Emilio Alonso


La avispita Ruinasa
Ruinasa is a holding company dedicated to leisure and, why not say, to vice. But these businesses are about to go bankrupt. To avoid this, sincehis prestige is at stake, a company dedicated to protecting various groups of gangsters takes over the holding. However, as they are not specialists in these matters, the company is going even worse and they get together to try to find solutions
You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor's Wife
La casa de los Martínez
Pepa Doncel
Solos los dos
Sebastian Palomo Linares is a bullfighter that has reached success in his career. Marisol is a rich girl that likes to run with her car. One day, they meet on the road, and he deeply falls in love with her, but Marisol, who loves him too, doesn't seem to be ready to be with a man that risks his life every time he has a bullfight.
La cesta
The Devil Also Cries
Isidro el labrador
Widow's Father at Airport
Хосе-Луис, работающий могильщиком, случайно знакомится с миловидной Кармен, дочерью добродушного старичка Амедео, который, однако, уже 40 лет служит тюремным палачом. Из-за профессии отца Кармен не хватает мужского внимания, а у Хосе-Луиса те же проблемы с девушками - никто не хочет встречаться с могильщиком. Им вместе хорошо, у них рождается ребенок, но когда Амедео уходит на пенсию, начинаются проблемы...
The Sadistic Baron Von Klaus
Police Sergeant (uncredited)
Jess Franco returns with another campy gore-fest featuring the strange goings-on in a tiny hamlet called Holfen. When women wind up knifed and gouged in the village, everyone thinks the deaths are due to a curse wielded by a cruel 17th century baron. Von Klaus heir Ludwig is distantly related to the royal, which makes him the target of suspicion. Can he clear his name, or will he wind up giving in to his dark side?
Siempre es domingo
In a sector of Madrid inhabited by families of a well-off class, a gang of boys and girls has continuous fun, sleep and drink, while their parents ignore practically everything. However, each of these young people has, to a greater or lesser degree, a problem. The parties and parties enjoyed by a group of young people from the upper class are the basis of the story that explains this film. Among them we find the famous couple, once happy, formed by Carlos Larrañaga and María Luisa Merlo. Directed by Fernando Palacios, and with a script by Rafael J. Salvia and Pedro Masó, " It's always Sunday " has no greater intention than entertainment, despite giving history a certain sociological touch, for that of valuing the behavior of the Youth of the time.
Amor bajo cero
In the resort of La Molina an international competition is held and ski racers from different countries come to Barcelona. They become friends, especially Nuria and Ramon, but Nuria already has a boyfriend
Восстание гладиаторов
В огромной Римской империи, в стране, где правит жестокая принцесса Амира, вспыхивает восстание гладиаторов. На сторону мятежников переходит римский консул Марк. В решающем сражении, когда наемные войска Амиры, казалось бы, одержали победу, на помощь Марку приходит римский легион, и ему удается восстановить закон и порядок в стране.
Un marido de ida y vuelta
Adaptation of the eponymous play of Jardiel Poncela. A husband dominated by his overbearing wife dies victim of a heart attack the day she forces him to shave his beloved beard to go to a costume ball dressed as a bullfighter. Its spectrum then begins to walk around the house and the most unexpected cause tangles. When she finally decides to settle definitely get materialize and get his wife, who has meanwhile become a being sweet and understanding.
The Last Couplet
Presidente jurado concurso de belleza
A musical drama featuring a tragic love story. Relates a singer's rise to fame and her subsequent downfall because of the death of her lover. She manages to return to the stage only to die after her first public performance.
La vida en un bloc
Dr. Nicomedes Gutiérrez carefully points out to the last detail everything that happens in his life. Doctor in a small village, he is in love with the village teacher, but, before getting married, he decides to treat himself to having his last fling.
La lupa
Смерть велосипедиста
Возвращаясь с любовником с загородного рандеву, супруга богатого промышленника сбивает на пустынном шоссе велосипедиста. Опасаясь разоблачения супружеской измены, она скрывается с места происшествия. Однако чувство вины и тревожные мысли о единственном свидетеле случившегося не оставляют ее.
Девушка с кувшином
сount of Tudela
Донна Мария де Гузман, одна из прекрасных дам Рондо, видит, как дон Диего дает публичную пощечину своему престарелому отцу. Под видом мужчины донна Мария вызывает дона Диего на дуэль и убивает его. Ей приходится покинуть город, и она путешествует, скрывая свой пол, в компании дона Хуана, одного из её поклонников.
Controlador aéreo (uncredited)
Different kind of people arrives to Madrid airport. Some goes with their heads and others just landed. Fernando is a pilot who he brings a girl for his relatives. Ceferino and his wife have won a contest and will travel soon to Paraguay and they are there because they want to know the airplane. Mr. Beltran is very nervous because he returned to Spain after many years of exile.
El Doctor