George Humbert

George Humbert

Рождение : 1880-07-29, Florence, Tuscany, Italy

Смерть : 1963-05-08


George Humbert


Татуированная роза
Pop Mangiacavallo (uncredited)
Мирная тихая жизнь итальянской семьи в штате Луизиана разрушена после того, как водитель грузовика Розарио Делле Роза был убит полицейскими во время попытки провезти контрабанду. У его, по молодости энергичной, вдовы Серафины с годами все чаще не ладится жизнь, с годами она все больше и больше уходит в себя, пытается наставить на путь истинный свою дочь Розу, причем «строит» ее по своему образу и подобию. И вот однажды Роза взрослеет и уходит от нее, Серафина узнает от том, что у ее погибшего мужа когда-то была любовница, а в ее собственную жизнь входит другой статный итальянец — водитель грузовика…
Italian Restaurant Owner (uncredited)
Merle Kramer works as a stenographer for a psychiatrist. She is casually dating Karl Benson, a private eye and former cop. Merle mentions in passing that one of her boss's patients is an author with recurring dreams of murdering his wife, and she includes the fact that the wife owns valuable jewels. When the wife is found murdered in a manner identical to that of her husband's dream, the husband is naturally the prime suspect. But as the investigation of the police and insurance investigator Joe Cooper proceeds, it turns out that several people in the case, including Merle, are not what they seem.
Italian Man (uncredited)
Легендарная Рита Хейворт опаляет чувственностью и магнетизмом, когда поет «Put the Blame on Mame» и блистает в роли манящей соблазнительницы Джильды. В истории «Джильды» Джонни Фаррелл поступает на работу к Баллину Мандсону, содержащему подпольное казино в южноамериканском городе, и быстро становится его правой рукой. Все идет хорошо, пока Мандсон не возвращается из поездки со своей невестой Джильдой – женщиной из прошлого Джонни. Мандсон, не зная об их бывшей любовной связи, дает Фарреллу задание охранять верность своей жены Джильды. Полная ненависти Джильда старается изо всех сил оттолкнуть, запугать и вызвать ревность у Фаррелла, пока обстоятельства не помогают ему расплатиться.
A Guy Could Change
A playboy is reformed by his daughter and fiancee.
Reckless Age
Organ Grinder
Linda Wadsworth rebels against her millionaire grandfather, J. H. Wadsworth, and runs away from home. Unknown to Mr. Wadsworth, she gets a job at one of his many five-and-ten-cents stores as a clerk.
It Ain't Hay
Gardener (uncredited)
Abbot and Costello must find a replacement for a woman's horse they accidentally killed after feeding it some candy. They head for the racetrack, find a look-a-like and take it. They do not realize that the nag is "Tea Biscuit," a champion racehorse.
Truck Busters
Andy Panopolos
An independent truck driver organizes his fellow truckers to resist the efforts of a crooked trucking company exec to bring all drivers under his control. When the trucker's brother dies in an "accident" arranged by the trucking company's henchmen, he takes matters into his own hands
Lucky Jordan
Joe Maggotti
Lucky Jordan is a gangster living in New York City and when he's drafted into the army, he tries to escape duty by using an old con woman named Annie to convince the draft board he's needed at home. When that fails, Jordan is sent to boot camp, but he doesn't stay there long. He takes a beautiful USO worker hostage and flees back to New York. There, he learns that a rival gangster is plotting against America.
In this comedy, the town gossip fills her time running the lives of others. Naturally, she is also a matchmaker.
Ад раскрылся
Chef with Bread (uncredited)
Олсен и Джонсон, пара сценических комиков, пытаются превратить свою пьесу в фильм и объединить влюбленную пару, одновременно разбивая четвертую стену на каждом шагу.
Cholita, after a long absence in Mexico City, is returning home to take up her duties as head of the rancho and, as everyone expects, to marry her childhood sweetheart José. Expectations are somewhat dashed as she shows up with Fernando to whom she is engaged. This makes José and Cholita's uncle more than a little bit put out as Fernando is not only not a Mexican, he is also a city slicker afraid of the country.
