудиторией, которая повидала всякое.
Oops, Those Hollywood Bloopers!
Self (archive footage)
A collection of bloopers and outtakes from an enormous selection of Hollywood classic productions spanning from the 1930s through the 1980s.
Бандиты во времени
Theme Song Performance
Лента рассказывает о шести предприимчивых карликах, которые устраивают обычному мальчику по имени Кевин грандиозное путешествие по туннелям времени. Дело в том, что крошечные бандиты завладели волшебной картой, принадлежавшей их бывшему хозяину — Верховному Существу, сотворившему Мир. С помощью заветной карты герои путешествуют из одной эпохи в другую и попадают в самые удивительные ситуации: они оказываются в компании подвыпившего Наполеона Бонапарта и царя Агамемнона, отправляются в плавание на корабле морского монстра и злополучном «Титанике», гостят в Шервудском лесу у Робин Гуда и пытаются выбраться из заточения Вечной Пустоты. Но помимо могущественного хозяина карты, ею хочет завладеть и Воплощение Зла, заточенное Высшим Существом в крепость Вечного Мрака.
Бандиты во времени
Лента рассказывает о шести предприимчивых карликах, которые устраивают обычному мальчику по имени Кевин грандиозное путешествие по туннелям времени. Дело в том, что крошечные бандиты завладели волшебной картой, принадлежавшей их бывшему хозяину — Верховному Существу, сотворившему Мир. С помощью заветной карты герои путешествуют из одной эпохи в другую и попадают в самые удивительные ситуации: они оказываются в компании подвыпившего Наполеона Бонапарта и царя Агамемнона, отправляются в плавание на корабле морского монстра и злополучном «Титанике», гостят в Шервудском лесу у Робин Гуда и пытаются выбраться из заточения Вечной Пустоты. Но помимо могущественного хозяина карты, ею хочет завладеть и Воплощение Зла, заточенное Высшим Существом в крепость Вечного Мрака.
Бандиты во времени
Executive Producer
Лента рассказывает о шести предприимчивых карликах, которые устраивают обычному мальчику по имени Кевин грандиозное путешествие по туннелям времени. Дело в том, что крошечные бандиты завладели волшебной картой, принадлежавшей их бывшему хозяину — Верховному Существу, сотворившему Мир. С помощью заветной карты герои путешествуют из одной эпохи в другую и попадают в самые удивительные ситуации: они оказываются в компании подвыпившего Наполеона Бонапарта и царя Агамемнона, отправляются в плавание на корабле морского монстра и злополучном «Титанике», гостят в Шервудском лесу у Робин Гуда и пытаются выбраться из заточения Вечной Пустоты. Но помимо могущественного хозяина карты, ею хочет завладеть и Воплощение Зла, заточенное Высшим Существом в крепость Вечного Мрака.
This Is Elvis
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Though several actors portray Elvis Presley at different stages of his life, this documentary is comprised mostly of actual performance footage and interviews with Elvis, his fans and those close to him. This biographical docu-drama features rare footage of Elvis and dramatically recreated scenes from Elvis' life.
Жизнь Брайана по Монти Пайтон
Executive Producer
Оказывается, 2000 лет назад волхвы слегка промахнулись и из-за небольшой астрономической ошибки явили, было, свои дары не тому новорожденному, которому следовало. Дитя звали Брайан, и он просто родился в тот же час и лишь домом дальше, чем Сами-Знаете-Кто. По причине сего инцидента потом все путали Брайана с Мессией, а ему было лень разубеждать своих поклонников. Однако в почитании масс помимо приятной стороны есть и другая, и вот Брайан с тревогой обнаруживает себя в роли отчаянного религиозного лидера народного Фронта Иудеи, борющегося за свободу от римского ига — и в эпицентре больших неприятностей с оккупационными властями!…
Жизнь Брайана по Монти Пайтон
Mr. Papadopolous (uncredited)
Оказывается, 2000 лет назад волхвы слегка промахнулись и из-за небольшой астрономической ошибки явили, было, свои дары не тому новорожденному, которому следовало. Дитя звали Брайан, и он просто родился в тот же час и лишь домом дальше, чем Сами-Знаете-Кто. По причине сего инцидента потом все путали Брайана с Мессией, а ему было лень разубеждать своих поклонников. Однако в почитании масс помимо приятной стороны есть и другая, и вот Брайан с тревогой обнаруживает себя в роли отчаянного религиозного лидера народного Фронта Иудеи, борющегося за свободу от римского ига — и в эпицентре больших неприятностей с оккупационными властями!…
Ringo, stressed out by fame, trades places with a schmuck who looks exactly like him. Then the problems start!
