Cody Simpson

Cody Simpson

Рождение : 1997-01-11, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia


Cody Simpson has progressed both as a musician and a celebrity at an astounding pace; from uploading videos on YouTube from his home in Australia to selling out tours around the world, Cody is one of the most marketable youth brands in music. When he's not touring or surfing he's in the studio honing in on his guitar skills & creating new music. Cody is an 18 year old phenom who is bringing an authentic and organic sound well beyond his years. His breakout album Surfer's Paradise debuted #10 on the Billboard Top 200, and Cody has appeared on Billboard's 21 Under 21 List 4 years in a row. "Home to Mama," a single released with Justin Bieber in 2014, garnered over 1 million mentions in just one day on Twitter, reaching #1 on the Billboard Social 50 and Trending 140 charts. As Cody takes charge of his future as an independent artist, starting with the release of "Flower" Cody continues to grow. He is constantly working to enhance his sound, improve himself musically and and spiritually, and is passionate about sharing this journey with his fans.


Cody Simpson
Cody Simpson


Улыбающиеся убийцы
Молодой спортсмен Джейк Грэхем живет в непрекращающемся стрессе из-за тревожного расстройства, которым страдает с детства. Даже поддержка друзей и любимой девушки уже не может ему помочь. Ситуация усугубляется, когда он начинает получать таинственные предупреждения и чувствовать, что за ним постоянно кто-то следит. Чтобы разобраться в ситуации и не пасть жертвой паники, ему придётся первым делом собрать волю в кулак и навести порядок в голове.
The Great Global Cleanup
Zac Efron and filmmaker Zach King join the people and organizations who have made it their mission to clean up the planet. With innovations in recycling and next-level waste management, these superstars are making a global impact with their local efforts.
Один безумный круиз
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Ambassador for Peace
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