Moon Over Miami
Texas Tommy Cafe Proprietor
After losing nearly all of an inheritance to taxes, sisters Kay (Betty Grable) and Barbara Latimer (Carole Landis), waitresses at a drive-in restaurant in Texas, scheme to find rich husbands. With the aid of their aunt Susan (Charlotte Greenwood), the sisters take the last of their money and head to a well-known Miami resort where they soon meet two wealthy young men, Phil (Don Ameche) and Jeff (Robert Cummings), who begin a fierce rivalry for Kay, not realizing that Barbara has fallen in love with one of them.
East of the River
Ice Cream Vendor (uncredited)
Two troublesome boys grow into very different men, one becoming a hoodlum and the other embracing college but both are in-love with the same girl.
В гостях у Аргентины
Martinez (uncredited)
Юная, красивая и богатая любительница лошадей Гленда Кроуфорд влюбляется в обаятельного аргентинца Рикардо Кинтана, но, как оказалось, пылкой любви мешает давняя история, случившаяся с их отцами. Прекрасные декорации, актёрская игра, музыкальные и танцевальные номера в исполнении Кармен Миранды и братьев Николас по праву сделали этот фильм жемчужиной в коллекции мюзиклов кинокомпании "ХХ век Фокс".
Завоевать город
Organ Grinder's Shill (uncredited)
Бывший чемпион по боксу Данни Кенни уходит на покой. Он собирается вложить все свои сбережения в мечту своего брата — написание симфонической оды городу, в котором они оба живут — Нью-Йорку. Но все складывается не так как хотелось…
Hired Wife
Ad man Stephen Dexter asks his secretary Kendall to marry him as a loophole in order to protect his finances during an important business deal. Once the deal is completed, he asks Kendall for a divorce and is dismayed when she refuses.
The Girl from Avenue A
Sylvester Gallupi
A tough girl raised in the streets finds that her dialect and manners are helpful as source material for a playwright.
Boys of the City
Street kids get sent to the country, where they get mixed up in murder and a haunted house.
Выжженная зона
Hotel Manager
Устав от разорительных набегов на плантации со стороны революционеров одной банановой республики, для восстановления порядка управляющий Стив Кэйс нанимает давнего друга - независимого и непредсказуемого Ника Батлера. Скоро на горизонте появляется красивая певица и аферистка Ли Донли, которая внесёт разлад в отношения Стива и Ника...
Boss of Bullion City
Mario - Saloon Owner
A lawman sets out to disrupt the operations of a crooked town boss.
I Take This Woman
Tony - Pushcart Vendor and Clinic Supporter (uncredited)
On return from Europe Dr. Decker foils glamour girl Georgi from jumping overboard. At Decker's suggestion to keep busy, she assists at his clinic in the slums.
Emergency Squad
Italian Deli Manager
Betty Bryant is an ambitious newspaper reporter in love with Dan Barton, a member of a big-city Emergency Squad who are trained to deal with riots, cave-in, explosions, fires and other emergencies where lives are at stake. Slade Wiley, an unscrupulous tunnel builder, finds that his low bid on the Newford Tunnel project is causing him to lose a lot of money, and has underworld leader Nick Burton set off blasts to frighten the stockholders into selling their shares at a low price so he can buy up the stock. Betty is investigating the deal when Wiley and Burton take her on a "tour trip" to the tunnel.
Музыка в сердце моём
Они познакомились «по-американки» нелепо и случайно - все произошло во время ДТП, когда их такси зацепились бамперами друг за друга. «Их глаза встретились, и искра любви зажгла великое чувство». Он оказался Робертом Григорьевым - певцом из Европы, делающим карьеру в США, а она - Патрисией О'Молли, вокалисткой Бродвейского шоу, накануне помолвленной с миллионером Чарльзом Гарднером. Их бурный роман ожидают большие неприятности вплоть до высылки героя из страны, но судьба благоволит к влюбленным. Роберт делает головокружительную карьеру на радио. Его лучшую песню слушает и поет вся Америка, его ожидают многомиллионные контракты, но самое главное в этой истории, что его любимая девушка будет всегда рядом с ним.
Yukon Flight
Nick - Cafe Owner
When the plane owned by the "Yukon and Columbia Mail Service" crashes, RCMP Sergeant Renfrew (James Newill) and Constable Kelly (Dave O'Brien) suspect murder. Their suspicions are confirmed when Renfrew finds the control stick has been jammed, forcing the plane to fly in one direction until the gas ran out. Mine owner Louise Howard (Louise Stanley) reports that her superintendent is missing. The Mounties find him murdered and that too has been made to look like an accident. A new mail service pilot, Bill Shipley (Warren Hull), arrives. He had gone to training school with Renfrew but had been cashiered for misconduct. The Mounties discover that Raymond (Karl Hackett), who had been working for Louise, really owns the flying line managed by Yuke Cardoe (William Pawley.) They find proof that all the gold from the mine isn't being turned over to Louise, and suspect that Raymond and Yuke are stealing the gold and shipping it to Seattle by plane.