Я хочу держать тебя за руку
Self (archive footage)
1964 год, расцвет битломании. Знаменитая ливерпульская четверка впервые прилетает в США. Три подруги — импульсивная битломанка Роузи Петрофски, фотокорреспондентка Грейс Корригэн, мечтающая сфотографировать Битлз, а также нейтрально относящаяся к музыке Пэм Митчелл уговорили знакомого простофилю Ларри Дюбуа «позаимствовать» отцовский лимузин и отправиться в Нью-Йорк, на телешоу Эда Салливана, где Битлз дадут первый концерт на территории Соединённых Штатов. По пути к ним присоединяются активистка- противница битломании Дженис Голдмэн и хулиган-дебошир Тони Смерко, втихаря задумавший сорвать выступление группы. Прибыв в Нью-Йорк, разношёрстная компания разбредается кто куда — кто на поиски билетов, а кто и на поиски самих Битлз, расположившихся в гостинице, тщательно охраняемой охраной
Ратлз: Всё, что тебе нужно – бабки
The Interviewer (Jimmy “The Wallasey Warbler” Climmer)
Пародия на группу "Битлз" в исполнении самой веселой английской группы Монти Пайтон.
Eric Clapton and His Rolling Hotel
Eric Clapton and his band toured Europe by train in 1978, and a documentary called "Eric Clapton and his Rolling Hotel" was filmed, but never released. Clapton put his band in a three-carriage train, originally at the disposal of Hermann Goering during the Nazi years in Germany, and traveled from town to town on the continent, from one concert to the next. It was an easy way to transport and house the band and equipment, and it offered ample opportunity for interviews, groups interactions, and filming. Clapton talks about his music and his works and peaks the viewers interest with stories about musicians like Hendrix and George Harrison. The interviews are supplemented with performances by Muddy waters, Elton John and George Harrison, as well as Clapton and his band. Tracks featured are Cocaine, Further On Up The Road, Lay Down Sally, Tulsa Time, Worried Life Blues, Early in the Morning, Badge, Wonderful Tonight, Key to the Highway, Double Trouble, Crossroads and Layla.
The Beatles at Shea Stadium
The Beatles at Shea Stadium is a fifty-minute-long documentary of the Beatles' 1965 concert at Shea Stadium in New York, the highlight of the group's 1965 tour.
Mighty Good: The Beatles
No musical group has had as profound an impact on pop music as The Beatles. Tony Palmer's groundbreaking documentary gives us an intimate look at one of the most influential groups in musical history.
The Day the Music Died
This documentary film is mostly about the New York Pop Festival, which began on July 17, 1970 at Randall's Island, NY, and lasted for three days
Night Lunch
This is Poe and Král's first effort, shot on small-gauge stock, before their more well-known endeavor The Blank Generation (1976) came to be. A "DIY" portrait of the New York music scene, the film is a patchwork of footage of numerous rock acts performing live, at venues like Madison Square Garden, Radio City Music Hall, the dive bars of Greenwich Village and, of course, CBGB.
Braverman's Condensed Cream of the Beatles
Self (archive footage)
Photos, animation, and music illustrate the story of the Beatles.
Little Malcolm and His Struggle Against the Eunuchs
Executive Producer
An art student is thrown out of college. Depressed, he comes up with the Party of Dynamic Erection, a near fascist "party" that promotes male sexual dominance and which attracts a couple of other unsavoury confused characters.
