Ed Fury

Ed Fury

Рождение : 1928-06-06,

Смерть : 2023-02-24


Ed Fury


Dinosaur Valley Girls
Haunted by recurring dreams of Hea-Thor, a gorgeous cavegirl,and a menacing Allosaurus, action-movie star Tony Markham soon finds himself transported, by means of a magic Icon, back through time to Dinosaur Valley. Now trapped in world of dangerous dinosaurs, grunting cavemen and a tribe of exotic, love-starved cavegirls, Tony must put his modern-days skills to extreme tests in order to survive prehistoric perils, win the cavegirl of his dreams and (maybe) return to his own time?
Desperate Women
Three unjustly convicted female prisoners are being transported to prison. Their guards die of water poisoning and a former contract killer helps them survive.
Erotikus: A History of the Gay Movie
(archive footage)
The film, narrated by "LA Plays Itself" director Fred Halstead, begins by looking at the muscle magazines and films of the late 1940s-early 1960s, then at the softcore films of the late 60s and the boundary-pushing and legal-testing which allowed these to evolve into hardcore loops and then features.
Ursus in the Land of Fire
Hamilan, a cruel and ambitious general, murders his king and places himself on the throne with the former king's evil niece as his queen. He then wages war against his peaceful neighbors, killing their women and enslaving their men. A hero named Ursus appears at a tournament to challenge Hamilan's authority. Though victorious at the tournament, Ursus is arrested and forced to turn a grist-mill under an overseer's lash. Meanwhile, the former king's virtuous daughter, Diana, is tormented by her evil cousin, the new queen. Sentenced to a slow and tortuous execution, Ursus breaks free and a revolt breaks out. Ursus throws Hamilan to his death in a fiery pit and then Ursus and Diana enjoy the cheers of a grateful populace. - Written by dinky-4 of Minneapolis
Samson Against the Sheik
In the late 1500s, forces of the Duke of Malaga topple the Sacred Obelisk in the North African city of Melida before they're defeated by the local Sheik. The Shiek's men then sail to Spain and kidnap the Duke's daughter, Isabella.
Ursus in the Valley of the Lions
Bodybuilder Ed Fury stars as the legendary Ursus in this above-average sword-and-sandal adventure from veteran director Carlo Campogalliani. The plot concerns Ursus' attempts to rescue his kidnapped fiancee, aided by a pretty blind slave girl. Now an evil queen, Ursus' former love throws him into a gladiatorial arena with a bull, which manages to smack the slave girl in the head and restore her eyesight before Ursus defeats it and his enemies. The bullfight is particularly well-staged, and this exciting spectacle may be the highlight of Fury's erratic screen career. ~ Robert Firsching, Rovi
Ursus returns from war to find his fiancée, Attea, has been kidnapped by a mysterious sect which sacrifices virgins to its patron goddess. Ursus faces much treachery and is forced to display much courage and strength as he and the blind girl Doreide embark upon a quest to retrieve Attea.
The Seven Revenges
The leaders of Circassians and Kyrgyz face off in a tournament divided into seven challenges: only one will gain the supremacy.
Colossus and the Amazon Queen
Two muscle-men come up against a tribe of Amazon women.
The Wild Women of Wongo
On the tropical island of Wongo, a tribe of beautiful women discover that the other side of the island is inhabited by a tribe of handsome men. They also discover that a tribe of evil ape men live on the island, too, and the ape men are planning a raid on the tribe in order to capture mates.
Автобусная остановка
Cowboy in Saloon (uncredited)
В кафе «Синий Дракон» разбитной ковбой Бо, приехавший в город участвовать в родео, решительно и грубо требует от героини фильма внимания и благосклонности. Шери даже вынуждена сесть на автобус, чтобы бежать из города, но Бо отправляется следом. Автобус заносит снегом и пассажиры вынуждены провести ночь в кафе, где происходит драка между водителем автобуса, защищающим пассажирку, и ковбоем, преследующим эту женщину. Бо терпит постыдное поражение, он унижен. На следующий день, когда буря закончилась, Бо начинает понимать, что ничего не добьется, если будет действовать как скотина
Грубый край
Орегон, начало ХХ века. Землевладелец Монтгомери держит в своей власти всю деревню. Он выпустил закон, носящий его имя: по этому закону любая женщина будет до смерти принадлежать тому мужчине, кто первый овладеет ею; таким образом, мужчина делает ее своей собственностью. После того как его собственную жену насилуют, Монтгомери линчует подозреваемого, хотя на самом деле этот человек не виновен в этом преступлении. Брат погибшего приезжает в деревню, вознамерившись отомстить и убить Монтгомери. Три друга, из которых один - подлинный преступник, убивают друг друга за право воспользоваться "законом Монтгомери" в случае, если мститель добьется своей цели. Но Монтгомери убивают индейцы, и его вдова достается мстителю.
I Died a Thousand Times
Man with Tennis Racket at Accident Scene (uncredited)
After aging criminal Roy Earle is released from prison he decides to pull one last heist before retiring — by robbing a resort hotel.
Female on the Beach
Roddy (Uncredited)
Lynn Markham moves into her late husband's beach house the morning after former tenant Eloise Crandall fell from the cliff. To her annoyance, Lynn finds both her real estate agent and Drummond Hall, her beachcomber neighbor, making themselves quite at home. Lynn soon has no doubts of what her scheming neighbors are up to, but she finds Drummond's physical charms hard to resist. And she still doesn't know what really happened to Eloise.
Афина Малвейн вместе с шестью сёстрами живёт под опекой бабушки и дедушки, пропагандирующих здоровый образ жизни. Малвейны так же являются поклонниками нумерологии и астрологии. Однажды Афина знакомится с начинающим политиком Адамом Шоу. Знакомство быстро перерастает в роман. Когда речь заходит о свадьбе, перед молодыми возникает проблема в лице консервативного общества, в котором вращается Адам. Примет ли это общество Афину?
The Great Diamond Robbery
Interne (uncredited)
Ambrose C. Park, left on a park bench as an infant with an impulsive need to find his parents, is an assistant to a diamond cutter. Shyster lawyer Remlick, in a strategy to get a fabulous uncut diamond through Ambrose, arranges for Emily Drummon, Duke Fargoh and Maggie Drummon to pose as Ambrose's long-lost parents and sister. The diamond, through many comic situations, is acquired and the gang is going to have Ambrose cut the diamond, and relieve him of the two stones and his parental illusions at the same time. But Maggie, who has no taste for the deception, tips Ambrose off and a wild chase ensues. At the end, Ambrose is very happy as he can now marry his "sister."
All Ashore
Tennis Player at Island Chateau
Three sailors finally get some shore leave, and go in search of fun and girls.