Ревущие двадцатые, или Судьба солдата в Америке
Luigi (uncredited)
Шли «ревущие 20-е» годы, время, когда спор решали пулями, а автоматные очереди все чаще нарушали тишину улиц. Вернувшиеся в Чикаго по окончании Первой мировой войны, Джордж и Эдди начинают сколачивать свои капиталы, торгуя контрабандным спиртным и организовав крупную банду. Их рэкет процветает, пока «здоровая» конкуренция не вмешивается в их дружбу. Выясняется, что уложить всех вокруг себя гораздо проще, чем договориться…
Full Confession
A Catholic priest must convince a man to step forward to save the wrong person from being sent to the electric chair.
Chicken Wagon Family
Addie Fippany, her father Jean Paul Batiste Fippany, her mother Josephine and her sister Cecile roam the country-side in a mule-drawn wagon, trading trinkets to farmers for chickens which they sell in the cities. Addie and her father love the care-free life, but Mrs. Fippany and Cecile want to settle down in New York City. As soon as the "chicken wagon family" reaches New York, Addie gets into mischief and a policeman, Matt Hibbard, helps her and falls in love with Cecile. He helps the family settle into a deserted firehouse which is up for public sale.
Daughters Courageous
Manuel Lopez
Nan Masters, a single mother living with her four marriageable daughters, plans to marry Sam Sloane, businessman. Out of the blue her 1st husband Jim returns after deserting the family 20 years earlier. The worldly wanderer Jim gets a cool family reception at first but his warm personality gradually wins the affections of his four daughters. In fact, youngest daughter Buff, who has her eye on a maverick of her own in Gabriel Lopez, is pleased when Jim grants his stamp of approval on her relationship. Buff plans to elope with Gabriel on her mother's wedding day, but 'unpredictable' is Gabriel's middle name.
Fisherman's Wharf
Carlo Roma and his foster-son, Toma, and their friend Beppo, are living a happy fisherman's life in San Francisco until Carlo's widowed sister-in-law, Stella, shows up with her brat-son, Rudolph, and takes over. Poor Toma gets his feelings hurt and the idea he "isn't wanted" and runs away
Mr. Moto's Last Warning
Stage Manager
A Japanese man claiming to be Mr. Moto, of the International Police, is abducted and murdered soon after disembarking from a ship at Port Said in Egypt. The real Mr. Moto is already in Port Said, investigating a conspiracy against the British and French governments.
Flirting with Fate
Del Rio
A troupe of traveling entertainers become stranded in Paraguay.
Pie Salesman (uncredited)
Blondie and Dagwood are about to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary but this happy occasion is marred when the bumbling Dagwood gets himself involved in a scheme that is promising financial ruin for the Bumstead family.
Professor Beware
Restaurant Owner
Egyptologist, Dean Lambert, accused of car-theft, skips bail and begins a cross-country trek to join a group in New York headed for Egypt. With the police close on his trail he gets in and out of scrapes along the way.
Port of Seven Seas
Organ Grinder
In the French port of Marseille, a young woman named Madelon is in love with a young sailor, Marius. Discovering she is pregnant after Marius sets out to sea for several years, she marries another man to prevent the child being born out of wedlock.
City Streets
When her mother dies, wheel-chair bound Winnie Brady is taken in by shopkeeper and neighbor "Uncle" Joe Carmine. Joe convinces Father Ryan to let him informally adopt her. Joe and Winnie live together with Tommy Devlin and his grandmother, Mrs. Devlin, and a dog Winnie names Muriel. Joe sells his shop to pay for an unsuccessful operation on Winnie's legs. This bankrupts Carmine, who then earns a meager living selling fruits and vegetables on the streets. Winnie is sent to live in an orphanage, and Carmine is discouraged from continuing his relationship with her. Carmine is so distraught by grief that he slowly begins to die. Winnie is brought to him by Father Ryan, and she finds the strength to stand and walk to his bedside and sings his favorite song, "Santa Maria." Later, after Winnie has acquired full use of her legs, Joe, in his new catering truck, takes the children on a picnic in the country.