Общество спектакля
Self (archive footage)
Фильм раскрывает идеи консумеризма, производства/потребления и их влияние на повседневную жизнь.
A surreal, half-fiction, half real life footage of a day in the life of John lennon and Yoko Ono, composed to music from John's historic 'Imagine' album and Yoko's 'Fly'.
The Concert for Bangladesh
A film about the first benefit rock concert when major musicians performed to raise relief funds for the poor of Bangladesh. The Concert for Bangladesh was a pair of benefit concerts organised by former Beatles guitarist George Harrison and Indian sitar player Ravi Shankar. The shows were held at 2:30 and 8:00 pm on Sunday, 1 August 1971, at Madison Square Garden in New York City, to raise international awareness of, and fund relief for refugees from East Pakistan, following the Bangladesh Liberation War-related genocide.
The Concert for Bangladesh
A film about the first benefit rock concert when major musicians performed to raise relief funds for the poor of Bangladesh. The Concert for Bangladesh was a pair of benefit concerts organised by former Beatles guitarist George Harrison and Indian sitar player Ravi Shankar. The shows were held at 2:30 and 8:00 pm on Sunday, 1 August 1971, at Madison Square Garden in New York City, to raise international awareness of, and fund relief for refugees from East Pakistan, following the Bangladesh Liberation War-related genocide.
A Film Journey to the Soul of India documents the life of sitar master Ravi Shankar in the late 1960s and early 1970s, following him on his return to India to revisit his guru, Bengali multi-instrumentalist and composer, Baba Ustad Allauddin Khan. It further explores Shankar's life as a musician and teacher in the United States and Europe, initiating those in the West to the exceptional world that is Indian classical music and culture. Through rare and candid footage shot in both India and the United States, Raga sheds light on Shankar's influences and collaborations, from Allauddin Khan to his famed dancer brother Uday Shankar, to his associations with Western musicians Yehudi Menuhin and George Harrison. Fully narrated by Shankar himself, the film reveals music as the soul of India and of Shankar's life.
Пусть будет так
Executive Producer
Вышедший в 1970 году и считающийся последним в дискографии the Beatles альбом на самом деле был записан в начале 1969 года в качестве саундтрека к одноименному фильму. Beatles очень хотели записать "живой" альбом, ибо не выступали с концертами с 1966 года. Как и любой другой альбом the Beatles, Let It Be неповторим и уникален. И хотя альбом не отличается студийной чистотой, это настоящий живой звук, к тому же это великие музыканты в полном расцвете творческих сил. Beatles были не очень довольны результатом (дело шло к развалу группы), но даже относительно менее удачный альбом великолепной четверки в любом случае на порядок выше лучшего диска какой бы то ни было иной группы.
Пусть будет так
Self (The Beatles) (uncredited)
Вышедший в 1970 году и считающийся последним в дискографии the Beatles альбом на самом деле был записан в начале 1969 года в качестве саундтрека к одноименному фильму. Beatles очень хотели записать "живой" альбом, ибо не выступали с концертами с 1966 года. Как и любой другой альбом the Beatles, Let It Be неповторим и уникален. И хотя альбом не отличается студийной чистотой, это настоящий живой звук, к тому же это великие музыканты в полном расцвете творческих сил. Beatles были не очень довольны результатом (дело шло к развалу группы), но даже относительно менее удачный альбом великолепной четверки в любом случае на порядок выше лучшего диска какой бы то ни было иной группы.
Muhammad Ali: The Greatest
Universally accepted as a true icon of the 20th century, Muhammad Ali’s phenomenal achievements spanned sport, politics and religion. One man – photographer William Klein had comprehensive access to the events that shaped Ali’s legend. In 1964, the young gregarious Cassius Clay successfully defeated the seemingly invincible Heavyweight Champion of the World Sonny Liston – the manner of Clay’s victory and his amazing persona made him an instant superstar. Through this incredible period, and Clay’s subsequent rematches with Liston, William Klein enjoyed unrivalled access top Clay’s camp – witnessing at first hand Cassius Clay becoming Muhammad Ali and angering the American people with his allegiance to Islam. Forward to Zaire 1974, and the return of Muhammad Ali to the world stage to face another invincible champion George Foreman. As Ali reclaimed the crown for a second time, Klein was ever present, capturing the full story at close quarter.
