Ethan Juan

Ethan Juan

Рождение : 1982-11-08, Taichung - Taiwan


Ethan Juan He is an actor.


Ethan Juan


Be With Me
This is a story of reminiscence, remembering my long-deceased Grandpa. To remember is to transcend, therefore it’s a story of time and space, overlapped and intertwined. It’s also a quest of love and work, a spiritual and emotional journey; and through which values are re-examined and life reaffirmed.
Свинья, змея и голубь
Chen Kui-lin
The arrogant, third most-wanted criminal in Taiwan, decides to get rid of the top two competitors and crowns himself the most-wanted criminal before dying.
The Abandoned
Lin Yousheng
On New Year's Eve with brilliant fireworks, the lonely Wu Jie drove to the river bank, intending to kill herself, but was interrupted by screams. Wu Jie came to the river and found a swollen female corpse. The corpse seems to be preventing Wu Jie from looking for shortness in the dark. Originally thought it was a simple electric fish accident, after the forensic autopsy, the left ring finger of the deceased's left hand was cut off, and her heart was also dug out! At this time, an anonymous The phone call saved the overwhelmed and clueless police officers and let Wu Jie know the identity of the deceased was a lost migrant worker! He followed the line to find Lin Yousheng. Not only was Lin Yousheng stunned to learn that Wu Jie had brought the news of his girlfriend's death, He was even regarded as the number one suspect in the murder of his girlfriend... "Interpol" and "Illegal Migrant Worker" had to jointly pursue the murderer!
Xin zhi xu
Восемь сотен
Историческая военная драма, рассказывающая о четырехдневной обороне склада Сихан в Шанхае 1937 года во время битвы за Шанхай. Неравная битва 524-го полка 88-й дивизии, в которой осталось в живых меньше половины из восьми сотен бойцов (вошедших в историю как «Восемьсот храбрецов»), против 20 тысяч солдат японской армии. Склад не был стратегически важен, однако героическое сопротивление должно было поднять боевой дух китайского народа после ряда поражений и помочь заручиться поддержкой иностранных союзников, которые наблюдали за битвой с другой стороны реки Сучжоу.
Рыцарь теней
Ning Cai Cheng
Волшебник Пу Сунлин – охотник на колдунов из других измерений. Он живет на вершине горы вместе со своими помощниками – веселыми гоблинами Фарти, Хэппи и Тысячей Рук. Помогая поймать похитителя драгоценностей, Пу встречает опасного соперника. Этот могущественный колдун вместе со своей сестрой питается душами молодых девушек, пообещав им вечную красоту. Новое дело пугает Пу, но он не привык отступать!
Детектив Ди: Четыре Небесных царя
Master Yuan Ce
За заслуги перед отечеством император дарует детективу Ди могущественный артефакт — Жезл Укрощения Драконов. Но императрица недовольна этим жестом, она считает, что таким образом император поставил под угрозу их власть, и Жезл надо немедленно вернуть. Миссия поручается давнему товарищу Ди, а в помощь ему императрица приставляет боевых магов. Но детектив Ди предвидел, что за артефактом начнется охота, и предпринял соответствующие меры.
The Liquidator
Jiang Ya
A criminal psychologist and a forensic expert works together to track down a serial killer who targets people who have been acquitted of notable crimes and uses their guilt as his modus operandi.
Никогда не прощайся
Кореец Пак Джун-хо живёт и работает в Шанхае, тут же он встретил любовь всей жизни - Сяою. И вдруг Джун-хо решает переехать в Италию к сестре. Конечно же его девушка против, тогда парень объявляет, что им лучше расстаться, и уходит. Сяою никак не может смириться с тем, что её вот так просто бросили.
New York, New York
Lu Tu
It’s 1994 and Lu Tu (Ethan Juan) is the youngest concierge ever at five-star Chinese hotel; smart, loyal and honest, he’s respected by his fellow employees and lauded by his superiors. When he’s tempted with an invitation to run a new hotel in the Big Apple, everyone around him looks to take advantage of the move, including a love interest (Du Juan) who may not be as trustworthy as she seems.
Kill Time
Qiu Shou