Island in the Sky
A secretary (Gloria Stuart) solves a murder for her boyfriend (Michael Whalen) in the district attorney's office.
No Time To Marry
In this lightweight comedy, two news reporters who are engaged to be married endure romantic difficulties in their competitive pursuit of a "big scoop".
Swing It, Sailor!
Pet Shop Proprietor
Comical exploits of two Navy pals, at sea and on shore.
Love and Hisses
As part of their public feud, Bandleader Bernie pretends a girl singer is no good so columnist Winchell promotes her in his column.
Expensive Husbands
Unable to get work in her home country, Laurine Lynne (Beverly Roberts) travels to Vienna where her press agent, Joe Craig (Allyn Joslyn), convinces her to marry royalty. The lucky fellow is Prince Rupert (Patric Knowles), an impoverished nobleman now working as a waiter. Do the two of them fall in love despite this marriage of convenience?
A Girl with Ideas
A rich banker's zany daughter gains control of a large newspaper.
Trouble at Midnight
Noah Beery Jr. stars as Kirk Cameron in the modern-day western Trouble at Midnight. Freshly discharged from WWI, Cameron goes into the dairy-farming business, only to be hounded by his chief creditor, flint-hearted banker Everett Benson (Charles Halton). Despite his uncharitable feelings for Benson, Cameron falls in love with Catherine (Catherine Hughes), the banker's daughter.
Organ Grinder
Восьмилетняя Хейди стала сиротой, ее своенравная и жестокая тетушка Дет забирает девочку и увозит ее в дом деда, расположенный высоко в альпийских горах. Здесь белокурая Хейди знакомится со своим молчаливым дедом Адольфом Крамером, который поначалу не признает внучку, но благодаря ангельскому терпению девочки и ласковым словам сердце старика оттаивает и он понимает, что этот ребенок дорог ему больше всего на свете...
Десять лет не был в родном городе Мартин по прозвищу Детское личико. За это время он стал солидным гангстером с соответствующим послужным списком (ограбления, убийства) и характерными внешними приметами (дорогой прикид, пачки долларов и пистолет в кармане). Его малая родина — это нью-йоркские трущобы, где мечта людей вырваться из бедности так и остается мечтой, где любой подросток без колебаний готов пойти по жизни неверной дорогой гангстера. Мать прогоняет блудного сына, бывшая подружка тоже не рада встрече с ним. Если бы только этим ограничились «неприятности» Мартина. Как известно, возвращаться — очень плохая примета…
You Can't Have Everything
Starving playwright Judith Wells meets playboy writer of musicals, George Macrae, over a plate of stolen spaghetti. He persuades producer Sam Gordon to buy her ridiculous play "North Winds" just to improve his romantic chances, and even persuades her to sing in the sort of show she pretends to despise. But just when their romance is going well, Gordon's former flame Lulu reveals the ace up her sleeve...
Tony - Nightclub Owner (uncredited)
Сумасбродная пара Джордж и Мэрион Керби гибнут в автомобильной аварии. Они не сразу понимают, что застряли между небом и землей и стали призраками, а когда приходит это осознание они не представляют, что с этим делать. К счастью, им приходит спасительная мысль начать творить добро,....
Border Cafe
Café Proprietor (uncredited)
The spoiled, hard-partying son of a senator runs away from home after being reprimanded by his father, finds himself down-on-his luck in a tiny western town, and is rehabilitated through the friendship and wisdom of a kind and patient rancher.
Кид Гэлэхэд
Когда гостиничный посыльный нокаутирует широко разрекламированного тяжеловеса Чака МакГро, защищая честь девицы Филлипс по кличке Пушок, та дает ему прозвище Кид Гэллэхэд. Ее парень, Ник Донати, принимает решение сделать из юноши чемпиона. Начинаются тренировки, но вскоре Нику приходится пожалеть о своем выборе. Терзаясь ревностью, так как и Пушок и его собственная сестра, воспитанная в монастыре, проявляют к Киду совершенно определенный интерес, Ник выставляет его против МакГро, будучи уверен, что его боец проиграет. Но все идет совсем не по плану…
Night Key
Mr. Spinelli (uncredited)
The inventor of a new top-of-the-line burglar alarm system is kidnapped by a gang in order to get him to help them commit robberies.
