Alejandro Goic

Alejandro Goic

Рождение : 1957-09-11, Ñuñoa, Santiago Metropolitan, Chile


Alejandro Goic
Alejandro Goic


Over the course of a single hectic day in New York City, three people from Feña's past are thrust back into his life: his foreign father, his straight ex-boyfriend, and his 13-year old half-sister. Having lost touch since transitioning from female to male, Feña must navigate the new dynamics of these old relationships while tackling the day-to-day challenges that come with living a life in-between.
Chile '76
Chile, 1976. Carmen heads off to her beach house to supervise its renovation. Her husband, children and grandchildren come back and forth during the winter vacation. When the family priest asks her to take care of a young man he is sheltering in secret, Carmen steps onto unexplored territories, away from the quiet life she is used to.
Blanca turns on an 18-year old teen who returns to the juvenile center she ran away from at 15, but this time with a baby. She asks the priest in charge to take her in, but they are inadvertently caught up in an investigation on child prostitution, and the relentless media and political attention that comes with it.
Jean is a young Haitian man who works doing house duties for a wealthy household, but his wishes for a quiet and dignified job become interrupted when his boss starts sexually abusing him. Jean will have to decide whether to quit his job and renounce the income to support his family or keep enduring the assaults.
Mti (29), a Haitian immigrant, after years of saving money during his stay in Chile decides to return with his wife and daughter in Haiti. However, his plans will be truncated by the unexpected theft of his money.
Место под названием «Дигнидад»
Двенадцатилетний мальчик по имени Пабло поступает в школу-интернат в Колонии Дигнидад, поселении немецких иммигрантов на юге Чили, с целью получить лучшее образование. Это кажется большой привилегией для такого ребёнка, как он, и он быстро становится любимцем директора колонии, дяди Пола. Со временем Пабло становится свидетелем каких-то странных происшествий, что заставляет его вести себя иначе, чем другие ученики.
Kill Pinochet
Chile, September 1986. Tamara, commander of the communist guerrilla group Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front, and her comrades-in-arms set out to overthrow the military regime installed in 1973 by assassinating the dictator Augusto Pinochet.
Белым по белому
На заре двадцатого века Педро прибывает на Огненную Землю – территорию, где нет места гостеприимству и царит дух насилия. В качестве приглашенного фотографа он должен запечатлеть свадьбу местного землевладельца. Сраженный красотой невесты, герой обращается с ней как с моделью – через фотографию он желает передать телесную чувственность юной девы. Педро преступает границы дозволенного. Чтобы избежать наказания, он вынужден вступить в альянс с миром зла.
Ignacio embarks on a trip driven by the coincidences that bring together the news that his young girlfriend is pregnant and an invitation to a seminar in Chile almost simultaneously.
Никто не знает, что я здесь
Мэмо Гарридо живет на овцеводческой ферме, скрывая свой красивый голос от всего мира. Он не может перестать думать о том, что возможно, успех ждал его еще в детстве. Что же произойдет, когда весь мир услышит его голос?
This Is Cristina
Cristina and Susana have been best friends since high school. Now, both over 30 years old, they are still living like they did in their teenage years. Or maybe they never grew up.
Слишком поздно умирать молодым
Демократия возвращается в Чили летом 1990 года. В изолированной общине юные София, Лукас и Клара сталкиваются с первой любовью и страхом, готовясь к новогодней ночи. Они могут жить далеко от опасностей города, но не природы.
Hotel Zentai
Four stories intersect in a zentai meeting hotel, the sexual discipline, and fetish whose practitioners wear lycra suits and rub each other. Mother and daughter recognize each other in a ritual, a man does not decide what to wear, a coach loses his authority and two lovers never see their faces.
Líbranos del mal
Por mí y por todas
Dry Martina
MATTA Cultural Center Security Guard
Martina was a famous singer in Argentina during the late 90s, who's become completely frigid and disenchanted with love. The arrival of a so-called sister, alongside her attractive boyfriend, compel Martina to go to Chile with one objective in mind: getting back her libido.