The Beatles - Abbey Road
guitar, vocals
This is the first time Abbey Road has been remixed and presented with additional session recordings and demos. To create Abbey Road’s new stereo, 5.1 surround, and Dolby Atmos mixes, Martin and Okell worked with an expert team of engineers and audio restoration specialists at Abbey Road Studios. This Super Deluxe Edition of Abbey Road features the new stereo album mix, sourced directly from the original eight-track session tapes. To produce the mix, Giles was guided by the album’s original stereo mix supervised by his father, George Martin. Abbey Road’s Super Deluxe box set presents 40 tracks – including “The Long One” Trial Edit & Mix for the album’s epic Side 2 medley – on three CDs (stereo) and one Blu-ray disc (Dolby Atmos, 96kHz/24 bit high resolution stereo, and 96 kHz/24 bit DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1).
The Beatles: Get Back...Winter of Discontent
This is a "Fly on the Wall" look at The Beatles' recording sessions from productive days at Apple Studios January 23 to 29, 1969. Most of this footage did not make the final cut for the film, Let It Be. We see the Beatles chat, joke, tune, rehearse and try some serious attempts at recording. Over 75% of this footage has not been seen in this form, meaning inferior copies of some of this footage has circulated, but contained few moments of audio that matched the film.
The Beatles - The Get Back Chronicles 1969 Volume Three
In January of 1969 The Beatles gathered together to film and record to what become "Let It Be"..... Presented here for the first time is every known clip, put in chronological order of events and with correct audio to the best of ability. All clips have been identified, synched with correct audio! You will enjoy this more than you think! The rooftop concert is now a really treat - additional audio, all in stereo and every clip of footage found - more than you think. Watching that will really impress you! All together this is the best yet! Special thanks to British Lions for their help in this project....
The Beatles - The Get Back Chronicles 1969 Volume Two
In January of 1969 The Beatles gathered together to film and record to what become "Let It Be"..... Presented here for the first time is every known clip, put in chronological order of events and with correct audio to the best of ability. All clips have been identified, synched with correct audio! You will enjoy this more than you think! The rooftop concert is now a really treat - additional audio, all in stereo and every clip of footage found - more than you think. Watching that will really impress you! All together this is the best yet! Special thanks to British Lions for their help in this project....
The Beatles - The Get Back Chronicles 1969 Volume One
In January of 1969 The Beatles gathered together to film and record to what become "Let It Be"..... Presented here for the first time is every known clip, put in chronological order of events and with correct audio to the best of ability. All clips have been identified, synched with correct audio! You will enjoy this more than you think! The rooftop concert is now a really treat - additional audio, all in stereo and every clip of footage found - more than you think. Watching that will really impress you! All together this is the best yet! Special thanks to British Lions for their help in this project....
All My Loving
Originally a BBC documentary, this film by Tony Palmer about the 1960's music scene was later released as a standalone DVD by the BFI
The Beatles: Желтая Подводная Лодка
George (uncredited)
Мультипликационные персонажи, сильно напоминающие знаменитую четверку «Битлз», поют и совершают путешествие на желтой подводной лодке по фантастической стране Пепперлэнд, борясь за любовь, дружбу, цветы и музыку против злых и плохих уродцев — синих вреднючек.
Original Music Composer
The eccentric professor Collins lives completely secluded in his chaotic apartment. When the model Penny moves in next to him, he becomes fascinated of her. He drills holes in her walls and ceiling and peeps on her day and night. He loses himself in daydreams and delusions
The Movie Orgy
Self (archive footage)
Clips from assorted television programs, B-movies, commercials, music performances, newsreels, bloopers, satirical short films and promotional and government films of the 1950s and 1960s are intercut together to tell a single story of various creatures and societal ills attacking American cities.