History Is Made at Night
A romantic headwaiter fights to save a woman from her possessive ex-husband.
Love Is News
Mike Allegretti
When a crafty reporter uses false pretenses to get a story out of heiress Tony Gateson, she turns the tables on him, telling the press that they are engaged. Suddenly he's front page news, every salesman is at his doorstep, and he loses his job. A series of misadventures ensues with him alternately back on his job and fired and her ex-fiancé showing up.
Великий О’Мэлли
Junkman (uncredited)
Джеймс О’Мэлли проходит путь от супер-правильного полицейского, дотошно следующего букве закона, до человека, способного сопереживать проблемам окружающих. А помогает ему в этом маленькая дочка недавно арестованного им парня…
Mama Steps Out
A Fort Wayne, Indiana housewife (Alice Brady) drags her husband (Guy Kibbee) and daughter (Betty Furness) to Europe for culture.
Банджо на моём колене
Этот фильм рассказывает о речных людях, как их называли. О тех людях, которые жили на реке Миссисипи на привязанных к берегу плотах, у которых был свой уклад, свой промысел, свое течение жизни и свои взгляды на жизнь. И надо же было встретиться двум влюбленным, но самым упрямым из людей на земле. И все началось со свадьбы, когда пьяный закупщик рыбы захотел поцеловать невесту Перл…
Tony aka Lucia
A man is determined to find the real culprit behind the crime for which his father was wrongly executed.
The Public Pays
Italian Milk Dealer Simonelli (uncredited)
In this MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short, a protection racket preying on milk distribution is broken through the persistence of law enforcement and the courage of a local businessman.
Sea Spoilers
Johnny 'Hop-Scotch'
Bob Randall, temporarily in command of the Coast Guard vessel Niobe, expects a promotion and the captaincy of his ship. Instead, he is replaced by Lieutenant Mays, son of the area commander. Mays is afflicted with a fear of the sea, although he has served well in Coast Guard aviation. His father, however, thinks Mays can overcome his fear by taking command of the Niobe. When seal poachers kidnap Bob Randall's girlfriend Connie, Bob and Mays disagree about the proper means of rescuing her and capturing the seal poachers. When Mays's inexperience and phobia foil their attempts at rescue, Bob comes up with his own plan.
Young Pepper Jolly enters the life of sour old millionaire John Wilkes. She convinces him to take her gang to Coney Island and prevents his daughter from marrying a phony aristocrat.
The Gay Deception
Head Waiter (uncredited)
A wide-eyed working girl wins a $5,000 sweepstakes and plunges into the lush life of New York City, where she meets a bellboy who is more than he seems.
Little Big Shot
Head Waiter
A con man and his partner inherit a dead gangster's precocious daughter.
In Caliente
At a Mexican resort, a fast-talking magazine editor woos the dancer he's trashed in print.
Дело о любопытной невесте
Поставив окружному прокурору ещё одно поразительное поражение, Перри планирует провести отпуск в Китае. То есть это было, до тех пор, пока его старая подруга Рода, не встретилась в ресторане. Несмотря на то, что она говорит, что она просит друга, Перри может видеть её. Кажется, её муж Мосли, который, как утверждается, был мёртв в течение четырёх лет, жив и требует денег, поскольку она вышла замуж за богатого. Дело осложняется, когда полиция находит тело Мосли и её обвиняют в убийстве.
The Payoff
Hotel Clerk
An honest sports columnist's greedy wife persuades him to go easy on a cheat, famous for crooked sports deals.
Gentlemen Are Born
A well-cloistered and protected-against-reality group of college students get their diplomas in the heart of the Great Depression, and quickly learn that the piece of paper the diploma is written on is worth about eighteen-dollars-a-week in the job-market...for the lucky ones. Some of them fare even worse.
Elinor Norton
Ice Cream Vendor
A romantic triangle during WW I provides the basis of this drama. The trouble begins when a young wife gets involved with a coffee baron while her husband is off fighting WW I. Her shell-shocked husband finally returns. He is terribly jealous. To help him, the wife takes him to a Western dude ranch. Her lover also goes, and the two men soon become friends. The coffee magnate helps to cure him, but then breaks his heart by telling him that he and the wife are planning to run away.