Seeing from Far
A young man and his uncle move from a rural sector of Chile to the nearest city in search of a television, the journey goes beyond the initial goal and transcends to mutual knowledge and intimacy
The Sutherland School
Reinaldo Lefin
In the midst of a media scandal, a group of teachers from a privileged school - led by Leticia - try to dismiss the new principal, who inaugurated with an inflammatory and controversial speech.
Фантастическая женщина
Когда-то Марину звали Даниэль, и она была мужчиной. Но как бы она ни менялась внешне, внутри она все равно женщина. И через десять дней она отправится со своим возлюбленным, Орландо Онетто, на водопады Игуасу. Жизнь вносит свои коррективы: Орландо просыпается с сильной головной болью, Марина успевает довезти его в больницу, но оказывается поздно. Орландо мертв, а Марину подозревают в его смерти. С этого момента для женщины начинается череда унижений.
Niño transparente
Erica Kästner is a female director, she's about to premiere her documentary about transgender children, the protagonist of that film is her son Gaspar. In a press conference before release, she's ask about the presidential campaign of her sister Amara, Erica confess she doesn't support her, this unleash a personal conflict among the Kästner family, this grows into a national scandal.
An unexpected guest interrupts a couple's last day together, transforming their peaceful farewell.
Much Ado About Nothing
Uncle Julio
After a night of partying, Vicente is involved in a hit-and-run that kills a man. Vicente claims his innocence, but he was drunk and high. A tangled web of lies buries the truth, making a social scandal disappear — exonerating the real culprit, the son of a powerful politician.
Victoria Rosana Maite
After their daughter is discriminated in her school, Victoria and Rosana's relationship falls into a crisis due to their different opinions on the matter. Victoria will have to face the fear of assuming her homosexuality and the possible dissolution of her family.
18-year-old Jesús lives with his stern, somewhat unaffectionate father in Santiago, Chile. When not doing drugs, having casual sex or simply slouching in front of the TV, Jesús and his friends perform in a K-pop boyband. But his routine is thrown into chaos one evening when he and his drunken posse viciously assault a young gay man and leave him for dead. It’s an act that propels Jesús into a profound moral crisis which have severe consequences.
Pinochet Boys
In the '80s, Tito, a 17 year old boy, faces a difficult choice: leave school and follow the road to university or front his past and take on a battle against the dictatorship. Motivated by Cecilia, who he secretly loves, and his father, Tito passes from an adolescence without worries to the responsibility of taking justice into his own hand. Integrity mixed with commitment, will crossed by want, fear associated with the pleasure of adrenaline, the reasons behind the violence, are the contradictions of Tito and his friends. In the end, Tito and his opponent Ricardo, a police officer who he knows since childhood, end up facing each other in a terrifying game. The type of game in which nobody wins.
Jorge Bellet
Несколько страниц из биографии чилийского поэта, заслужившего своим творчеством всемирную славу, а своими взглядами — политическую травлю на родине. Ретивый полицейский начинает преследовать Неруду, когда тот на заре холодной войны критикует власть и воспевает коммунизм.
First Light
Detective Carlos
Marco, a cynical and ambitious young lawyer, lives in Bari with his partner Martina and their eight-year-old son Mateo. Martina had left Chile and moved to Italy when she met Marco. Their relationship has run its course, however, and Martina longs to go back to her country with Mateo, but Marco, the loving father left out of the equation, is adamantly against the idea. The couple clash for weeks on end, until Martina abruptly leaves the country with their son, goes back to Chile and virtually vanishes. With no news of Mateo, time seems to stand still for Marco. Anguished and unable to cope, he finally rallies and sets off in search of his son.
Фильм, основанный на реальных событиях, расскажет о тридцати трех чилийских шахтерах, которые в 2010 году на 69 дней оказались в ловушке под землей.
