Boudewijn Koole

Boudewijn Koole

Рождение : 1965-01-01, Leida, Paesi Bassi


Boudewijn Koole


Het wonder van Oirsbeek
The living room of a couple in Limburg is full of statues of saints, crying over all the bad news filing past on their television screens. But while nobody believes them, the two self-proclaimed 'little prophets’ are preparing for the imminent time when their rented house will become an international place of pilgrimage, including a healing spring.
Het Verzwijgen
Lieke, Marieke van der Winden's mother, was closed, insecure and fragile. After she died of cancer at the age of 48, Van der Winden was approached at the funeral by Lieke's foster brother. She learns that her grandfather and grandmother – of whom she has wonderful memories – were wrong in the Second World War. This fact, which had played an enormous role in Lieke's life, had been kept secret for decades. Only thirty years after that revelation Van der Winden dares to delve into her mother's history. In conversations with family and friends, she gains a whole new perspective on Lieke and on her own childhood. And when she searches the archives for her grandparents' activities during the war, the shocking revelations pile up – with major emotional consequences.
In His Image
In His Image focuses on reproduction after death in Israel, where posthumously harvesting sperm is legal. The film follows the bereaved parents of three sons who died during military service. Using semen collected just before, or shortly after, their sons' death, they hope to have them live on in a posthumous grandchild. But can new life cure their grief?
Скип и Ритм Рейнджеры
Executive Producer
14-летний Скип и его друзья образовали свою собственную танцевальную группу «Ритм Рейнджеры». Группа собирается бороться за звание лучшей танцевальной команды в телепрограмме Shall We Dance в Голландии. Это цель, к которой рейнджеры относятся очень серьезно. Несмотря на дразнилки в школе — “танцы для девочек” — и несмотря на все отвлекающие факторы, которые идут рука об руку с переходным возрастом, Скип пытается сохранить группу и сделать её успешной любой ценой. Удастся ли ему вывести группу на самый высокий уровень?
'Disappearance' takes place in the remote winter landscape of Norway. Roos visits her mother there yearly, but this time it's different: she brings bad news. However, old pain and numerous reproaches keep Roos from sharing anything with her mother. Aided by her half brother and her old flame, the two women reconcile and Roos is able to make her next and inescapable step.
Вне снов
Молодой геолог отправляется в необъятную тундру севера Норвегии, чтобы закончить исследования метеоритных кратеров. Но в итоге теряется и в природе, и в своём сознании.
Off Ground
A light grey room. A slender woman of 50 and a 12 year old boy. Joined together like the links of a chain. Changing positions at a constant rate. One flowing movement. Never losing touch with each other. A game played by a mother and her child. A kind of tango. Sound of feet. Breathing. Faint smiles. Until suddenly the woman's hands let go of each other.
Off Ground
A light grey room. A slender woman of 50 and a 12 year old boy. Joined together like the links of a chain. Changing positions at a constant rate. One flowing movement. Never losing touch with each other. A game played by a mother and her child. A kind of tango. Sound of feet. Breathing. Faint smiles. Until suddenly the woman's hands let go of each other.
10-летний Йойо живет с отцом, ночным сторожем. Мать, по словам отца, кантри-певичка и гастролирует где-то в Штатах, но больше ничего папаша о ней не рассказывает. Поэтому мальчик беспокоится и постоянно думает о ней. Когда вдруг он находит выпавшего из гнезда галчонка, Йойо начинает заботиться о нем и на время забывает о всех других своих заботах и неприятностях. Жизнь, кажется, становится чуть лучше, но тревога о матери все равно не покидает мальчика…
10-летний Йойо живет с отцом, ночным сторожем. Мать, по словам отца, кантри-певичка и гастролирует где-то в Штатах, но больше ничего папаша о ней не рассказывает. Поэтому мальчик беспокоится и постоянно думает о ней. Когда вдруг он находит выпавшего из гнезда галчонка, Йойо начинает заботиться о нем и на время забывает о всех других своих заботах и неприятностях. Жизнь, кажется, становится чуть лучше, но тревога о матери все равно не покидает мальчика…
Maite Was Here
Maite Was Here
Drawn Out Love
Felix has been raised by his grandmother and has never met his father. His father Johan, doesn't even know he exists. Felix decides to become a regular in his father's bar in Amsterdam to secretly learn more about the man he has never known.
Drawn Out Love
Felix has been raised by his grandmother and has never met his father. His father Johan, doesn't even know he exists. Felix decides to become a regular in his father's bar in Amsterdam to secretly learn more about the man he has never known.
Drawn Out Love
Felix has been raised by his grandmother and has never met his father. His father Johan, doesn't even know he exists. Felix decides to become a regular in his father's bar in Amsterdam to secretly learn more about the man he has never known.