The thirteen survivors of a catastrophe by a tunnel's collapse tries to balance their experience trapped along 15 days inside it with their day-by-day outside it.
Spain, 1931. Under the Second Republic, women are eligible, but cannot vote. Victoria Kent and Clara Campoamor, the first women in the Spanish Parliament, intend to fight for women's rights, and Clara knows that the first step is to get the women's vote approved…
A family seen at two different periods, some 40 years having passed between the two. A dysfunctional family marked by what used to be called an ugly illness, cancer and death. The characters quarrel, hate each other, and refuse to accept in their predecessors what they will eventually, inevitably repeat in themselves. A family marked by relations of rejection, love and hate of the other, the upstairs neighbors, those strangers from a far-off land, Andalusia in the 1960s, Morocco at present, who will also form part of this repetitive game that is life. To what point is everything a metaphor or symbol of our society? Are we really strangers to ourselves?
Две молодые американки Вики и Кристина проводят свои летние каникулы в Барселоне и совершенно очарованы этим городом, а также одним молодым художником по имени Антонио. Вики — старомодна и настроена на серьезные отношения: ухаживания, свидания и свадебную фату в финале. Кристина — сексуально раскрепощена, раскованна и привлекательна в своей бунтарской сущности. Антонио не может определиться, его привлекают обе девушки. Отношения в любовном треугольнике становятся все более запутанными, а тут еще в игру вступает бывшая жена Антонио, обладающая весьма взрывным темпераментом, и похоже на то, что она не до конца отказалась от своих прав на бывшего мужа.
Based on the theatrical "Uuuuh!" By Gerard Vazquez. Berlin, 1944. Charlie Rivel has to act for the Führer on his birthday. A Gestapo agent wants to act with him, and also someone who has planned an attack that can change the course of the war, and the history of mankind ...