Asier Hernández

Asier Hernández


Asier Hernández


Death Knell
Human bones are found at the Garizmendi farmhouse. Farmers Fermin and Karmen call their son Nestor, who reports the matter to the authorities. But, when the agents turn up, the bones are gone. Suddenly, the bell on the nearby chapel begins to peal. This bad omen announces the coming of tragic events and reopens old wounds within the family and those around it.
Кругосветное путешествие Элькано и Магеллана
Gómez (voice)
Севилья, 1519 год. Прославленный адмирал Фернандо Магеллан снаряжает пять кораблей, чтобы отплыть к экзотическим островам. Путешествие обещает быть опасным и больше похожим на авантюру. Позже к команде присоединяется молодой искатель приключений Хуан Себастьян Элькано, горе-капитан, потерявший свое единственное судно и едва не угодивший за решетку. Вместе им предстоит преодолеть все трудности на пути к величайшим открытиям.
Igelak (Frogs)
Pello, a bank branch manager, is arrested on charges of embezzlement. Abandoned by his superior (who got him involved in the heist), Pello escapes from the court room and goes on the run. With no papers, no money and no family or friends he can trust, he changes identity so that he can stay undercover for a time. By chance he ends up hiding in a building that has been occupied by a group of people evicted from their homes who are fighting his bank. Pello gains their trust, all the time planning to steal money from them to pay for false documentation so that he can escape abroad and start a new life.
Ignatius of Loyola
Dr. Crisostomo
Historical biographical religious drama film based on the memoirs of Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuit order who was also canonized as a saint in Roman Catholicism.
Wayúu: La Niña de Maracaibo
A detective, goes from Spain to the Venezuelan Guajira, hired by the king of Wuayuus, to protect her, Niña de Maracaibo (wife of King, who belongs to an aristocratic family in the city) the detective tries to discover a conspiracy greater than initially imagined. Where he is only one piece in a plot which mixes smuggling, power struggles and tribal magic. The clash of two opposite visions, the 'Western' Spanish researcher, and the 'native' the Wuayuu original owners of Caribbean, converts this format film apparently 'police' in a thesis film revealing the mystery of the still existing singular South American identity.
Yoyes, the first woman to hold responsibility positions within ETA, returns from exile in Mexico and try to rebuild her life. But her return is not easy.
Другой поворот
Молодой человек с сексуальным конфликтом нанят для ухода за двумя осиротевшими братьями и сестрами в отдаленном приморском особняке и вскоре понимает, что призраки двух бывших слуг пытаются завладеть детьми.