Mircea Albulescu

Mircea Albulescu

Рождение : 1934-10-04, Bucureşti, Romania

Смерть : 2016-04-08


Mircea Albulescu


The Anniversary
Radu Maligan
At Radu Maligan's 94th anniversary the family members and the former colleagues of the old man come to his birthday party. Everything gets complicated when half of the guests try to convince Radu to confess his sins to a priest, while the others think that no one should be forced to do something beyond their will.
Молодость без молодости
Фильм рассказывает историю профессора лингвистики, который, не сумев завершить труд всей своей жизни, принимает решение о самоубийстве. Но в день, когда он планировал осуществить задуманное, в него попадает молния. Вопреки всему профессору удаётся не только сохранить жизнь, но и обрести утраченную молодость. Однако он вынужден изменить имя и бежать из страны, чтобы скрыться от преследований нацистов, желающих использовать произошедший с ним феномен для создания новой человеческой расы.
All important figures, from police officers to the president commit abuses and fight for rights that normal people doesn't dream.
Tandrețea lăcustelor
Corrupt ex-communist politicians in 90s Romania rule the country, with younger politicians vying to take their place.
The Idle Princes of the Old Court
Pașadia Măgureanu
A subtile, soft exploration of the relation between love and death.
Somnul insulei
Profesorul Fontaine
The topic of the film points out the condition of an intellectual in time of totalitarian dictatorship, which subjugated an island from where you can not run. The only alternative is collaborating with power and internment in a rehabilitation institute. A famous writer returns to his homeland to try to confront the terror of an oppressive regime, but he ends up being himself corrupted-thanks to the aberrant system.
The Job of the Ferret
Le parrain
The film is an adaptation of the dystopian novel by Jean-Pierre Andrevon; Set in a futuristic and overpopulated Paris, where the population must be limited to Six millions citizens. The Ferret is a special unit that "reduces" the population. The hero is one of them, and does this work without any state of mind. Until one day when he starts to think and then gets into troubles. The term ferret is a reference to the title of the novel "The job of the ferret inside the chicken coop"
In his hidden laboratory deep in Russia, Dr. Karl Zimmer has invented the Mandroid, a humanoid robot which follows the motions of a man in a special control suit. He has offered the invention to the USA, who have sent Smith and Wait from the CIA for inspection. However Zimmer's partner Drago has different plans, wants to sell Mandroid to the military. The night he tries to steal Mandroid, he becomes exposed to the highly toxic Superconn. But he can flee and won't give up on Mandroid, even though he's terribly disfigured.
Earth's Most Beloved Son
inmate "the Greek"
The life-story confession of a prisoner waiting for his trial. Victor Petrini, a promising intellectual in the 1950s and a lecturer in Philosophy is arrested by the repressive secret police, wrongly accused of espionage, and sentenced to prison and forced labor.
The Drake's Head
After a play of the same name by Gheorghe Ciprian.
Forgotten by God
The survivor of a cursed family seeks revenge on the lover who jilted her.
Flames Over Treasures
Iosif Rodean
Deep in the Transylvanian Alps, the Archangels gold mine is the stage for an epic battle of characters. The arrogant owner is struggling with perceptions of ghosts in the mind of the miners. A maverick free-lance miner is helping him to find the source of terrifying noises that frightened his workers.
Everything is Paid
Sixth "Margelatu" movie
The Season of Love
The action of the movie take place in a factory and presents the conflicts between one engineer and some young workers.
Cuibul de viespi
Omul necăjit
Starting Over
Drama directed by Visarion Alexa.
Open Path
Petre Constantin
Love story between two engineers in the Bucharest subway system construction site.
The Last Assault
tatal lui Horia Lazăr
The film tells about the period when Romania joined the Allies against the Axis in WW2.
Xaverius vaida
Cinematic evocation of the Horea, Cloşca and Crişan.
Dangerous Turn
Mihai Androne
A medic is hunted by guilt of killing a man in a car accident, a cop who staged an experiment of placing a dummy on the side of the road and a dead man found found on the side of the road.
Dragostea și revoluția
Anghel Albu
Being in an unhappy marriage, the wife of an important director complains to the party when she is threatened by divorce, saying that her husband has an antisocial behavior. This is an occasion for the people present at that meeting to evaluate their own personal lives.
William the Conqueror
William's government blended elements of the English and Norman systems into a new one that laid the foundations of the later medieval English kingdom. How abrupt and far-reaching the changes were is still a matter of debate among historians, with some such as Richard Southern claiming that the Conquest was the single most radical change in European history between the Fall of Rome and the 20th century. Written by jeff davis, III
Mercenaries' Trap
Captain Luca