The Club
Father Ortega
In a secluded house in a small seaside town live four unrelated men and the woman who tends to the house and their needs. All former priests, they have been sent to this quiet exile to purge the sins of their pasts, the separation from their communities the worst form of punishment by the Church. They keep to a strict daily schedule devoid of all temptation and spontaneity, each moment a deliberate effort to atone for their wrongdoings.
Génesis Nirvana
Patricia Lucia went out of court with a verdict that proves innocence of the murderer of her only daughter, Genesis Nirvana, a girl of only 6 years old. Inside her head, the only way of having justice is by taking it into her own hands. Her only purpose is revenge. Because of this, she takes a home video camera and leaves a record of it. This is a story of revenge and justice, that show us the weakness and vulnerability of human beings, that lose their sanity after missing a child
The Comfort in the Distance
A twenty-four-year-old former college student decides to wander the city streets after he's left homeless by his father, his only close relative. There he struggles to find a new home through random people he runs into and old acquaintances while suffering from the torments from his past and a strange disease that seems to be damaging his health quickly.
Letters from Santiago
One day before her 18th birthday, Laura Hellmer finds out by chance that her mother Katharina, a renowned political journalist, has lied to her for years: Laura's father was not a Spanish war photographer who died before she was born, but probably lives and is in Chile. Without further ado, Laura sets off for South America to find her true father. While she is in Santiago following in the footsteps of her mother, who once reported on the victims of the Pinochet dictatorship, Katharina travels to her daughter.
I Am From Chile
Salvador moves to London from Chile to study English and travel around Europe at his parents’ expense. He stays with his aunt María, who makes a rather decent living renting the rooms of her house to other immigrants. Difficult and challenging situations will force Salvador out of his protected bourgeois reality and into the real world.
It's 2013 and Daniel works as a storyboard artist in an advertising agency. In this place he meets Camila and develops an endearing friendship that gives his life a new meaning. Through his comics, Daniel will draw his past and the complex relationship he had with Paula, a therapist that helped him get out of an acute drug dependence and Marco, his charismatic ex partner. As Paula did at the time, Camila helps Daniel to face the present with new challenges and questions about his sexuality, family and life.
Dog Flesh
Alejandro, a solitary, fragile and unpredictable man is crushed by the hostility of his mysterious past.
Глория — 58-летняя разведенная женщина. Ее дети уже давно покинули дом, но у нее нет никакого желания проводить дни и ночи в одиночестве. Она преисполнена решимости бросить вызов старости. В итоге Глория начинает отрываться на мальчишниках, с головой окунаясь в водоворот вечеринок, в поисках сиюминутного удовольствия, что приводит ее лишь к разочарованию и ощущению пустоты. Но вскоре она встречает Родольфо…
«Нет» — это один из двух вариантов ответа на вопрос «Должен ли Аугусто Пиночет остаться у власти?». Уверенный в поддержке большинства населения, диктатор назначает дату референдума на 5 октября 1988 года. Но международное давление вынуждает отдать хотя бы какое-то эфирное время оппозиции. 15 минут ночного эфира — за это время сразу нескольким политическим партиям нужно консолидированно объяснить населению, почему нужно проголосовать против. Для этого они приглашают Рене Савейду — успешного рекламщика, много времени прожившего за границей и понимающего современные рекламные технологии.
Дикая киска
Raimundo (dad)
Даниэле — 17. Воспитываясь в строгой религиозной семье, она одержима сексом. Ее школьные будни украшает небольшой скандал: накануне выпускных экзаменов Даниэла совращает одноклассника, и с баптистcкой школой приходится попрощаться раньше срока. У Даниэлы красивый бойфренд, она влюблена в девушку, с которой работает на телевидении. О своих сексуальных переживаниях Даниэла исправно рассказывает всему миру через блог, аккуратно посещает церковь по воскресеньям и молится, чтобы мать случайно не выследила ее в интернете. Бунтарка по природе, Даниэла, отказываясь сдерживать хоть какие-то желания, пытается найти свой «праведный» путь.
Jorge Larco
María Luisa Bombal is an underground writer in the early twenties trying to reconcile her passionate and very sexual lifestyle with her life as a socialite among Santiago's very conservative elite.
