Juan Pablo Ramírez


La Cocina
Director of Photography
Following “the life in the kitchen of a vast New York City restaurant where all the cultures of the world mix during the lunchtime rush.”
The Last Wagon
Director of Photography
Georgina is a teacher determined to make a difference in the lives of the children she educates in the classroom of a wagon school in rural Mexico.
Малышка Руби
Director of Photography
История Джо, успешной предпринимательницы, которая счастливо беременна и ожидает появления своего первенца. Но вскоре после того, как Джо приветствует малышку Руби дома, все меняется, хотя она уверена, что все совершенно нормально.
¿Por qué la vida es así?
Я ношу тебя с собой
Director of Photography
Случайная встреча двух мужчин в провинциальной Мексике стала началом большого, но запретного чувства. Один из них, начинающий шеф-повар, под давлением общества и близких уезжает в Нью-Йорк.
Days Of Winter
Nestor wants to go live with his sister in the US, nevertheless, he is the only one who lives with his mother and he can't leave her alone.
Road to Roma
Director of Photography
Director Alfonso Cuarón reflects on the childhood memories, period details and creative choices that shaped his Academy Award-winning film 'ROMA.'
Director of Photography
История о двух подростках, живущих в небольшом районе Мехико Сан-Грегорио Атлапулько. Парни мечтают вырваться из безнадежности, что царит в их городе, любой ценой, даже если им придется переступить через закон.
Бензиновые воры
Director of Photography
Чтобы завоевать сердце понравившейся девушки, 14-летний Лало становится членом преступной группировки. Единственное, о чём он мечтает — купить на вырученные деньги новый смартфон для возлюбленной. В итоге его жизнь превращается в гонку на выживание.
The Wandering Witch
A day before her son's wedding, Agustina tries to have the ceremony called off, only to discover that Emilia, the orphan girl betrothed to her son, still has someone ready to come to her defense.
The Mermaid's Kingdom
Director of Photography
In a fishing community of Nicaragua divers are getting sick. They descended to the sea looking for lobster and they returned to the surface with their bodies paralyzed. There is no explanation for a disease never before seen in the community, the old and wise men spoke out to alert that divers had raised the wrath of the mermaid.
Director of Photography
A couple struggles to pass time together because both work for the same company but in different shifts.
At 7:19 a.m., on September 19th of 1985, the most destructive earthquake hit Mexico City. Inside what's left of a building, a group of survivors fight for their lives waiting for rescue.
My Universe in Lowercase
Original Music Composer
Director Hatuey Viveros' beautiful film unfolds as a fascinating exploration of contemporary life in Mexico, searching to understand today's world, while portraying a younger generation who lack an understanding of their past. And as we journey with Aina on her own discovery, it becomes clear that the process of her search is just as important as the results.
The Tears
Director of Photography
Fernando and Gabriel are two brothers living in a broken home. The anger and sadness that fill the house forces them to escape for a weekend into the woods. Gabriel will witness his eldest brother's self-destruction.
Y Volveré...
Director of Photography
Aurora suffers an attempt murder sent by her husband Jose, for giving birth to a dead and deformed child, eaven though she survives Aurora is haunted by her dead child and obliged by an old man, she digs her own tomb... When life seems like eternal hell, Aurora listens to a song that unleashes her most profound feelings for revenge.