Paula Ituriza


Подчеркнуто гипер-реалистичная история о жизни Мартина, мужчины за сорок, отчаянно одинокого и ищущего, через секс, компанию, чтобы провести время, от которого ничего не ждешь. Под гнетом постоянного одиночества, каждую ночь он находит мгновенные удовольствия в кокаине, алкоголе и оргиях.
Camino de Campaña
Agustín (32) returns to the city where he was born, after 6 years of absence, to watch the legal process in which he will be tried for the - supposedly - murder of his father and mother. Alone and in constant alert, he begins to experience acts of violence. Agobiado, he meets an enigmatic and unpredictable young woman who shows him other ways of experiencing isolation.
The Vampire Spider
A teenager goes to the foothills of the Andes to deal with his phobias.
Abril's sister
Three friends take a roadtrip to their hometown. Nicolás is looking for the perfect spot to scatter his grandfather’s ashes, Abril is visiting her family for the first time in eight years and Alfred wants to take part in a dance contest.
Lili's Apron
After working eight years as a chef, Ramon (Luis Ziembrowski) is fired from the restaurant. To survive, Lili (Paula Ituriza) leaves the countryside with her family, and Ramon gets a job as a maid, pretending to be a woman.