The 33 of San Jose
A team of Chilean miners are trapped underground for months and hold out for a miraculous rescue.
Old Cats
Isidora, an old woman, discovers that her mind is quickly deteriorating. At an apparently relaxed dinner table, she will desperately try to hide her state from her daughter, a demanding woman who awaits any sign of senility in order to take way everything she has.
7 horas 3 días
Three theater students, influenced by a professor and French theorist Antonin Artaud's acting technique, begin to experiment with their own lives, searching for real emotions and situations to bring onto the stage. Their obsession with becoming better actors leads them to their darkest sides, surpassing boundaries that neither they nor their teachers could ever imagine.
Dawson Isla 10
After the 1973 coup that deposed Allende and brought Pinochet to power in Chile, the former members of his cabinet are imprisoned on Dawson Island, the world's southernmost concentration camp. Here these men are determined to survive and provide history with their testimony.
Ракель, одинокая замкнутая женщина, уже 23 года работает в богатой семье Вальдес. Однажды Пилар, хозяйка Ракель, нанимает еще одну служанку. Ракель боится потерять работу и затевает со своей конкуренткой жестокую психологическую игру на выживание. Так продолжается, пока в доме не появляется Люси, веселая девушка из провинции, которой удается найти подход к Ракель и изменить ее взгляды на жизнь.
I Love You Mum
Dr. Jorquera
A mother on the brink of blindness abandons her little daughter every day. The girl just wants to please her mother so it develops a macabre game to look like her. Until one day, the plan seems to have yielded results beyond all expectations.
Alberto: ¿Quién sabe cuánto cuesta hacer un ojal?
Alberto, a young law student struggles to realize his ultimate dream: to follow the call of his priestly vocation.
La última luna
Palestine 1914. One morning in July, Soliman, a young Palestinian and Jacob, his Jewish friend, begin to build a house in Beit-Sajour, in the hills of Judea, with stones brought from Beit-Jala, while the apparent stillness of the place is interrupted by bursts of violence that anticipate the future days of the war.
Tendida mirando las estrellas
Nieves has murdered the man who was tried to rape his younger brother. Sentenced to five years in prison, she is immersed in a hard and marginal world, she does yearns to one day being released and fulfill her lifelong dream: to know the flowery desert in northern Chile. When an oversight of her captors allows her to flee, her dreams will have to wait still. She dedicates herself to managing a nightclub where her former jailmates prostitute themselves.
Tendida mirando las estrellas
Nieves has murdered the man who was tried to rape his younger brother. Sentenced to five years in prison, she is immersed in a hard and marginal world, she does yearns to one day being released and fulfill her lifelong dream: to know the flowery desert in northern Chile. When an oversight of her captors allows her to flee, her dreams will have to wait still. She dedicates herself to managing a nightclub where her former jailmates prostitute themselves.
Father Robles
1973 год, конец эпохи Альенде. Страна — на грани гражданской войны, генералы готовят путч. Трагические события чилийской истории увидены глазами подростков. Сын обеспеченных родителей, 11-летний Гонсало Инфанте, живет в элитном пригороде Сантьяго. Он посещает престижную английскую школу, директор которой Отец МакЕнрой, открыл дорогу к образованию детям из бедноты. Так в классе Гонсало появляется Педро Мачука — голодранец из столичных трущоб. Ребят разделяют социальные, имущественные и культурные барьеры, но вопреки всему они становятся неразлучными друзьями…
Un ladrón y su mujer
A thief asks his wife to visit him in prison, she goes without imagining that he is planning his escape.
Los secretos
Ivan is a kid whose family decides to go back to Chile from New York, after at least a decade away. Ivan of course is not quite the Chilean kid his grandparents would like him to be: he sulks, misses the Opera, finds things odd and ugly, acting like a real "little gringo" (hence the title).
A mix between documentary and fiction, Angeles shows the story of a group of college students who gradually disappear, with no explanation. Focuses specifically on the story of Juan Maino.