Magical Mystery Tour
A typically Beatlesque film originally produced for television, this short film was intended to be an off-the-wall road movie with the Beatles and three dozen or so friends on a psychedelic bus.
Magical Mystery Tour
Original Music Composer
A typically Beatlesque film originally produced for television, this short film was intended to be an off-the-wall road movie with the Beatles and three dozen or so friends on a psychedelic bus.
Magical Mystery Tour
A typically Beatlesque film originally produced for television, this short film was intended to be an off-the-wall road movie with the Beatles and three dozen or so friends on a psychedelic bus.
Magical Mystery Tour
Self / Magician Looking Through Telescope
A typically Beatlesque film originally produced for television, this short film was intended to be an off-the-wall road movie with the Beatles and three dozen or so friends on a psychedelic bus.
The Beatles Mod Odyssey
The Yellow Submarine DVD calls this short feature a ‘making of documentary’ in the special features menu.
All You Need Is Love
Compilation of almost all The Beatles' music videos, with other television appearances and live performances.
Our World
Various international presentions are featured through satellite uplink.
Self (archive footage)
In the fall of 1967, intermedia artists Ture Sjölander and Lars Weck collaborated with Bengt Modin, video engineer of the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation in Stockholm, to produce an experimental program called Monument. It was broadcast in January, 1968, and subsequently has been seen throughout Europe, Asia, and the United States. Apart from the technical aspect of the project, their intention was to develop a widened consciousness of the communi - cative process inherent in visual images. They selected as source material the "monuments" of world culture— images of famous persons and paintings.
The Beatles: Strawberry Fields Forever
An iconic part of film history. The film features reverse film effects, stop motion animation, jump-cuts from daytime to night-time, and the Beatles playing and later pouring paint over the upright piano.
El Rey en Londres
Self (archive footage)
The film shows as a documentary the trip to London of Palito Ortega and Graciela Borges
Die Beatles
Self (as The Beatles)
Reflections on Love
Self (archive footage)
A dazzlingly mod yet oddly old-fashioned romantic view of heterosexual couples in the swinging youth scene of 1960s London.
The Music of Lennon & McCartney
Self (archive footage)
A 1965 British television special honouring the songwriting partnership of John Lennon and Paul McCartney. It was produced by Granada Television and aired on that network on 16 December 1965 before receiving a national broadcast the following evening. The programme mainly consisted of other artists miming to their recordings of the songs. The Beatles performed Day Tripper and We Can Work It Out, and Peter Sellers delivered a comedic interpretation of A Hard Day's Night, in the style of stage actor Laurence Olivier's portrayal of Richard III.
The Beatles: Live in Paris
The Beatles live at the Palais des Sports, Paris, June 20th 1965.
Битлз. На помощь!
Фильм режиссера Ричарда Лестера "На помощь!" вышел на экраны вслед за нашумевшим фильмом "Вечер после трудного дня". Но он не снискал такую бешеную популярность как первый фильм, хотя в нем опять же присутствовало много песен и шуток. Тем не менее, он пользовался неплохой популярностью, а сейчас даже входит в разряд классики. В фильме рассказывается об одной религиозной секте, которая поклонялась богине Кали. Для того, чтобы совершить жертвоприношение, на пальце человека, приносимого в жертву, должно быть священное кольцо. Именно оно и оказалось на пальце у ничего не подозревающего Ринго...В фильм включены следующие песни "Help!", "Another Girl", "Ticket To Ride", "The Night Before", "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away", "I Need You" и "You're Gonna Lose That Girl".
Doctor Who: The Chase
Himself (archive footage)
The Doctor and his companions are pursued through time and space by the Daleks on the desert planet Aridius and beyond.
Pop Gear
A compilation of proto-music videos featuring leading British rock bands of the 60s, including The Animals, The Spencer Davis Group, and Herman's Hermits.