The movie is based on a true story from the end of WWI, in Transylvania. A nobleman who owned some land in Transylvania returns home to find a part of his fortune burned to ashes during late 1918 when power was trasfered from AustroHungary to Romania. Looking for revenge, he ordered the killing of innocent Romanian peasants from a neighbouring village, which he suspected to be guilty for the losses he suffered. A Romanian officer from Romanian Transylvanian Volunteers Corp, decides to help the villagers to face the menace of the nobleman
Sword Swallower
Mihai Gherlaş
The movie describes the life of a former circus artist who earns his living from the presentation in villages and towns of a sensational number entitled "Sword Swallower".
Professor Cristian conducts research on a citostatic. He is still dealing though with the unjust condemning he suffered in the 50s. Some of the people around him try to bring him down with same type of accusations.
At the End of the Line
Crișan and Cicea, two recently released prisoniers, are trying to reintegrate into a society which proves to be a hostile environment.
The Sign of the Serpent
This movie retells the story of a revenge that sweeps over the social and political events of the '40s. Because they sent her son to war and he never came back, his tough mother, Ecaterina Handraburu, decides to have her revenge on those who plotted to leave her heirless and grab her possessions.
The Investigation
The explosion of a 4300 tones Kauper furnace brings up an inquiry, conducted by Ștefan, a Romanian Communist Party activist. He is trying to get to the truth, even if he is pressured just to assign blame.
Special Edition
A journalist in a Bucharest publication, is the accidental witness of the street arrest of a communist. It intervenes in the defense of the young man, who manages to escape, and is arrested. He is obliged to look for the missing woman.
Приключения рыжего Майкла
Приключения ирландского терьера Майкла начались в тот момент, когда на прогулке он убежал на берег моря. Здесь его подобрал стюард со шхуны «Маккамбо» Дэг Доутри. Решив продать породистую собаку в ближайшем порту, Дэг тайком привез Майкла на шхуну и спрятал в своей каюте. Майкл получил другое имя. Он очень привязался к своему новому хозяину, вместе с которым ему придётся пережить много счастливых и грустных дней, расстаться после ряда драматических событий и встретиться вновь.
Tragic Vacation
During the peasant uprising of 1888, Alecu Dumitru, a socialist, hides from police in the Nada Florilor island, next to a fishing village.
Arms of Afrodite
Eng. Popescu
A Romanian construction company is contracted to build a sea port in Morocco. In the process they find some roman artifacts.
Uncle Marin, the Billionaire
banditul care a răpit fata
At a swanky hotel in a Black Sea resort, Gogu, one of the hotel employees, meets his uncle Marin, an Oltenian peasant who has come to visit. Gogu says he can sneak Marin into the hotel, as one of the rooms is empty awaiting the arrival of an American billionaire, Mr. Juvett. Marin is amazed by the revealing clothing worn by women at the resort, while the hotel guests are fascinated by his quaint peasant costume. In the hotel room, Marin is perplexed by the various gadgets. Meanwhile, the gangsters learn that Juvett has arrived at the hotel. Juvett is the father of the kidnapped girl, and is coming to pass over a million dollar ransom. A rival gang, who know about the kidnapping, plan to take the ransom for themselves. They follow Marin, believing him to be Juvett.
Uncertain Roads
Octavian Borcea
Octavian Borcea, a middle aged peasant, goes through a social crisis when he decides to re-marry with a widower. He visits all his 5 children, then he returns in the village, where he burned his bridges.
On New Years Eve, in an isolated mountain chalet, two robbers seek refuge, together with two lost tourists.
Man in Overcoat
Col. Panait
Threatening letters, phone calls in the middle of the night... Who is threatening engineer Stamatiad?
Актриса и трансильванцы
Фильм о приключениях четверых трансильванцев, которые приезжают в маленький провинциальный городок, полный опасностей. В городке под видом индейцев действует банда грабителей.
Чудом оставшийся в живых Тудор Молдован принимается за незавершенное — месть главарям легионеров, заказчикам расстрела заключенных Вераги и убийства матери.
Operation 'The Bus'
Securitate Colonel Popa
In 1950 a Western spy is clandestinely parachuted into Communist Romania to retrieve secret WW2 codes and agent lists and also to assist a group of anti-Communist guerrillas escape but the Communist police is setting a trap.
For Motherland
Col. Mihail Cerchez
In 1877 during the Russo-Turkish war the Kingdom of Romania joins the war on Russia's side and declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire.
Tufă de Veneția
Redactorul șef
The Last Night of Loneliness
The movie depicts a peasant with a very strong personality that copes with the changes in the Romanian village.
Hot Days
The Long Drive
Savu and Panait, two drivers working for a firm of construction and assembly must ensure the movement of a giant machine. Along the way, she meets Miriam, a young gone to meet his fiance even transport your destination. Identity documents and stolen his train ticket. The two drivers decide to give her journey. After a night in a motel, drivers have an argument that is not foreign to the presence of Mary. For their silence, Savu decides to disembark. Not long after, overcome by remorse, turn back looking for her and thus reach his village which had left years ago. Here, Maria discovers drama of the human soul, wounded by an unhappy marriage. Arriving at your destination, are the husband of Mary is already married two months. Two men and a woman on the road to return, beyond sadness after a ravishing experience.
