Ricard Borràs
Рождение : , Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca, Spain
The tale of a group of women (a sweet old lady, her religious niece, her servant and the latter's disabled mother), all so generous and selfless that they almost compete with one another as ferocious rivals to see who can help most and make the greatest sacrifice for the others' wellbeing. And we all know the well-known saying: 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions'.
Ginecòleg militar
Elisabeth Joyce, a young Irish historian, comes to Barcelona in November 1905, just to assist the assault of 200 soldiers with axes to press the weekly Cu-Cut and the editor of the newspaper La Veu. Elisabeth presence scared these facts and the political firestorm that trigger, facing the army with Catalan parties. Throughout Spain Military officials sympathize with attackers, but one that stands up decisively and confidently to their peers. Is Lieutenant Colonel in Chief of the Engineering Command of Lleida. His name is Francesc Macia Llussà.
Judge Lachambre
Two journalists investigate the criminal activities of the GAL (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación), a secret terrorist organization founded in the eighties and financed by leading figures in the Spanish government and security forces to hunt down and exterminate both members and collaborators of the terrorist gang ETA.
Two students are arrested for painting revolutionary graffiti on the university walls. They escape from the camp and flee with two American girls, disguised as rich young men who are showing Spain to two tourists.
A hard-hitting police investigation with Rossy de Palma taking the lead as the police officer responsible for solving the murder of a young woman whose mutilated body is found in the woods by local hunters.
19 июля 1936 года в Испании разразилась революция. В маленьком городке близ Барселоны революционерами был разрушен монастырь. Мария, монахиня из разрушенного монастыря, находит убежище в борделе, куда вскоре с миссией освобождения проституток заявляются активистки Организации Свободных Женщин. Некоторое время спустя, попадая под влияние Флорен, Мария вступает в эту организацию и участвует в вооруженной борьбе наравне с другими активистками, которые предпочитают умереть, сражаясь плечом к плечу с мужчинами, чем жить, прислуживая им.
El Chino
As soon as he is released from prison, Maki goes to look for his friend Popeye. Together they rescue the grandfather from a dangerous form of "Russian roulette" played in the asylum, and decide to take a vacation at the beach.
Между главным героем, человеком с мягким характером, и Нормой Валенти большие социальные и культурные различия. Несмотря на это, они женаты уже пять лет. Но однажды муж застаёт Норму с любовником, после чего расстаётся с ней. Это не значит, что он разлюбил Норму, напротив — он продолжает её любить и хочет снова быть с ней. Для этого ему приходится стать совсем другим человеком…
Recepcionista Hotel
Individuo Bar (as Ricard Borrás)
Перед молодым солдатиком стоит тяжелый выбор: кто? Либо его невеста Тринни, скромная и невинная, либо пожившая вдова Луизa, порочная и бесшабашная. Выбор, который он не может сделать...
Tonet 'Misèries'
The cold woman.
José Retama
Two popular television actors, Ada and Bruno, are filming " Hotel de Fez ", a popular and popular television series that upsets the lives of its two protagonists. Together they will initiate a romance behind the small screen very particular since there will be no time or way to consummate it, which will cause a tremendous tangle sown with nonsense.
Not published writer, a sculptor who does not expose, a filmmaker who does not make movies ... amateur and professional around anything. His daughter, which is to care, is the only one who understands. A film producer who bombarded daily with an overview, each more extravagant reproaches his fantasy and challenges to look carefully for 24 hours whichever comes around to check that everything that happens follows a rigorous logic .
A group of boys and girls are locked up a weekend in a friends house in which they do a party that little to little is converted in an orgy. But not everything is sex, there are also cinematographic digressions, chocolate and churros, and good humor.