Stefano Bessoni

Рождение : 1965-09-14, Rome, Italy


Bessoni thinks cinema is the ideal means for best capturing the potential of the ideas caught on paper and pencil. Since 1989 he has made lots of experimental films installations, theatre videos and documentaries. winning lots of awards worldwide. From 1990 to 1998 he worked for some TV production companies as art director and editor. From 1998 to 2001 he worked with regista Pupi Avati ,as assistant, storyboard artist and digital effect artist. In 1998 he was dedicated a Personal at the Messina VideoFestival “L’Occhio del Ciclope” and in 2009 at Reggio Emilia Film Festival. From 2000 to 2010 he taught film direction at NUCT (Cinema and Tv university in Cinecittà. Inl 2008 he made his first film bound to commercial distribution Imag Mortis”


Изображение смерти
В начале XVII века, задолго до изобретения фотографии, итальянский учёный Джироламо был одержим идеей точного запечатления момента времени в картинке. Опытным путём Джироламо выяснил, что на сетчатке только что убитого человека отображается последний виденный им перед смертью образ, который после хирургического отделения сетчатки можно перенести на бумагу. Сам Джироламо назвал этот изуверский способ «танатографией». Спустя несколько сотен лет в современном европейском институте кинематографии начинают происходить убийства, имеющие подозрительно много общего с танатографическими изысканиями Джироламо.
L'incantesimo di Gilbert
Executive Producer
A young little orphan loses herself in the Woods of Vain Things. In her journey, she finds an old log cabin: it is soon revealed to be the dwelling of Gilbert, the prize-builder, victim of a strange spell.
Canti della forca
Galgenlieder are, as Morgenstern himself says in a comment, the imaginary songs of a group of hung people, dangling from the gallows hill, a strategic place that allows them to see the truths that normally a distracted and "living" viewer wouldn't.
Canti della forca
Galgenlieder are, as Morgenstern himself says in a comment, the imaginary songs of a group of hung people, dangling from the gallows hill, a strategic place that allows them to see the truths that normally a distracted and "living" viewer wouldn't.
Frammenti di scienze inesatte
Costume Design
Doctor Zacchìa is the headmaster of a medicine and natural science school, where official subjects together with unusual disciplines are taught, for example, thanatology, apocryphal zoology and taxidermic sculpture. Zacchìa usually rents out an old house to some of his students he selects with particular care, considering their nature and ambitions. Among these students, there are Tadeusz and Berenice, a young couple obsessed with spontaneous generation and the creation of a human being from nothing; Nataniele, a researcher of angels who is grappling with an apple coming from the same tree that originated the sin; Cassandra, a young victim of a peculiar case of apparent death; Giona, an artist who is fond of collecting objects and creating a wunderkammer; and Rebecca, an old toys restorer. Doctor Zacchìa Follows the students' inclinations with great attention, trying to support them in their interests. But the doctor is a keeping a secret!
Frammenti di scienze inesatte
Doctor Zacchìa is the headmaster of a medicine and natural science school, where official subjects together with unusual disciplines are taught, for example, thanatology, apocryphal zoology and taxidermic sculpture. Zacchìa usually rents out an old house to some of his students he selects with particular care, considering their nature and ambitions. Among these students, there are Tadeusz and Berenice, a young couple obsessed with spontaneous generation and the creation of a human being from nothing; Nataniele, a researcher of angels who is grappling with an apple coming from the same tree that originated the sin; Cassandra, a young victim of a peculiar case of apparent death; Giona, an artist who is fond of collecting objects and creating a wunderkammer; and Rebecca, an old toys restorer. Doctor Zacchìa Follows the students' inclinations with great attention, trying to support them in their interests. But the doctor is a keeping a secret!
Frammenti di scienze inesatte
Doctor Zacchìa is the headmaster of a medicine and natural science school, where official subjects together with unusual disciplines are taught, for example, thanatology, apocryphal zoology and taxidermic sculpture. Zacchìa usually rents out an old house to some of his students he selects with particular care, considering their nature and ambitions. Among these students, there are Tadeusz and Berenice, a young couple obsessed with spontaneous generation and the creation of a human being from nothing; Nataniele, a researcher of angels who is grappling with an apple coming from the same tree that originated the sin; Cassandra, a young victim of a peculiar case of apparent death; Giona, an artist who is fond of collecting objects and creating a wunderkammer; and Rebecca, an old toys restorer. Doctor Zacchìa Follows the students' inclinations with great attention, trying to support them in their interests. But the doctor is a keeping a secret!
Frammenti di scienze inesatte
Doctor Zacchìa is the headmaster of a medicine and natural science school, where official subjects together with unusual disciplines are taught, for example, thanatology, apocryphal zoology and taxidermic sculpture. Zacchìa usually rents out an old house to some of his students he selects with particular care, considering their nature and ambitions. Among these students, there are Tadeusz and Berenice, a young couple obsessed with spontaneous generation and the creation of a human being from nothing; Nataniele, a researcher of angels who is grappling with an apple coming from the same tree that originated the sin; Cassandra, a young victim of a peculiar case of apparent death; Giona, an artist who is fond of collecting objects and creating a wunderkammer; and Rebecca, an old toys restorer. Doctor Zacchìa Follows the students' inclinations with great attention, trying to support them in their interests. But the doctor is a keeping a secret!
The Inexact Sciences
“The Inexact Sciences” tells a particular love story set in a unique and strange place populated by many bizarre people. Our protagonists, Rebecca and Jonah, will be put in danger by an unexpected guest, Rachel, the ghost of a little girl who disappeared many years before
The Inexact Sciences
“The Inexact Sciences” tells a particular love story set in a unique and strange place populated by many bizarre people. Our protagonists, Rebecca and Jonah, will be put in danger by an unexpected guest, Rachel, the ghost of a little girl who disappeared many years before