Beyond the Bridge
Butcher Huber
Mara, a hard-working widow woman brings up his two children in a developing idustrial Transylvanian town.
Актёр и дикари
Ionel Fridman
Toma Caragiu plays Costica Caratase character inspired by the personality of the great actor Constantin Tanase. The action takes place in the interwar period and focuses on the conflict between actor and Iron Guard movement ("savages") offended by a satirizes artistic performances. Film question the artist's freedom of expression and the danger posed by his involvement in social issues existing in a dictatorship world.
The Prodigal Father
This film is about the changes in the countryside happening in Romania around 1945, when am agrarian reform happens.
Three Secret Letters
Paul Obreja
A director of a shipyard abusively fires a foreman who has opposing ideas.
Beyond the Sands
Che Andrei
Bad luck and bad judgment follow two generations of men in this Rumanian tragedy, set in the World War II era. Ion (Dan Nutu) seeks to find out why many years ago his father was falsely accused of being a communist, an accusation which led to his execution. He discovers that his father's mistress, now married to a wealthy man, made the accusation for money, as she was deathly afraid of poverty. Ion's own girlfriend seems to be similarly concerned about issues of livelihood, and abandons him for a richer suitor. Frustrated and angry, he burns down these couple's houses and takes up with some anti-communist arms smugglers.
The Mayor
О событиях 1948 года в Румынии. После разгрома столичных банд уцелевшие преступники скрылись в горах. Кровавые события разыгрались в одном из небольших селений. В неравную борьбу с бандитами вступил Михай Роман, бывший комиссар полиции, ставший майором госбезопасности...
Seven Days
This movie presents 7 days of a secret agent's life. Unlike most other movies that glamorize secret agents, this one shows the routine, nitty gritty work.
Captain's Ion Arrow
In 1462 the Ottoman Turks displeased with Wallachian Prince Vlad the Impaler plot to overthrow and replace him with puppet ruler Prince Radu the Handsome.
Inspector de la Siguranta
The Power and The Truth
Pavel Stoian
This is a communist propaganda movie that follows the life of an engineer who is in conflict with power hungry apparatchiks.
Михай Храбрый
Popa Stoica
Фильм рассказывает о великом сыне румынского народа Михае Храбром, который впервые объединил румынские земли (Валахию, Трансильванию и Молдову) под одним флагом.
Amongst the Green Hills
Here the author makes a movie after his own novel. Following 3 murders, the investigations will have some unexpected turns.
The Canary and the Blizzard
The Lawyer
In the winter of 1933, an illegalist (a communist, member of a political party a party outlawed at the time) assumes the mission of a wounded colleague to transmit a secret message.
Too Little for Such a Big War
A young boy becomes callous to the deaths and battles that rage on during World War II. He and his friends follow a peasant soldier of a Rumanian troop as they march to join the Russians in fighting the Nazis. He watches as one of his friends dies after destroying a German machine gun nest. He is slapped by a Rumanian soldier who is livid over the boy's nonchalance of his friend's death. He becomes a mascot of the advancing unit as they proceed to a castle in Czechoslovakia. When the men dress in armor for a group picture, they are killed by the Nazis. The boy returns to find the men have been wiped out and he is taken prisoner by a German soldier. The Nazi falls victim to marauding peasants seeking revenge. They rescue the young warrior and escort him back to his home in Rumania.
The Cyclists Are Coming
The humorous adventures of an all-male team of cyclists training for an upcoming important bike race.
Начало нашей эры. Рим расширяет свои владения. Государство даков, расположенное на склонах гор вдоль Дуная, — новая цель Империи. Перед императором Домицианом стоит задача — превратить Дакию в провинцию Рима. Храбрый и мужественный народ во главе с царем даков Децебалом готов умереть за свою родину и свободу, не приняв условий захватчиков. Штурм и взятие крепости с непокорными «варварами» дорого обойдутся оккупантам, но последняя битва еще впереди…
Bird of the Storm
Adam Jora
Adam, a young and poor fisherman, falls in love with Uliana, but the girl's parents want her to marry Simion. To get rid of him, Simion blames Adam of the drowning of his fellow fishermen he was with out in a storm.
Тревога в горах
Самолёт без опознавательных знаков нарушил воздушную границу Румынии. Парашютистам, выбросившимся с самолёта в районе лесопильного завода, удалось скрыться. Их возглавляет матёрый волк — бывший капитан королевской армии, фашист-легионер Ставреску, бежавший из страны вместе с гитлеровскими войсками в 1944 году. Ему известны все окрестные ущелья и пещеры — в этих местах когда-то хозяйничал его отец, крупный помещик. Но Ставреску не знает, где расположены сторожевые заставы. Это должна выведать его бывшая служанка, красавица Кодица, которой увлечён молодой солдат Миху. Борьба, которую ведут с хитрым, коварным, сильным врагом отряды пограничных войск и местные жители, и составляет содержание фильма.