Hervé Guichard


Home Sweet Home
An old lady’s house is full of boxes filled with memories. Every Wednesday, along with her cockroach friends, she tells her granddaughter wonderful stories. But as the little girl grows bigger, they start running out of space inside the house.
Funny Fish
Somewhere in the middle of the ocean, a school of fish comes to the rescue of a goldfish floating on the surface of the water. They vow to do everything they can to help it back into the water and breathe. What they don't know is that it's actually a balloon.
The Cat's Regret
A ten-year-old boy who hates his little brother is punished by his mother and has to spend an afternoon with a scary old man. The boy will learn a lesson about life when he discovers the old man’s terrible secret.
The Pocket Man
A little man lives in an old suitcase. One day he finds a new friend - an old blind man. The little man jumps into the blind man's pocket. With music, the pocket man helps the blind man walk and see things in the street. Both are very happy together.
Phantom Boy
At a hospital in New York, Alex, a police officer, meets Leo, a boy who has the ability to get out of his body and pass through the walls like a ghost. Both team up with Mary, an intrepid journalist, to capture a disfigured villain who terrorizes the city.
The Little Seed
A little girl catches floral patterns with a magic cloth and uses them to make her own pretty dresses. Every night, ants move her house from one field to the next. One day, a seed drops into her mouth and a young shoot sprouts from her navel.
Пляжные флаги
Соперничество в спорте неожиданно уступает место другим приоритетам, когда одну из участниц соревнований семья собирается насильно выдать замуж.
Тетя Хильда
Тетушка Хильда, большая любительница природы, содержит целый зеленый музей — в огромной теплице у нее растут тысячи и тысячи растений со всех уголков мира. А в исследовательской лаборатории местной корпорации тем временем выводят новую зерновую культуру Аттилем. Она не требует воды, не нуждается в удобрениях и дает обильный урожай. Настолько обильный, что вскоре этот гибрид грозит заполонить мир и уничтожить все остальные растения, включая оранжерею тетушки Хильды.
The Conquerors
In this animated short, a young couple washed onto a strange, inhospitable shore, attempts to transform the land into an Eden. Through great effort they prosper, learning to conquer nature and their environment. But what will their victory mean? Alternately a vision of paradise and purgatory, with allusions to the Book of Genesis and prehistory, the film tells the story of human beings and their conquests, offering a dark, critical view of the rise and fall of civilizations.
The Barewolf
Кошачья жизнь
Дино — кот, ведущий двойную жизнь. Днем он живет с девочкой Зои и ее матерью офицером полиции, а по ночам участвует в ограблениях. Но однажды Зои проследила кота Дино…
The Circus
In the vestibule of a hospital room, a young boy waits to see his dying mother. The clamor and spiralling movements of bodies around him intensify, forming a grotesque circus—a cacophonous circle that pushes the child back, depriving him of one final touch of his mother's hand. Using rotoscoped drawings suggestive of charcoal sketches, as well as 3D and object animation techniques, The Circus compels viewing with its unsettling realism. Colour is employed metaphorically to subtly express the promise and the memory of maternal affection. Nicolas Brault's highly personal film, suffused with poetic modesty, casts a poignantly sincere gaze on the heartbreak of a child facing the fearful, mysterious experience of his mother's death.
Leon in Wintertime
One winter, a ravenous ogre terrorizes the land of King Balthasar. Meanwhile, a blizzard is brewing in Léon’s heart. Braving the cold, this adopted bear cub runs away from home. Léon has many an adventure during his travels. He befriends a hedgehog and an elephant, confronts an ogre, and sets Princess Molly Gingerbread free. His courage and integrity eventually lead him back to his family. In the end, the cub earns everybody’s respect.
Трагическая история со счастливым концом
A girl whose heart beats faster than normal and so loudly that it bothers the neighbors seeks both acceptance and escape.
Le couloir
A young couple finds themselves in difficult financial straits. The man is out of work and spends his days walking the streets, without so much as a cent in his pocket to buy food. He’s so weak that he collapses in front of a store window. The store’s owner, an elderly man, comes to the man’s aid and offers him a job. His new job requires him to spend all day sitting and keeping watch on the small room at the end of a corridor.
Pipsqueak Prince
As the sun rises on the horizon, a small finicky man strives, tenaciously and in every possible way, to clean the spots on the magnificent luminous star.
Fini Zayo
На краю земли
История странной пограничной заставы, стоящей на вершине кавказской горы. В этом мультфильме юмористически описана реальная жизнь почти каждого человека — суматоха не по делу, лишние движения, крики.
Keeping Mum
John of the Moon
In the Light of the Moon
Miller, You're Sleeping
Une bonne journée
Histoire extraordinaire de Mme Veuve Kecskemet
Histoire extraordinaire de Mme Veuve Kecskemet
Монах и рыба
Анимационный мюзикл родом из Франции. Упитанный монах отправляется на рыбалку, и скоро на его удочку клюет рыбка, но ускользает от него. Служитель Бога настойчиво пытается ее поймать, используя прут и сачок, но игривая рыба снова и снова убегает. Веселое противостояние заканчивается проникновением в сущность вещей и стиранием границ реальности. Мультфильм «Монах и рыба» претендовал на «Оскар», награду Британской киноакадемии и получил приз фестиваля «Санденс».
Le wall
Nos adieux au music-hall
Always Faster
La rage du désert
The Elephant and the Whale