After the death of her policeman father, Xiaomai begins to look over his old journals filled with notes about the cases he investigated over the years. The mention of a purple scarf in the notes particularly catches her attention, prompting her to purchase a similar scarf from a mysterious website that claims to sell everything, as long as one can pay the price. Soon after, Xiaomai's close friend is found dead, strangled by a purple scarf. All of this awakens Xiaomai's memories of her childhood sweetheart Qiushou, whose mother was also strangled to death with a purple scarf by an unknown killer. Xiaomai and Qiushou grew up together and fell in love, but he suddenly disappeared from her life 15 years ago without a word. She begins to believe that Qiushou has returned and may be seeking revenge.
Xia Jing
Китай, время правления династии Танг. Главная героиня — убийца, влюбившаяся в человека, которого ей приказано убить.
Cities in Love
Florence, Prague, Paris, Shanghai, Otaru of Hokkaido, five different love stories in five different cities.
Shanghai Noir
Fan Ruyi, a detective, finds himself framed after getting a top secret mission. Along the way he meets a blind performer and a powerful warlord's daughter that further complicates his quest to clear his name.
Paradise in Service
Set in the island Kinmen, often seen as the most dangerous military base because it’s geographically close to China, "Paradise in Service" follows the adventure of a boy who serves his military service in Unit 831 from 1969 to 1972, in preparation for a war that could erupt anytime. Through an unlucky lottery draw result, Pao, a twenty-something young man from Southern Taiwan has to serve the military in the remote and perilous Kinmen. Moreover, he is assigned to the Sea Dragon (ARB), a unit noted for the toughest physical training. It never occurs to Pao, however, that the greatest challenge in his military service lies not in the Sea Dragon but in Unit 831, a special task he is later appointed to… In this peculiar assignment, Pao vows to keep his virginity against all odds.
The Guillotines
Nala Leng / Wang Le
In the time of the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor Yongzheng created a secret army known as the Guillotines. It was the job of the Guillotines to protect the Emperor by killing anyone who posed a threat to him or his rule. After 348 successful missions to eliminate their target, the 349th assignment proves to be their last.
Li Hsiao-kuan
Eight people try to end their loneliness by searching for that one person to love, who can make their life complete.
Фильм рассказывает о пяти мальчиках из исторического района Монга в Тайбэе, которые присоединяются к банде, чтобы не быть запуганными и обижеными другими уличными бандитами. Поскольку молодые люди наслаждаются своим новым статусом гангстеров в Монга, они понятия не имеют, что другие бригады также обратили свое внимание на эту преуспевающую область. Старые гангстеры передают молодежи наследие, созданное основателями городка Монга. Но они понятия не имееют, что назревает буря, которая сломает любой намек на оставшееся великолепие старого города Монга.
Four love stories by four talented Taiwanese first-time directors – well-known lyrist, Vincent Fang Wenshan; TV host, Huang Zijiao; online novelist, Jiu BaDao; and commercial director, Chen Yixian.
Brotherhood of Legio
Ah Jian
A person's birth is influenced by time, location, and the alignment of the earth's magnetic fields. Because of these factors, there are those who have a unique resonance with their magnetic power. These humans were named the Chosen People. In the West, since the days of the Roman Empire, the Chosen people joined together to form the Brotherhood of Legio. Ever since, they have played a significant role in history. In 2006, the Chosen people made their quiet entrance into Taiwan, in search of new blood... A cold-blooded rebel, Xiao Lan, killed her entire family for the sake of an internet love affair. Ah Jian is a hot-blooded young man, and a paraplegic. Zhong Dao, is haunted by the violent death of his younger sister. Ren Fang is an energetic and passionate assistant professor, living with terminal illness. And then there's the beautiful news anchor, Ya Zhu.
Exit No. 6
Vance Vance
Mystery Drama starring Eddie Peng, Ethan Juan, Ha-na Yoo Exit No. 6 is a place where anything is possible; One summer Van Dine, an urban Jedi teams up with his buddies Vance, Fion and Vivian to investigates a series of mysterious incidents involving disappearing high school girls. All the evidences lead to an online secret society named "Autumn Leaves Club"; the terrifying truth lying beneath the cherry blossom will soon be discovered.