The Beatles Unauthorized
Self (archive footage)
A one-of-a-kind compilation offering a fascinating, entertaining, and surprising look at the Fab Four with rare newsreel footage, candid and revealing interviews, and historic performances. Included are their first U.S. concert in Washington, D.C., never-before-seen highlights from the Hollywood Bowl, a rare uncensored interview filmed just before their very last concert, and live renditions of many hits.
What's Happening! The Beatles in the USA
Self - The Beatles Member
New York, USA, February 1964. Five grueling days in the life of George, John, Paul and Ringo, the Fab Four, The Beatles: the hysterical fan reception at JFK airport; several press conferences; in their rooms at the Plaza Hotel; in the backstage at the Ed Sullivan Show; hanging out with the legendary DJ Murray the K; and the frantic return home.
The Beatles: Live in The Netherlands
Great compilation of unedited footage from the 1964 Holland visit. You've seen all of these, but not uncut like this.
Вечер трудного дня
Сюжет фильма представляет собой один «обычный» день из жизни «Битлз». Самая известная рок-группа в мире едет из родного Ливерпуля в Лондон, чтобы выступить на телевидении. Музыканты пытаются добраться до студии и не быть разорванными на сувениры восторженными поклонниками, доводят до нервного срыва своего менеджера, развлекаются и влипают в разнообразные приключения. В процессе Полу приходится присматривать за своим дедушкой, Джона отказываются принимать за самого себя, Джордж даёт мастер-класс по бритью, а Ринго открывает в себе революционный настрой и исчезает перед решающим концертом…
The Beatles Sing for Shell
Cameras from the Australian Channel 9 recorded the sixth and final show of the Melbourne leg of The Beatles' world tour on 17 June 1964. It was screened on 1 July 1964 as an hour-long special, The Beatles Sing For Shell, named after the oil company which sponsored the broadcast. Nine of The Beatles' Melbourne performances were included in the show (the others edited out and discarded at the insistence of Beatles manager Brian Epstein): I Saw Her Standing There, You Can't Do That, All My Loving, She Loves You, Till There Was You, Roll Over Beethoven, Can't Buy Me Love, Twist And Shout and Long Tall Sally. The complete unedited concert (from an alternate audio feed) was also aired on Australian radio.
The Beatles in Australia
Documentary following the 1964 groundbreaking Beatles tour of Australia.
Around the Beatles
The show opens on an image of the Globe Theatre, with Ringo Starr unfurling a flag with the legend "Around The Beatles". The studio setting is arranged as a theater in the round, (hence the show's name) echoing the seating arrangement of the Globe. The opening act is a humorous rendition of the "play within a play", Pyramus and Thisbe (Act V, Scene I) from William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, with Paul McCartney as Pyramus, John Lennon as his lover Thisbe, George Harrison as Moonshine, and Starr as Lion.
The Beatles: Live in Washington DC
The Mersey Sound
This 1963 film packed with raw, archive footage and interviews is the story of the Mersey Sound. Fuelled by Beatlemania, this musical explosion changed the face of pop music forever. The Beatles, The Undertakers and Group One are filmed in a number of venues including The Iron Door and Southport’s Little Theatre.
Paul McCartney: Wings of a Beatle
Deconstructing the Beatles' Abbey Road: Side 1
Self (archive footage)
Abbey Road is a masterpiece filled with such classic Beatles songs as “Come Together,” “Something,” and “Here Comes the Sun.” Deconstructing the Beatles' Abbey Road: Side One takes a track-by-track journey into their inspiration and evolution in the studio with the man who’s been presenting his beloved, exhilarating multimedia deep dives into the band’s work here for years. Because of the depth of the Abbey Road songwriting, he created two separate presentations for this album.
Deconstructing the Beatles' Abbey Road: Side 2
Self (archive footage)
Abbey Road is a masterpiece filled with such classic Beatles songs as “Come Together,” “Something,” and “Here Comes the Sun.” Deconstructing the Beatles’ Abbey Road: Side Two takes a track-by-track journey into their inspiration and evolution in the studio with the man who’s been presenting his beloved, exhilarating multimedia deep dives into the band’s work here for years. Because of the depth of the Abbey Road songwriting, he created two separate presentations for this album.