A girl marries a playboy from a rich family, expecting a life of comfort and luxury. However, her new father-in-law turns his ne'er-do-well son out into the street with no money, and promises the girl that if she can make a man out of her new husband, the father will give her $10,000 and see that she gets a quick divorce.
I Sell Anything
Italian (uncredited)
Auctioneer Spot Cash Cutler is planning the scam of a lifetime, but will he get burned?
Mario - the Maitre D'
A man meets the daughter of his lover and they begin to fall in love.
Felix (uncredited)
Богатый предприниматель (Отто Крюгер) пытается добиться развода от своей жены, так как влюблен в свою помощницу (Джоан Кроуфорд). Ему не удается развестись, потому что жену полностью устраивает ее положение и она не хочет лишаться тех благ, которые ей дает фамилия мужа. Чтобы проверить свои чувства и уладить все дела по разводу, он отправляет свою любовницу в круиз, где она знакомится с человеком, который круто меняет ее жизнь...
Fugitive Road
Papa Vinocchio
An Austrian officer must face up to the good and evil aspects of his own personality as he becomes involved in a war.
Name the Woman
Directed by Albert S. Rogell. With Richard Cromwell, Arline Judge, Rita La Roy, Charles C. Wilson.
Whom the Gods Destroy
Broadway's most successful producer, John Forrester, is deeply in love with his wife Margaret and dreams of the future when his son Jack will step into his shoes. He sails to England to produce a show but the ship strikes a derelict wreckage and is sinking rapidly. In the ensuing wild panic, Forrester saves many lives, until finally, panic stricken by sudden fear, he dons a woman's clothes and is among the rescued. On the coast of Newfouldland, the villagers, not aware of his true identity, curse him but he is befriended by Alec who helps him conceal his identity. With a planned story of his survival, he returns to New York but cannot face his family or friends after he sees the plaque to his heroism on his New York theatre. Deciding to remain thought of as dead, he becomes a derelict himself, surviving on odd jobs as he watches from afar his now-grown son begin his career as a producer.
Return of the Terror
"The Terror", a killer whose identity is unknown, occupies an English country house that has been converted into an inn.
Registered Nurse
Mr. Bonelli
In this sudsy hospital melodrama, a married nurse finds herself falling in love with one of two surgeons when her husband goes mad and needs an operation. One of the surgeon's regards his pursuit a lark, while the other harbors genuine affections for the nurse.
Hi, Nellie!
Mike Marinello
Managing Editor Brad Bradshaw refuses to run a story linking the disappearance of Frank Canfield with embezzlement of the bank. He considers Frank a straight shooter and he goes easy on the story. Every other paper goes with the story that Frank took the money and Brad is demoted, by the publisher, to the Heartthrob column - writing advice to the lovelorn. After feeling sorry for himself for two months, he takes the column seriously and makes it the talk of the town. But Brad still wants his old job back so he will have to find Canfield and the missing money.
Doctor Bull
Louis Papolita
In this engaging adaptation of James Gould Cozzen's novel The Last Adam, film icon Will Rogers portrays Dr. George Bull, a compassionate, highly regarded small-town physician who often prescribes a healthy dose of common sense! But when Bull begins dating a widow (Vera Allen), the local gossips misconstrue the story. To make matters worse, Bull's plainspoken manner earns him an enemy in the wealthy owner of a nearby construction camp. But once it's learned that the camp has caused illness by polluting the local water supply, the good doctor steps in to try to restore the town's health - and his reputation!
Laughing at Life
Beverage Vendor
Easter, a soldier of fortune and gunrunner, leaves his family behind escaping from the authorities and an American detective named Mason. His globe hopping escape leads him finally to South America, where he is hired to organize a band of revolutionaries, unaware that they plan to eliminate him when his job is done. Here, also, he encounters his own son, on track to waste his own life in pursuits similar to Easter's.
Мэр ада
Mr. Carmonotti
Главарь банды рэкетиров Пэтси Гарган, за помощь местному политикану в предвыборной компании по всем канонам ганстерской традиции — «Голосуй за нашего кандидата или готовь костыли.» в качестве вознаграждения получает должность заместителя директора в исправительной школе для малолетних преступников. Пэтси и не думал вникать в работу данного заведения, а сама должность интересовала его лишь как возможность регулярно получать заместительскую зарплату. Но первый же приезд, который должен был стать последним в корне меняет отношение Пэтси. Увидев чудовищьные условия и жестокость персонала по отношению к детям, которых управляющий школой Томпсон и вовсе считает недочеловеками, показывая это всем своим видом, держась подчеркнуто высокомено по отношению к подопечным. Они для него отбросы общества, выходцы из трущоб, из неблагополучных семей, и Томпсон использует их как бесплатную рабочую скотину на производстве.
