Antoine Carrard


Making Of
Casting Director
Casting Director
Самуэль, живущий в итальянских Альпах, пытается помочь афганской женщине Чехре уехать во Францию. Героям придется столкнутся с враждебным отношением общества и жестокостью мужчин, населяющих эту территорию.
Томас — наркоман. Чтобы покончить с этой пагубной зависимостью, он присоединяется к сообществу бывших наркоманов, которые изолированно живут в горах и молятся ради окончательного излечения.
Ой, мамочки
Мадо — самая инфантильная мамочка в мире. Она не собирается взрослеть и будто бы поменялась ролями со своей 30-летней дочерью Авриль. И вот, по совпадению, обе они одновременно оказываются беременны. Мысль о том, что она уже скоро станет бабушкой, не укладывается у Мадо в голове. А Авриль в шоке, так как не понаслышке знает, какая из ее матери мама…
In the Beginning
France, present day. A professional conman passes himself off as the boss of a construction site building a highway extension. He cons the whole region, hires dozens of workers and cynically enjoys the profits of his scam until he meets the lady mayor of a small village that the road will go through. She intrigues and unsettles him, before revealing to him a world he never knew: feelings. How far will he go now to save his victims and save himself from his own lies?
The Little Thief
In this French drama, a teenager falls into a life of crime, little realizing the consequences. S. is a moody young man who loses his job at a bakery, and decides to throw in his lot with a group of thieves about the same age as himself. S. and his cronies are strictly small-timers, pulling off second-rate break-ins for an older crime boss, but his willingness to do what he's told helps him rise up the ladder to bigger and more lucrative jobs. However, S. lacks the maturity or experience to deal with the risks, and after a few disastrous mistakes, he finds his fortunes sinking far faster than they rose.
Louise (Take 2)
The central role of Louise is portrayed by Elodie Bouchez, who won a 1998 Cannes "Best Actress" award for The Dreamlife of Angels. When Louise has an encounter with homeless Remi (Roschdy Zem), they have a magnetic attraction, but she is already attached to illiterate shoplifter and pickpocket punk Yaya (Gerald Thomassin). Although allied with Yaya in petty crimes, Louise lives with her widowed father (Lou Castel), a devoted writer of fiction. After a Metro bum (Bruce Myers) tells her of his desire to see his young son, she plucks the kid, Gaby (Antoine de Merle), right out of school, making him the newest rookie recruited into their subway gang. Shoplifting in a department store, the young toughs escape the store's security guards by hiding in the ballet rehearsal rooms of the nearby opera. But does Louise really belong with the subway toughs, or is she just pretending? When she's arrested, Louise is forced to reexamine her lifestyle.
Océan Titanic
Je suis innocent parce que je suis innocent
In 1976, the second trial of Pierre Goldman, a far-left activist suspected of killing two pharmacists during a robbery gone wrong, was held. The case mobilized many media figures.