I Cover the Waterfront
Tony Silva
An investigative reporter romances a suspected smuggler's daughter.
The Keyhole
Hotel Metropole Waiter #1 (uncredited)
A private eye specializing in divorce cases falls for the woman he's been hired to frame.
The California Trail
Santa Fe Stuart, leading a relief train bringing food to the peasants, gets caught up in the Commandante and his brother the Mayor's effort to starve out the peasants. Thrown in jail and about to be hung, he escapes and joins the peasants in their fight against the brothers and their troops...
Trouble in Paradise
Waiter in Venice (uncredited)
Thief Gaston Monescu and pickpocket Lily are partners in crime and love. Working for perfume company executive Mariette Colet, the two crooks decide to combine their criminal talents to rob their employer. Under the alias of Monsieur Laval, Gaston uses his position as Mariette's personal secretary to become closer to her. However, he takes things too far when he actually falls in love with Mariette, and has to choose between her and Lily.
Hearts of Humanity
Genial Irish NYC policeman Tom O'Hara is looking forward to the arrival of his wife and their young son, Shandy from Ireland. Several days before the ship is to dock, O'Hara gets a radiogram informing him that his wife has died at sea. That night a burglar breaks into the Antigue & Second Hand Shop ran by Sol Bloom, directly below O'Hara's flat. The burglar shoots O'Hara, who has rushed to his friend's aid, and, with his last breath he asks Sol to take care of Shandy. When Shandy arrives, Sol immediately makes him a member of the family, which also consists of a very mischievous motherless boy named Joey Bloom, whose pursuits consist of stealing oranges from fruit-dealer Tony, and playing hookey from school. Tom Varney, the young beat cop, is in love with Ruth Sneider, whose mother runs a Cleaning and Dyeling establishment. Ruth, however, is momentarily dazed with worthless Dave Haller.
Ladies of the Jury
Antonio 'Tony' Theodolphulus (uncredited)
Society matron Mrs. Livingston Baldwin Crane is selected as a juror in the trial of former chorus girl Yvette Gordon, who's accused of murdering her rich older husband. In court and during deliberations, Mrs. Crane proves to be a disruptive and unorthodox juror.
Доктор Эрроусмит
Italian Uncle (uncredited)
История молодого врача-исследователя Мартина Эрроусмита, которому предстоит предотвратить эпидемию чумы в маленьком городе и решить, кто именно достоин получить вакцину.
Street Scene
Filippo Fiorentino
The setting is a city block during a sweltering summer, where the residents serve as representatives of the not-very-idealized American melting pot. There is idle chitchat, gossip, jealousy, racism, adultery, and suddenly but not unexpectedly, a murder.
The Sap from Syracuse
Macedonian Waiter
Ellen Saunders is an heiress on a cruise to Europe being pursued by a day laborer mistaken for a prominent mining engineer. During the cruise, he foils two crooks trying to get their hands on her lucrative nickel mine.
Bullin' the Bullsheviki
As early as 1919, Russian Communists (then known as Bolsheviks) were convenient movie villains. This heavy-handed comedy uses the Russian revolution as an excuse for a series of slapstick set pieces.
The Caillaux Case
Albert Calmette
Based on an international scandal that hit prewar France, when the editor of the Paris daily LE FIGARO, Gaston Calmette was shot to death by Madame Caillaux, wife of the Minister of Finance for his exposè of her husband's traitorous activities on behalf of Germany.
The Woman and the Law
Señor Del Castillo
Jack La Salle marries South American heiress Blanquetta Del Castillo, and the two settle into a happy life in New York City. Following the birth of their son, Jack, Jr., however, Jack becomes involved in an affair with the notorious Josie Sabel and thereafter ignores his wife. Outraged upon learning that Jack has taken their son to Josie's apartment, Blanquetta files for divorce, the court finally ruling that the boy must live with each parent for a portion of the year. As the time of little Jack's departure from his father approaches, Jack, Sr. declares that he will never return the boy to his mother, whereupon the tortured Blanquetta shoots and kills her faithless husband.